Monday 1 April 2024


This may be a bit of a thorny subject in the UK at the moment, but I don't remember Ramadan decorations ever being installed in London; they certainly weren't when I lived there, nor were they during the 50 year interim until very recently. I believe that London is not alone in Europe, and such decorations are now being seen in all major European towns and cities.

Of course we never previously had a Muslim Mayor of London either.

I have nothing against any religion celebrating their most important festival days, but I understand that the Christian festival of Easter is NOT being celebrated, with preference being given to Islam. London even has a Muslim flag flying over Westminster Abbey, whereas many Town Halls have stopped flying England's national flag for fear of upsetting.

We do, of course, have wonderful lights at Christmas, but one has to wonder for how much longer? Someone may soon decide that any mention of Christmas may upset other non-Christian religions. Nothing is impossible in these 'woke' days.

Here (above) in London's Mayor, Sadiq Khan, clearly showing pride in his city's décor. I believe the above was in Oxford Street.

One has to wonder how many Muslim countries have Christian decorations in their cities at Easter or Christmas. May I suggest not one; and they never will!

I think we need a bit more 'give and take' in the world, and maybe a bit more teaching about peace.

So to all Muslims who celebrate Ramadan peacefully, may I wish you RAMADAN MUBARAK.


  1. Years ago we were in Bangkok around Christmastime and outside a shopping centre was a marvellous pastiche of a Nativity with Santa's sleigh with all the trimmings parked amongst the Wise Men and sheep. Great fun!

    1. I think that Buddhists have a sense of humour, as well as being mostly peaceful.

  2. I've seen a few British commentators on youtube recently saying that Britain used to be a Christian country but is no longer. Preference seems to be given to the Muslim faith.
    I hope there's tolerance and each respects the others religion

    1. And what on earth is this thing about not being allowed to fly the Union Jack. Or changing the national anthem?

    2. And I read today that the Labour Party want Starmer to remove the Union Jack from their electioneering pamphlets. They don't want to upset Muslims!!!

    3. Ye Gods and Little Fishes. Remove all those Muslim flags and decorations then. Respect on BOTH sides

    4. It's all a bit crazy, and it's become the favourite subject of conversation on the streets. People here are furious.

  3. One just has to remember the three Abrahamic faiths...all worshipping the same god...

    1. As far as I'm concerned it's the same non-existent god.

  4. The direction is very clear and it seems that it is already a smooth slope in one direction. Soon they will celebrate Jewish Passover in London too, I guess we won't see Mtsa bread hanging in the air in the streets.

    1. The Englishness of England is slowly being eroded, and I can't understand why people are so keen for this to happen.

  5. The country is British, for the British. Not being allowed to fly the National flag is both an insult and a travesty. The Muslims and other non-Christian religions must learn to live in harmony, not dictate. Many came to Britain to escape persecution and should remember to be grateful that the country took them in. They need to practise tolerance.

    1. This is what so many of us are saying, but the people who should be defending our Britishness are the very ones who are doing their best to destroy it. They want things to be more 'equal', but haven't thought-out where it will all end.

  6. It's good that we can address thorny subjects in our blogs. As a lifelong atheist, I look at any religious festivities with puzzlement and a degree of scorn - be they Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu or whatever. Why can't they open their eyes to see that all we have got is ourselves? There's nothing more and there never was.

    1. Actually, I think they all know it, but they simply enjoy belonging to a mutual club. Here at the C of E churches, it's like an extension of the WI.

  7. If you have no religion, you have no complaint. Christian celebrations will only survive if they are defended and supported as well as other religions.

    1. Regardless of the fact that I'm an atheist, I still respect the beliefs of others; even if I see them as banal.

  8. I don't mind any religion celebrating their festivals but when Cadbury call their Easter Eggs ' Gesture Eggs " ,Nike put a weird, tiny, colourful cross on the back of the neck on the England strip and Iceland removed the cross on tyheir hot cross buns, then we seem to be going in a very strange direction. We seem to be ignoring Christianity in case we offend someone but then big up every other religion. Why ? XXXX

    1. There must be an objective to all this wokery. I suspect that they think we've had our day, and now it's the turn of the others. They need to be very careful what they wish for.

    2. Take a look at The Kalergi Plan. It's all in there. It's a scheme to destroy Europe from within.

    3. The Kalergi Plan, sometimes called the Coudenhove-Kalergi Conspiracy,[1] is a debunked far-right, antisemitic, white genocide conspiracy theory.[2][3] The theory claims that Austrian-Japanese politician Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi, creator of the Paneuropean Union, concocted a plot to mix white Europeans with other races via immigration.[4] The conspiracy theory is most often associated with European groups and parties, but it has also spread to North American politics.[

  9. Holidays have become all the rage. Expect to see a bit of everything. Lots of this is about equal time and no discrimination. It is a sign of the times.

    1. I'm all for the equality bit, but I'm afraid that over here the balance has been tipped! I fear that there is a plan behind it all, and I'm NOT a conspiracy theorist.

  10. No Ramadan decorations or Muslim flags flying over Brisbane !!
