Tuesday 14 May 2024

The advent of Summer.

This last weekend was the first of the year where everyone (not me) was out in shorts and T shirts. Daytime temperatures went as high as 25 C, and the beach area was overflowing.

Kimbo brushed-down his BBQ, bought a few slabs of meat, and nearly set fire to his terrace.

We ate Gressingham Duck breasts, sausage from a local farm, grilled vegs, and a little salad. All was delicious. The sun shone, it was warm until early evening, and it really did feel like Summer.

One of the things I've been really looking forward to is eating outdoors again. In France I've converted our Fire Pit into a large BBQ, and it can now cope with far more than my previous set-up. It will be well used.

I was recently watching one of Rick Steins 'Escapes' in Morocco and Turkey, and it really made me want to be out there; leaning over the BBQ, and cooking how I love to cook. The aroma of the combination of grilled meat and ground Cumin is enough to have me swooning. Men aren't always keen to be standing over a kitchen stove, but give them a BBQ and they're in heaven.

So, thank you Kimbo and Susie.... a really lovely evening.



  1. that looks delicious. Summer food. Only thing better is being waited on in a hotel. I have been in Torquay last week. ( coach trip) Everything done for you including taking the cases to your room and taking them down again when you leave. Had a lovely view of the sea and overlooking Torquay Tennis Club. Weather was gorgeous. Sat having drinks watching the boats and the water skiers in early evening. Perfect.

    1. You chose the right week, the weather must have been perfect. I've never stayed in a really fancy hotel, so have always had to carry my own bags. I'm a bit of a skinflint. Maybe one day!!!

  2. You didn't put your shorts on?? Sounds as though it was hot enough. But almost June!
    We have had a few bbqs. It's so nice to sit down to meat cooked by the boss. But soon it will be too hot

    1. At this time of year I'm a bit conscious of my white pasty-looking legs. As soon as we get to France it'll be shorts until October; at least.

  3. We had the exact same BBQ at my daughter's last night, independence day here today, celebrating with sadness.

    1. Mine was delicious, I'm sure yours was too. Yes, there must be a lot of sadness in the air.

  4. It was warm here too. No BBQ though, but I did sit outside on the garden bench with an ice cream.

    1. And this morning it was drizzling again. Typical Spring weather.

  5. Is that ONE portion? Where do you put it considering you aren't a fourteen year old boy or a young man in his twenties with appetites to match?

    In case you/Kimbo don't know: That plate does actually have collectors' value. Nothing outrageous but still ... So don't drop them.


    1. I was offered more, but said 'no thanks'. The plates now belong to Kimbo, we've had them for years.

  6. That meal looks delicious! We fired up the BBQ this past weekend too, and grilled salmon, chicken breasts, vegetables, and corn on the cob. Great minds think alike, huh? :)

    1. It was such a lovely weekend here, that to eat indoors would have been a sin.

  7. That looks a scrumptious plateful, Cro. Glad you enjoyed it. If Kimbo nearly set fire to the terrace it must have been a good start to the BBQ season!

    1. Well, he set light to just one small part of it; the BBQ. It was all good fun.

  8. nearly set his terrace on fire....serious throw away line.
    I'll be there for your second outdoor cooking adventure in France. :)

    1. In France it'll probably be a daily event!!!

  9. Deee - lic - ious ! When are you off to France ? XXXX

    1. Beginning of June. We're already getting excited.

  10. We are in Carassone for a couple of days, pretty but cool here.

  11. BBQ is always outstanding. Slabs of meat cooking outside on a sunny day signals Summer. Soon you'll be cooking outside in France.

    1. It'll be my priority. Meat and Charcoal are on top of my shopping list.
