Friday 17 May 2024

Have we gone mad?

This woman being arrested below is 39 year old Lora Johnson. She was being arrested having been caught spraying orange paint over the revolving sign at Scotland Yard; the epicenter of British policing. This took place on October 14th 2022.

Ms Johnson has recently appeared at Southwark Crown Court where she was found NOT GUILTY of Criminal Damage.

What more proof does the judiciary require than having being caught red (orange) handed?

This woman was guilty, we all know she was guilty, and I wouldn't even be surprised if she herself had said she was guilty.

But, here we are in 21st C Britain, where such people are found 'not guilty', and we the taxpayers are left to pick-up the bill for her crimes. 

She must be laughing her head off. Have we gone totally crazy?



  1. Our two tier police and criminal justice system in operation again. We saw it also with the demonstrators that damaged (I think) HSBC bank, causing in excess of £200k damage getting off, and the treatment of the people who toppled the statue in Bristol.

    1. One can only presume that the Judges are supporters of the defendants.

  2. Yes we have gone totally crazy. This is just one example of why I do not trust in my Country's system anymore.

  3. Trial by jury. They don't have to take any notice of the law.

    1. Maybe the jury comprised of all her mates.

  4. What an idiot, but she got media attention, which is what she was after. Some people are resorting to ever more insane and destructive ideas in the pursuit of their 15 minutes of fame. The fact that she was found not guilty says it all about modern British justice.

    1. It's not surprising that faith in British justice is at rock bottom. There are far too many cases such as this.

  5. How do they justify "not guilty?" The court system seems broken.

  6. HOW, can she be found not guilty ... the evidence is there for all to see. The world has gone mad.

    1. This is what's so puzzling. They had all the evidence yet she was found to be innocent. Madness!

  7. yes most of us have gone crazy. Yestrday in my town a man broke into a jewellers at 4 oclock in the morning ,alarm went off he climbed onto roof, the whole town centre was closed off for 9 hours before he was talked down, all services were tied up with him, Oh and they gave him sandwiches and as it was tipping it down with rain a blanket. Then he was taken to hospital to be checked over. All town busineses (Hope thats spelt correctly) lost money and hundreds could not get to work as town was gridlocked. bet he gets off scot free as the police were there so quickly he hadn't stolen anything before getting onto the loft!!!!!

    1. Sounds like a classic scenario. As you say, he'll probably get off Scot free.

  8. It may seem madness to us law abiding people, but the corrupt system has a habit of looking after their own. A few back handers flying around I suspect. I wonder if daddy has friends in high places.

    1. I'm personally aware of such things when a friend of mine's father started his words to the judge by saying "When you and I were at school together....." My old friend faced no further charges.

  9. The world isn't playing fair anymore, no respect, no spanks to bottoms and you get adults who don't respect even themselves, let alone others.
    Civility as with yesterday's post is slowly and certainly disappearing.

    1. What sort of lesson does this give to the young? They grow-up thinking they can do anything, and get away with it.

  10. I will add this here, even though the conversation has moved on. From an Active Patriot tweeeet.

    Just stop oil are planning on shutting down all airports this summer ruining everyone's holiday

    They've raised £135,000 to do it and have 100s of grannies at their disposal!
