Monday 22 April 2024

Has it really come to this???

Imagine the situation. You are a perfectly well-behaved citizen who has just left a place of worship (a synagogue), and you are on your way walking home.

PC Plod then confronts you as looking 'quite openly Jewish', and, because there is a pro-Hamas demo nearby, he threatens to arrest you.

UNBELIEVEABLE! If that wasn't an outright display of institutional racism; I don't know what was. PC Plod himself should be arrested at once, and booted out of The Met. His behaviour was disgusting, and has no place in British policing.

Plod's number is NW 377. Sir Mark Rowley (Boss of The Met), if you're reading this, please note!

p.s. I now read that the gentleman involved, Gideon Falter, has called for Sir Mark Rowley himself to resign! Well, why not, if he's employing racist coppers such as PC NW 377.

Central London has almost become a 'Jew Free Zone' in recent months, but now it is becoming a 'Police Enforced Jew Free Zone'. Does that remind you of anything? 



  1. I saw it here on the news too. Jews in London were asked to hide signs of clothing that show they are Jews, you can walk around with a hijab, that's fine, no one will hurt you.

    1. It really is unbelievable. We used to have police who were unbiased, and would help those in need. Now all that has gone. This is NOT an isolated incident.

  2. I think it was a set up and the man wanted a confrontation with a PC, to further his cause. BUT I do agree with you.

    1. Maybe the other lot had planned their route to encounter Jews. This is more about the police reaction, than who was where when and why.

  3. Sadly we can now no longer believe everything we read in paper or watch on the news. Even the BBC is showing itself to be biased. This looks like a set up.

    1. In which case Plod should not have played along. I can guarantee that he wasn't part of any set-up.

  4. Yes of course, everything is a fake, antisemitism, hatred of Jews, everything is a fake. The policeman is also a player who received a written text. How difficult it is to see the sad reality as it is.

    1. Yael, some people are so filled with hatred that they will find an excuse for anything.

  5. Unfortunately it is indeed so.

  6. That was indeed a stupid and inflammatory blunder by P.C. Plod but police officers have never been the sharpest pencils in the box. In my opinion, it is excessive to call for the resignation of Mark Rowley in relation to this matter. However, it is clear that bobbies on the streets need extra training or guidance in how to address such situations.

    1. They should begin by being 'neutral', it's appalling to see them taking sides.

  7. I do think that Gideon Falter was deliberately wanting to cross the road at that point so as to provoke action from the pro-Palestine marchers.
    However, as a British Jew, he has every right to cross the road at any legal place, without being prevented by Police.
    I can understand why the P.C. thought it was a poor idea to cross the road at that point, but his wording was totally unacceptable, "Looking openly Jewish"!
    Gideon's a Jew, is he expected to only appear in public in disguise now?
    I am sick and tired of Brits being dictated to by people who have only been in this country for a matter of months, if that long!
    If they don't like our laws, our freedoms, and our tolerance, they have a choice!
    I am not the least bit racist, I honestly couldn't care less about anyone's skin colour or faith, but I do object to folk leaving their own countries and laws in order to come here and expect us to change our society and laws to accommodate their beliefs! X

    1. I even read today of an immigrant woman who objected to English people eating during Ramadan.

  8. Perhaps the situation was a set-up. The reaction of the PC was real.

    1. I certainly think that it was...and noone seems to be taking notice that there are Jews who support Palestinians...but detest both Zionism and Hamas....

    2. We cannot have a situation in this country where a large group of immigrants can shout racist slogans, and carry terrorist flags, yet a perfectly innocent man can be threatened with arrest for being a bystander. This simply is not the way we behave in England.

    3. If you look at footage he was organised and it was a counter demo to disrupt a peaceful progress.

  9. Sorry for commenting so much, but this is important to me, Gz, there are Jews who hate Jews, there are Jews who love Palestinians, there are Jews who are not Zionist and there are and there are so many Jews who have such and such opinions, I have seen here more than once how bloggers who have an opinion find an insignificant article by one or another Jew who is against Zionism or Israel or Judaism and immediately spread the link to it all over blogland to prove something. Sometimes it's out of ignorance. And sometimes for deeper reasons.

  10. It's Passover Eve, and instead of continuing to cook for Seder night, I find myself getting angry and saddened by the true colors of this world. Thank you Cro for having the courage and integrity.

  11. It beggars belief. It didn't strike me as being a set-up but just total ignorance of how to react to the situation on the part of PC Plod.

    1. I agree. I don't think it's possible to set-up a policeman to appear racist and stupid.

  12. Isn't this being blown out of proportion by those who feel a need to criticise and shout their opinions? The police do a very difficult and unenviable job. Every day, they have to deal with objectionable and aggressive people, and often be assertive with them. It is stressful and spills over into their private lives and destroys a lot of marriages. In this case, we had a police officer helping to ensure those marching remained peaceful. He was concerned that a Jewish man crossing the road at that moment could have been seem as deliberate provocation (whether or not it was), and might not have been able to ensure his safety. In the heat of the moment he chose his words badly. He made a mistake. Everyone makes mistates sometimes. We should thank him for his contribution to society. He will have learned from the incident, and be a more experienced policeman because of it.

    1. Maybe Plod should have simply ensured that he crossed the road without incident. Or is that too much to ask of The Met?

    2. Yes. Just like they would not allow you in a burning house to get your possessions out. The correct approach, but cack-handed. Just remember that The Daily Mail is biased against the Met Police and uses any excuse to belittle it.

    3. I'm not surprised, they're a useless bunch of numpties.

    4. Do you phone into Talk TV and GB TV News as well?

  13. Is this a rogue cop? Even in the US, the police do unthinkable things occasionally. They are supposed to protect, help to maintain civil society and uphold the law. This incident, as bad as it is, will send a strong message to others. It will remind everyone, this will not be tolerated. Some individuals should not be policing and need to be removed from the responsibility.

    1. At present the Hamas supporting demonstrations are given almost a free hand, whereas this poor chap was threatened with arrest simply for wanting to cross the road. I was pleased to see today that the police have admitted their mistakes, and I hope Plod will be disciplined.

  14. As is now being reported there the clip above looks somewhat different when viewed as part of the longer clip. No question what the policeman said was wrong. This was not a man who just happened to be there and wanted to cross the road, thus breaking through the march. Apparently he had already walked out into the march and the police were reacting to that.

    1. Frankly it doesn't really matter what he was doing. He was committing no offense, and yet was threatened with arrest. Meanwhile the highly racist chanting goes on and Plod says nothing.

  15. Cro, I see you have checked out Gideon Falter. He is a serial agitator. He tried to drive his van close to protestors on another march. From tweeeeeter........So Gideon Falter turned up at the march with his own security team. Waited for the march, then tried to cross the road.13 minute clip now released shows the Police trying to de escalate.....You can say what you like about twiiiiter but it does dig deep. This incident was set up.

    1. Just picked this up. . . . . .
      Gideon Falter is chief executive of the 'Campaign against antisemitism', an organisation whose sole purpose is to vilify and silence anyone that is critical of Israel. He is also the vice chairman of the UK branch of The Jewish National Fund (JNF), that buys up land in occupied Palestine, to house Jewish people. The JNF currently owns 13% of Israel.
      So he's not just a 'Jewish man' walking calmly down the street, and happening to bump into some protesters.

      You are right about a lot of things you say, but it's all getting rather messy. Corruption is rife on all sides, and with the intrusion of AI it's almost impossible to weed out the truth.

    2. Even if what you say is true, you cannot arrest a man for committing no crime whatsoever.

  16. Gideon Falter is a professional political activist, Zionist. It was a set up. The policeman was doing his best to keep the peace for all. He was not a bad person. A police officer can hold a person for his own safety and that of others until the danger has passed. The man would then be free to go.
