Saturday 13 April 2024

More flars

The Daffs, Narcissi, and Tulips are still just about hanging-on, but they are being quickly replaced by Bluebells, flowering Cherry, and Daisies.

I really do find a thick swathe of Daisies a wonderful sight. One day there is nothing, and the next there is a carpet of white dots. 

I wonder if anyone remembers the photo I once posted of a perfect circle of Daisies? I must have mowed a couple of days before, then the plant flowered again from its perimeter, leaving a perfect circle of white flowers.

These Daisies are 'mine'; they live on our small communal lawn beside the house. No doubt the executioner (gardener) will come along before long, and take their heads off.

And I'm very pleased to see that the newly planted Fig tree, in the dog-walking garden, has survived and is sprouting leaves. 


  1. There is a fig tree on the footpath almost opposite my home which currently has more than a few fruits on it, I love the sweet smell of it on a sunny day like today. I have a tiny cutting from it which is beginning to look like it will survive, it has leaves for the second year, was only about 4 inches of bare stem when I picked it up off the ground.

    1. It is very difficult to kill a Fig tree. Best to tear a sucker from around the roots if you wish to propagate.

  2. I love those carpets of daisies too. Sometimes in the country they're actually chamomile. Red poppies are appearing everywhere now. They're beautiful. And the vines and roses are sprouting like mad. It's a wonderful time of the year.

    1. My vine isn't sprouting yet; I think it's having a lie-in.

  3. We have tulips, bluebells and forget me nots in flower too. Very pretty

  4. yes, everywhere things are sprouting. It was a lovely episode of Gardeners World last night too. Visiting some beautiful gardens.

    1. And a beautiful warm sunny day today too!

    2. I watch G W to see the dogs.

    3. I missed it last night, I think I fell asleep.

  5. Daisies are often considered to be weeds - especially when thinking about lawns. The same is true of swathes of buttercups or dandelions that can also be lovely to behold.

    1. We once had a lawn that was 99% moss. It was very beautiful, didn't need mowing all the time, and was very comfortable to sit on.

  6. It's nice to see that even in an urban environment you can always find the beauty of nature. Here there are large fields of red poppies blooming now.

    1. We now have leaves everywhere, and the birds are all nesting. Very Spring-like.

  7. Everything is bursting into life now, isn't it ? This is my favourite time of year for the garden .... all of the new growth looks so fresh .... I actually like seeing the squirrels in the garden but, because there are more of them, they are digging up some of my plants, trying to find the nuts they have buried ..... pesky little blighters 🤣 XXXX

    1. Are they red or grey? In France we only have red ones, and here in Brighton they are all grey. I like them.

    2. Just the grey ones .... I don't think there are many red ones left in the UK apart from some in Scotland ..... the grey ones have taken over but I still think they are cute. XXXX

    3. I like both of them; real characters!

  8. I remember the daisies very clearly because you published the picture for me.

    1. I remember being really shocked, finding a perfect circle of daisies.

  9. The daffodils and crocus are blooming but not the tulips as yet. Everything is in glorious bud. We just need some warmth and the leaves will begin to unfold.

    1. It was warm here yesterday, and the birds were singing like crazy!

  10. The spring flowers are lovely and I miss the glorious concentration of daffs. and tulips at this time of year.
    The lack of water over the winter here is apparent now - not so many plants bursting forth as they should be. I have had Hibiscus which have flowered over the winter and a rose which must be 4 metres high and has also flowered throughout the winter. The rest of the plants are still thinking about it!
