Wednesday 8 May 2024

Another problem; as if we haven't enough!

I'm really not all that interested in British politics at the moment. We've had the same government for the past 14 years, and people are simply bored and want a change; and frankly, they don't mind who they get in exchange. They'd vote for a Monkey as long as it wasn't a Tory.

Personally I'm quite middle-of-the-road. There are things I like from all political parties, and things I don't. I have yet to find a party that I feel 100% happy with. Back in the 50's my father was head-hunted by Geoffrey Johnson-Smith to stand as a Conservative MP. Father refused, saying he would only stand as an Independent Conservative, as there were many Tory policies he didn't agree with. Johnson-Smith wasn't happy, and they had a bit of a barney. I admired my father for his stance. No more was ever spoken about it.

One thing I'm certainly not happy with is the new UK trend for 'Sectarian Politics'. In the recent local elections, candidates have openly canvassed about their support for Hamas, with dozens being elected in Muslim areas as a result. 

International politics are not the business of local Town Halls, it is the business of Parliament. If council debates concerning foreign conflicts are to become a regular feature of local politics, then we are in big trouble.

This is the first time that shouts of "Allahu Akbar" have been heard coming from newly elected councilors. And with so many other recently imported traditions, it is likely to become a regular occurrence. I'm wondering how this will develop into the upcoming General Election. The Muslim population are very anti Socialist, and we could see some strange results.

This might sound old-fashioned, but people should be electing their councilors (and MP's) to look after local matters of concern; not for who they support in a distant conflict. Sadly, as we all now know, certain communities are told who to vote for at their weekly gatherings; and they do as they're told.

Since the elections, the pro-Hamas group 'Muslim Vote' has given Sir Keir Starmer a list of 18 demands that he must fulfill if he is to have their support. They're acting like a radical Trade Union gone religious.

You can find the silly 18 point list online; it's not worthy of being repeated here.


  1. In local government elections, as you say, local issues should be at the forefront of the pitches to the voters. There is no place for such stupidities as "my council will be net zero".

    1. There's no place either for shouts of 'Allahu Akbar'. Our Town Halls are changing fast.

  2. If Labour took a blatantly pro-Palestinian stance it would alienate them from the mass of middle of the road Labour voters. I agree with you that local politics should principally be about local matters perhaps seen in a national context - but not an international context. Perhaps the Muslim objectors should form their own political party.

    1. They're tagging onto any party that isn't either Tory or Labour; hence this chap above standing on a Green ticket. Perhaps in time 'Muslim Vote' will become an actual party in its own right.

    2. I'm not sure that Muslim specific parties are really the way that we want to go, that would be reinforcing differences, the very antithesis of the integration that should be our aim.

    3. We wouldn't have any say in the matter. Already 'Muslim Vote' is a very powerful group, and if they wished to form an official political party, nothing could stop them!

  3. Most voters want to know an individual's stance on any conflict, local or abroad. I think that is a fair demand. I do not support what happened on Oct. 7. That said, I do not support the genocide taking place in Gaza.

    1. I think that most people would agree with you, unfortunately many of these newly elected folk are very pro-Hamas, and aren't shy about admitting it.
