Thursday 25 April 2024

Surrey Vandalism


It's not often that the press report simple mindless vandalism, but this particular case has recently made the headlines.

My native village of Lingfield in Surrey is very close to both the villages of Godstone and Oxted; two venues that are currently suffering from regular bouts of serious hooliganism from marauding gangs (above). They smash church, house, and car windows, kill animals, and have even blinded Swans on Godstone village pond; a pond I know well. They generally cause mayhem by firing catapults whilst others are asleep.

It is difficult to understand why some people commit blatant vandalism and cruelty. It has been alleged that the perpetrators are from an ex-traveler community, but this is no excuse to behave badly. Many people have financial or social problems but they don't go around killing pets or smashing windows. 

Some people are simply prone to vandalism, it seems to be in their blood. I imagine it's a question of 'they have what I don't, so I'll smash it'; not unlike keying expensive cars.

Some while back I wrote about the possibility of reintroducing some form of National Service, to give such people a purpose in life. I now see that the idea is becoming spoken about across the board, and it does look as if it will be introduced some time in the not too distant future.

Maybe swapping their catapults for more modern weaponry on a shooting range will help heal their inherent woes.

I do find it very odd that the good folk of Godstone are able to photograph these people, yet PC Plod fails to arrest them. What more do they need?


  1. In earlier days in Trelawnyd , we had Islwyn
    And he stopped most problems with an Iron fist

    1. When I was small in Lingfield, the local Bobby would take them behind a shed and give them a good slapping.

  2. Like you, I find such mindless vandalism abhorrent. And even in the unlikely event that any of the perpetrators were caught and brought before the courts, do any of us believe that they will get any meaningful punishment beyond a slap on the wrist?
    I can well understand how continuing behaviour like this can prompt people to turn vigilante, and take matters into their own hands.

    1. This lenient woke world we're living in isn't working. I do think that some form of National Service would help them.

  3. I think the very last thing the services would want are these sorts of recruits, they want people with at least one brain cell and who are going to be disciplined and dedicated to the job. Imagine what they could do with real firearms! Do we really want our country protected by these hooligans? I don't think so....

    1. It always worked before, and I'm sure it could work again. In France they had a NS system where recruits were ALL promised at least 6 months abroad in an offshore territory. Why not do something similar here to make it more attractive.

  4. Why would you think about damaging a children's play area and repeatedly smearing it with canine faeces? This is what has happened in South Godstone. It is difficult to speculate about the mindset of such oiks. Lawfulness relies upon the willing compliance and decency of the majority of citizens.

    1. All the more pertinent for me because this was my childhood home. A lovely peaceful area with very little crime. The idea of marauding gangs going around at night intent on vandalism, is shocking.

  5. How do we install any respect for others property in such people when our so-called "elites" show a complete disregard for any kind of alternative thinking or points of view?

    1. Or even 'convict' them of hooliganism. They aren't even prosecuted.

  6. How about sending them to Rwanda, or dropping them off on a remote island with no contact with home and leave them to fend for themselves. That would soon sort them out.

    1. I think Rwanda would be like sending them on holiday. I suggest Catterick.

  7. That kind of vandalism is disgusting. They should have a choice: prison, or national service (hopefully cleaning up after people like themselves).

    1. They certainly need something. We can't have gangs going around like this.

  8. They're domestic terrorists . Like ours here the police say they know who they are but haven't enough evidence to arrest them. Known unknowns .
    A year or so in the army would do them a lot of good. Without leave!

    1. As you say, the police know who they are (they even have photos) but they make no arrests. A bit of square-bashing, learning a trade, and plenty of discipline, and they'd probably be OK.

  9. I read that National Service is to likely return. The EU is definitely talking this route. The structure and purpose would be beneficial to get some unproductive people off the street. Boston, MA has had snatch and grab incidents in very high end stores. A jewelry store was terribly vandalized and millions were stolen. The cameras were rolling.

    1. Mass shoplifting gangs are on the increase here. It's a new phenomenon and quite frightening for the shopkeepers. The thieves seem fearless.
