Friday 12 April 2024

Name that man!

AI is a wonderful thing, but it can also be a tad worrisome.

This photo is of someone who doesn't exist. It has been regenerated from how he looks now, but has given him a good head of hair, unbleached his beard, and taken away a thousand wrinkles. He looks about 30 years younger than he actually is, and almost looks human.

He is of course ME! Although I would hardly have recognised myself looking quite so youthful.

Oh to have that hair again!

If only AI could actually change me, rather than just my photo.



  1. a scary though indeed. Just looked at a group of cyclists who bumped into the King while crossing his land at Balmoral.Stopped for a chat. Charles was out walking.Certainly looked like Charles and spoke like him. Didn't see any bodyguards. Comment from one of the cyclists.." thats a King".Shouldn't he have said, " thats The King?".

  2. Replies
    1. I must have missed this story. I do know that The King is up at Balmoral at the moment.

  3. We haven't been able to trust photo's for years, and now AI is another level, I did the same as you on my photo, bit of fun for now, but where is it all going.

    1. This was my son's handiwork not mine! He also did one of himself as an older man which looked much more realistic.

  4. But, did you actually look like that 30 years ago?

  5. As someone commented.. We don't want AI to do our artwork, we want it to deal with the housework!!

    1. I think they're working on it. Soon there'll be nothing more to do.

    2. If it takes care of the housework, there will be a chance to get on with making and reading and thinking!
