Monday 20 May 2024

Our next MP?

Here in the constituency of Brighton Pavilion, we've had the same MP since 2010; the fragrant Caroline Lucas; the sole (and possibly final) Green Party MP. She's hanging up her wellies at the next election, and all the new bunch of prospective replacement candidates are now vying for our support.

I have just received stuff (below) from the Labour candidate (above), Tom Gray, who I quite expect will be elected. Tom was the guitarist and singer with the band 'Gomez'. 

One way of ingratiating yourself with the voting public is by flattering them, which he does very well; although the lots of money bit must have passed me by.

He describes himself as coming from 'a working class Catholic family from Salford, with a mother whose grandparents were German Jew Holocaust survivors'. A good old mix.

Will he be any good as our next MP? Well that remains to be seen. He is enthusiastic, and will no doubt make lots of promises that he can't, or won't, keep; but they all do that anyway. I don't think the new replacement Green Party girl stands a chance, but we'll see!

As I said above, I'm expecting Tom Gray to be elected.

N.B. Eddie Izzard wanted to be nominated for Brighton Pavilion, but wisely the Labour Party turned him down. Thank goodness!



  1. "Eddie Izzard wanted to be nominated for Brighton Pavilion, but luckily the Labour Party turned him down. Thank goodness!"
    You would have had such fun with Eddie in the role... and free tickets to events probably!!

    1. He's occasionally amusing on TV, but as an MP; no thanks. He's bonkers.

  2. Why are you not standing yourself? I feel sure that The Monster Raving Loony Party would have been happy to put you forward Cro!

    1. I applied to the 'Aesthetics Police Party', but they turned me down. Too scruffy!

  3. Whichever party wins the next election will have a very tough time ahead. It's to be hoped that there are a few diplomats amongst them.

    1. I rather fear for the economy after the upcoming election. The old 'Tax and Spend' idea has never worked, and never will.

  4. Sounds a ooed chap but wish he had said 'compared with' rather than 'compared to'. 80 years ago my English teacher would have given a detention for that.

    1. I probably make that same mistake myself. I'm not good at 'proof reading'.

  5. What specifically will this guy bring to Brighton? He's clearly got your vote.

    1. I have no idea, and I doubt if I'd vote for him. Celebrity MP's are not always a good idea!
