Sunday 7 April 2024

Last Supper?

It is very doubtful that I will end my life on 'death row', but it's fun to imagine what that last meal might be; should I be offered the luxury of choice.

Well, having given it some considerable thought, I've plumped for Scallops.

I have become a big fan of seafood over the past few years, and my absolute favourite must be Scallops (when I can afford them).

So, before they take me to the scaffold, I would enjoy a large plate of perfectly cooked Scallops with a tiny hint of Lemon juice. 

I might even meet my end with a smile on my face!



  1. I think I would like roast chicken with potatoes, sweet potatoes, broccoli, peas and a luscious gravy.

    1. If they prepared all that for you, you'd probably benefit from another whole day before the end.

  2. If I still had any appetite with the picture of me hanging by the neck in my mind I would probably chose fish N chips with a side of meat pie.
    A case of live for the moment, if ever there was one. Maybe they'd let me have a bowl of icecream too.

    1. And maybe they'd allow me some grilled Octopus for dessert.

  3. I only ate oysters once in my life, at a restaurant in Paris, but I would choose a bun with butter, lots of butter, and falafel in pita.

    1. That doesn't sound very exciting Yael. Oysters would be high on my list.

  4. I don't think I'd be able to eat anything, any stress and I can't eat a thing!

    1. That sounds like a waste of a good hanging!!! Surely there must be something you'd like; stress-reducing chewing gum maybe?

  5. Scallops are all very well and good but what would you have for dessert and what would you drink with your last meal? Tizer?

    1. Tizer Grand Cru 2007 Champagne. And for dessert grilled Octopus with Oyster sauce.

    2. Defintion of "dessert": the sweet course eaten at the end of a meal.
      So would you have custard on your grilled octopus or ice cream?

  6. I'm with you on the scallops or maybe lobster, I do eat meat but prefer fish.

    1. Over the past two or three years I've become a fanatical fish-eater.

  7. I love scallops too, not that I have them on a regular basis. The last time was towards the end of the last century(!), in New York at a very fancy restaurant, and they cost something like 140 dollars for a small plate of about a dozen and I had to ask for the lemon.
    Not sure what I'd like as a last supper - but they've got to catch me first!

    1. The Scallops above cost me a fortune. I've had a few since but not too often. I wish I was richer!!!

  8. I wouldn't make my last meal depend so much on the main ingredient as where it was sourced and who cooks it. My grandfather's early morning catch, amply helped by his granddaughter digging the worm, going out on the lake with him (quiet and patience). Enter my grandmother, few hours later, frying the silver bounty. If really pushing out the boat preceded by a bowl of steaming crayfish. I'd be in heaven. When is the hanging?


    1. Not for a while I hope. I'd go for the Crayfish too.

  9. Mine would be Turbot ..... my most favourite dish ...... so delicious. XXXX

    1. I don't think I've ever eaten Turbot, or Sea Bass, or Swordfish, or even a decent sized piece of fresh Tuna. I need educating.

  10. Baked potato. Baked in foil in the bonfire and then the filling mashed with onion, garlic, cheese etc. (I wonder how many last meals are able to be kept down, considering the impending execution?)

    1. I do love baked potatoes, but I don't think they'd be on my 'last supper' list. Of course, if they contained 500 gms of butter I could be persuaded.

  11. I'd keep refusing them until the scallops were cooked properly, few people know how to get a nice sear on them with drying out and making them rubbery.

    1. That is why I said 'perfectly cooked'. It's not an easy task, one has to stand over them until perfect.

  12. No, not scallops. They would be bad for your cholesterol.

    1. Would that be a problem as I breathe my final breath?

  13. Replies
    1. We had Moules a couple of days ago. Lovely.

  14. May i suggest a glass of Picpoul De Pinet to accompany them? Fabulous!

    1. I'm not really a white wine drinker. I'd have to show my lack of sophistication and ask for a nice red.

  15. Lobster ,catfish fiddlers ,oysters,steak...guess it would be two bits of each and Cro could have the rest.

  16. We had our annual ten days up in Northumberland a couple of weeks ago, and have long considered the area around Alnwick to be a bit of foodie Heaven.
    I consumed a lot of fishy things, Lobster, Crab, Sea Bass, Scallops, Dover Sole, Cod, Haddock, and beautiful Craster Kippers!
    As we do every time we're up there, we had dinner at the Alnwick Treehouse Restaurant, where my starter of Pan Seared Scallops, with Black Pudding, Crispy Smoked Bacon and Spiced Ketchup was delicious, and cooked to perfection! The food there has never been less than exceptional!
    As for a last meal, mine would definitely be Lobster, big chunks of it, served with freshly made wholegrain bread, lots (and I really mean LOTS) of best butter and a crab sauce!
    Followed by bread and butter pudding, absolutely drowning in fresh custard! X

    1. You had me enthralled up until the Bread and Butter Pudding; it's one of my pet hatreds. It literally makes me sick.

      That restaurant sounds superb.

  17. I think I'd have scallops on my 'last meal' menu as well. I wonder if they'd let me add two lobster claws, some dipping butter and a really nice green salad with dried fruit and nuts. (Clearly, it's getting close to dinner time here in Ontario.)

  18. ...and extra creamy chocolate cheesecake for dessert. Now, I must be off to put together another mundane dinner.

    1. I shall organise all that for you; don't worry!

  19. Scallops are always delicious. What has brought you to planning your last meal? Why so bleak?

    1. Just something that came into my head, I'm not considering murder.

  20. I'd have lobster for sure, not fully decided on a side dish, but dessert would be Black Forest cake with REAL cream, not that mock cream some try to get away with. And I would ask for it to be served somewhere tropical, Tahiti, or Jamaica, maybe Hawaii.
