Wednesday 10 April 2024

Hamas supporters spray Labour HQ with red paint

When I was much younger, if some adolescent misbehaved, the local PC Plod would take him/her behind a shed and give him/her a good talking to (ahem). Not quite as seriously spoken-to as those Islamists in Russia recently received; but one they would certainly remember.

We have become so bloody soft in this country these days, that people have all the time in the world to film these children spraying everywhere, whereas it takes Plod half an hour to arrive, then probably take them away for a cup of tea.

So, what action should be taken against these dungaree-wearing-woke-hooligans?

Well the first obvious thing is that they must be made to clean-up their mess 'perfectly'. A cattle-prod would encourage their standard of cleaning (I wish to volunteer as 'cattle-prodder'). Then they must be taken to court and (regardless of if they'd had a deprived childhood) be given a serious prison sentence. On release they should be subjected to a minimum two year house arrest, with absolutely no benefit payments.  

At present these folk are taken to court, given a cup of tea, and with a horrid 'suspended sentence' allowed back on the streets again. 

Where on earth is the deterrent in that? It's almost an encouragement.


  1. I still can't understand the world's silence about what happened here on October 7th, it was the most horrible thing that happened to us since the Holocaust, something we didn't start, I don't understand why they don't show the videos of the horror that the terrorists themselves filmed, maybe then they will understand more.

    1. There is only one main subject in the press these days, which totally ignores both the appalling attack on Israel and on Ukraine. The attackers are more pampered than those they attacked. It really is about time that Hamas returned the hostages, then perhaps things might calm.

  2. Unfortunately, there will never be peace here, they want to see us dead, all of us, it's been like this for years, they don't have mercy on their citizens either, they hid weapons and missiles under children's beds and in hospitals and didn't let people evacuate their homes before the attacks and on their own They shot whoever tried to leave. This is something that is difficult to explain to someone who only receives his information from one side. Even if the abductees return, most of them are no longer alive, there will be no peace here. It is impossible to make peace with a terrorist organization whose ideology is the Islamic takeover of the world, mainly by way of murder.

    1. If you tried to explain that to all these paint-sprayers, they would probably think you had invented it all. I will never understand why such an evil terrorist group has so many followers.

    2. One point Cro...I doubt that the paint sprayers support Hamas..
      Second point...the continued genocide in Gaza is in effect a recruitment drive for Hamas...

    3. I doubt if they support Israel. No, these people are antisemitic troublemakers.

    4. I haven't studied the wars in great detail so I cannot comment on them. But what is apparent to me is in your last sentence, Yael.

      It is impossible to make peace with a terrorist organization whose ideology is the Islamic takeover of the world, mainly by way of murder.

      Wars can kill many people in in a short space of time. Or they can be prolonged to go on forever. Silent wars where no shots are fired over a longer period of time can kill just as many people. The outcome of both are horrific.

      The spray painters are just a minor distraction of what is really going on. Lock them up and their fines will be paid by their paymasters. Taking up valuable police time, to cause maximum mayhem.

    5. As a UK resident you will know as well as I do what is going on here. Sadly there are those who are so blinkered that they see no further than tomorrow. This is a long term aim, and it's already well under way.

  3. First catch your spray painters. Then definitely make them clean up. Easier said than done

    1. I have just been into town and found a man cleaning nasty graffiti from the from the front of M & S. They usually spray and run. At least these ones stayed around to be filmed and be caught. Will they be made to clean it up? No chance!

  4. The use of the concept of genocide also shows how great the incitement is, Israel has no interest in genocide, terrible things are happening, all as a result of a massacre they made in us, and probably in Scotland they didn't hear about it.

    1. Yael, antisemitism is ingrained into left wing politics. They see no further than what their party tells them.

  5. I get the impression that these demonstrators have never had to pay for anything in their lives.

    1. And what's the betting that they won't pay for this either?

  6. I didn't hear about this gross act of mindless vandalism. I have no idea how these morons manage to conflate fossil fuels and the crisis in Gaza. Why didn't they throw in a few other issues too just for good measure - such as the gross cost of red paint and the ugliness of Donald Trump?

    1. It's just a bit of silly childish woke behaviour. They'll get their little tap on the wrist, and the Labour Party will get their Insurance Co to pay for the repairs. Life goes on as usual.

  7. You certainly do have your priorities right, Cro. You get het up over some red paint spray whilst Israel is contravening international law, not least hindering humanitarian aid?

    And, yes, Yael, sorry to say so - and I understand your distress - but facts are facts. And fact is that Israel's retaliation is in no proportion to the initial crime committed by Hamas. What's happening now does amount to genocide - not that labelling matters when the innocent are denied basic human aid. I don't hold individual Israelis responsible many of whom too demonstrate against what Israel is doing. The shame is on the head of State - where the bucket stops. Good on all those countries which consider stopping supplying Israel the wherewithal (weapons).

    History Lesson: What's happening wasn't made in October last year. It's been long in the brewing. And, yes, agreeing with GZ's earlier comment, Israel positively encourages the dynamics of a "recruitment drive for Hamas". But then humans are good at shooting themselves in the foot.

    To think that Jesus Christ (remember the concept of "peace"?) was born in what is now Israel. I dare say he'd have a thing or two to say to that N character - and the rest of the world and its armchair outraged.


    1. Israel had every right to retaliate against Hamas, and they have every right to fight until Hamas are all destroyed and the hostages returned. Israel has always been very kind to Gaza, they supplied them with everything they didn't provide for themselves. Of course it's sad that civilians are caught-up in the conflict, but murdering and torturing 1,200 Israeli citizens on Oct 7th needed to be answered.

    2. And a little more for the general education of the pursuers of justice from their comfortable armchairs in front of the television, Israel transports convoys of food and medicine into Gaza, Hamas takes control of them and prevents the people from receiving them, they did not create mechanisms for distribution as they did nothing during the years of their rule in Gaza, people I knew at Kibbutz Nir Oz stood for years, every week on Friday at the Gaza border and drove sick children to hospitals in Israel, where they accompanied them and cared for them, they did this for many years, on the seventh of October these people were murdered in their homes by the people of Gaza.

    3. You can tell all this to the Hamas supporters till the end of time, but they will never accept the truth.

    4. I have said this before but to put a fine point on it Hamas are not a people they are a terror group.

  8. Can we not introduce these young idiots to a new concept?
    You spray paint, you clean it up, with a cotton bud dipped in paint stripper, that would occupy them for a while!
    If they sit down in the road in front of an Ambulance, make it plain that if they don't move, they'll be needing an Ambulance themselves shortly!
    A good wash, hair cut and diet wouldn't go amiss with most of them either, and as for that cattle prod, get in line, I've wanted one for years!

    1. I would have though that cleaning up their own mess was the very first thing they should do. Chain them to a railing then get their family to provide the cotton buds and stripper, and not let them away from the site until it's done!!!

  9. Why not just spray them with paint too - before they are made to clean up the mess they've made. Is it my imagination or do they look as though they are "a sandwich short of a picnic"? That second one (the fatty) doesn't seem to know what to do, and appears to be awaiting further instructions!

    1. I imagine one would need to be a bit doolally to take part in such things. Some good brainwashing has been done by someone.

  10. I support protesting the Gaza war. It is solving nothing and causing famine and death of thousands of innocent people. That said, spray painting should not be part of a protest and those that think otherwise should be held accountable. Also note: Recently, JB has told BN to stop the genocide or the US will reconsider support to Israel. BN has recently allowed 465 trucks to pass safely to provide aid to those dying of famine.

    1. Luckily we live in a country where peaceful demonstration, from any side and for any crackpot cause, is perfectly legal. Frankly I don't care what this cause was, it is not acceptable to spray paint over buildings, well known paintings, or car showrooms.

  11. I have almost decided that at the end of my time on earth , when I can't take care of myself anymore. I will take the law into my own hands on someone who deserves it and spend the rest of my life in prison being coddled.

    1. We have often said the same. A pleasant 'open prison' on the edge of The Downs (Lewes) would be perfect.
