Saturday 4 May 2024

Man who fly-tipped 20 tonnes of waste in Newham jailed for 8 months

In my continuing quest to became 'Good Egg of the Year', yesterday morning on my Billy walk, I picked-up a plastic bottle, three beer cans, and an assortment of packaging from burgers, sweets, etc. The result of sloppy uneducated behaviour, but something I was able to cope with without ruffling any feathers.

Littering comes in all shapes and sizes; some far worse than others.

What on earth this guy in the video thought he was doing, I just don't know. Surely he knew that dumping a whole 20 Tonne truckload of hardcore onto a public road was neither wise nor legal.

I see he received 8 months in prison. Personally I'd have made that two years, crushed his truck, and made him pay for the clearing up. I might also have made him work as a street-sweeper for 6 months; unpaid.


  1. Yes, make him clear up the mess, hopefully might bring it home how antisocial his behaviour was. Same should be the case with graffiti artists - make them clean up their messes.

    1. It astounds me that they're not made to clear-up. I would have thought that it was an essential part of their 'punishment'.

  2. I'm glad to hear he was caught and jailed. How could someone be so amazingly stupid and irresponsible. And in full view of a camera.

    1. I think it's the most blatant form of fly-tipping I've ever seen. I think the bus driver was shocked too!

  3. Clearing up the waste himself as part of his punishment would leave the stuff on the road too long. To pay for it's safe removal and a further substantial fine would be sensible but I honestly don't think that prison really is required. We tax payers are being hit enough already.

    1. This is why 'stocks' are such a good idea. You plant the stocks outside his own home and leave him there. His family would have to feed him, etc, and it wouldn't cost us a penny.

  4. I read that a lot of this fly tipping is down to gangs operating an illegal waste disposal racket. Businesses pay them to remove their waste and, instead of taking it to a legal site where they would have to pay a fee they just dump it anywhere.

    1. In this case in the video, hardcore is usually wanted by builders for laying concrete screeds. so what he was doing I can't imagine. I often see signs saying 'hardcore wanted'.

  5. I saw a you tube video other day in which a farmer, who had a load of used tyres dumped on his land, managed to track down the offender, loaded them all onto a tractor and trailer and took them back to the offender's home and dumped them in his garden. Brilliant! You can see it here:

    1. I think I've seen that too. Good for him!

  6. Indeed, this is not a severe enough punishment.

  7. What an utter scumbag!...I mean the lorry driver and not you Cro! Flytippers are uncaring cunning bastards and I would happily give them one way tickets to a country in central Africa - say Rwanda for example.

    1. My mind boggles when I try to think what he thought he was doing. Total madness.

  8. What about this for a punishment. Give him a household fire-shovel and a bucket, make him fill a wheel barrow full at a time and wheel it to the nearest place where he should have taken it. Surely if we are talking 'punishment fits the crime' this would have been more effective than another body in what are already overcrowded prisons.

    1. Now, I dooooo like that approach!! I really do!!

    2. He won't learn any lesson in Prison, and his 8 months will probably mean 2 at the most.

  9. Nothing like doing it on camera!! Very clever driver....

  10. WE are semi-rural here, and our lanes often become unpassable, I think some of the crime has to be on the person employing the rouge, don't they question the guy, look for his licence, we did when we had stuff removed, we took a photo of his document.

    1. I think that's very wise, we should all check credentials more often.

  11. You are far too lenient Cro. I think Weaver's idea is brilliant, and so is putting him in the stocks! On the other hand the stupid idiot could have made money by offering to fill all the pot holes for the local council.

    1. Now there's a thought. A few bags of cement and a mixer, and he could have made a fortune.

  12. A jail sentence makes no sense. Forced to clear the mess he has made and some additional hard core manual labor that benefits the community would be ideal.

    1. Yes. A short prison sentence serves no use whatsoever.
