Thursday 18 April 2024

A Male Identifying As Female Dominates Girls In A 200 m race.

Don't bother watching this video for more than 30 seconds. Those first 30 seconds tells you everything about how ridiculous the current 'trans' sports regulations have become.

OK, many sports are taking action against congenital males taking part in female sports, but it still happens, and this trans-woman is a perfect example.

His/her name is Aayden Gallagher, and he/she has the cheek to enter into female athletics sports. It doesn't take a sports expert to see that this is just plain stupid.

I know I've been going-on about this for years, but it really should have been stopped by now.

Simply get a trans-male (i.e. female to male) to enter into an all-male athletic race, and you'll soon see how silly it is! 


  1. The whole "trans" ideology is so ridiculous that I just don't understand why so many eminent individuals have such problems with the basic male/female distinctions (stand up exhibit one, Kier Starmer). What is more frightening is the way that it has infested medical practice, where sex differences are vital to ensure correct treatments.

    1. Had the woke brigade accepted the truth much earlier, none of this silliness would have happened. They are now responsible for some terrible irreversible mistakes.

  2. Do you think that " person" felt proud of the win?

    1. I hope he/she didn't. He/she MUST have felt that he/she was CHEATING.

  3. I get so angry about this whole topic. Eventually, countless trans will come to the realisation that they have not become the opposite sex at all. They have just been pawns in a ridiculous movement. Bodies and minds ruined.

    1. I keep reading about trans folk who have realised what a terrible mistake they made, and now blame those who pressurised them. Luckily a new and extensive report (The Cass Report) has revealed the extent of all the mistakes.

    2. Not yet, because many clinics refused to disclose their data, but they will be forced to do so. Then we might see the truth.

    3. Refusing to disclose information suggests they have a lot to hide. They are probably more guilty than those who co-operated.

  4. I might sign up for the Yorkshirewomen's beer drinking championship then put a dress and a wig on. How do you apply lipstick Cro?

    1. Easy, you paint a dinner plate red (or pink in Essex), pucker-up, then kiss the plate. Works every time!

  5. No matter what that 'person' uses as a name, or what they describe themselves as, that is quite clearly a MAN!
    I've seen drag queens looking a damn sight more like a woman than that creature does!
    I wonder how many events 'it' won whilst 'it' was still competing as male?
    My guess is very few! X

    1. How can the organisers of such events not see what's going on? It's become a very bad-taste joke.

  6. That appears to be the whole point of some Male-->Female body obsessed sporty people.
    We do not get 'women' competing as men nor are there times when 'men' insist on using the Gents lavatories . Or, maybe, I don't get out much anymore.

    1. It's a one-way ticket. Men taking advantage of superior strength.

  7. Sadly I feel that in so many cases it's just easily influenced idiots trying to get onto the latest bandwagon and run with the "in" crowd. At some time in the future the majority will bitterly regret their decision and will look round for someone to blame for their stupidity.

    1. Sadly there have been far too many cases of regret, to which the Cass Report addressed itself. 'Trend' is mostly to blame, bolstered by the woke brigade. Not a good mix.

  8. Initially people were silenced by fear of being accused of being ist now common sense is prevailing

    1. At last. I'm simply amazed it's gone on far too long.

  9. Not much sympathy here for the individual, is there?
    I can understand how someone wants to carry on with a sport that they love.
    I also have trans friends who have transitioned, some to male some to female.
    Most you would not recognise as such, some you would, but accept them now as a human being now relaxed in the body they needed to be. Accept them as the person they are, regardless of gender.
    The hormones and surgery Do result in a loss of power with M to F...I know, I have raced against one person before and after..they also bring other health problems, but that person is now happy and creative.
    As with any subject, militancy on either side muddies and spoils any discussion and does no favours..but I can understand why some trans people feel they have to fight for acceptance.

    1. Your final sentence makes the point perfectly. Previously no-one had to 'fight for acceptance'. Naturally transitioning people simply accepted the situation and we all went along with it without making any fuss. It's all the pressure put on people that has changed everything; and certainly NOT for the better.

    2. It isn't just trans people is though who have to push for equality of is just a symptom that our society is not as equal and just, as it says it is, to many people who don't fit the narrow definition of 'normal'... whatever that is

    3. It isn't just trans people is though who have to push for equality of is just a symptom that our society is not as equal and just, as it says it is, to many people who don't fit the narrow definition of 'normal'... whatever that is

    4. I think the opposite, apart from sports , great strides have been made in the equality of trans people, I feel the positivity sometimes more than I do with the gay community

    5. John, on the question of sports it's become 'over equality' which is giving a bad reputation to something that otherwise should be taken for granted.

  10. I can understand wanting to be accepted. Biological gender should be used to dictate race entry. A race that starts with a non-level playing field is a fallacy.

  11. On a lighter note: I once had an employee, back in the 1980's, who was a fine artist working for me. He was a little guy, and very competitive. He was a champion skeet shooter. WAY before it was common or 'popular' he would dress in drag to go shooting. Why? He was 'screwing' with the minds of the opponents standing next to him in the shooting line. He was about as 'straight' as they come, but clever and competitive. He knew exactly what he was doing - and his art ability let him make up very nicely. He made a fine gal, if I do say so myself! Keep smiling when you can.

    1. He sounds like fun. I've never actually known anyone who dresses in drag, but here in Brighton it isn't uncommon to see cross-dressers daily. It's all part of what makes our town so interesting. No-one takes any notice, which is the way it SHOULD be.

    2. He was fun! He only dressed in drag for shooting competitions. I love variety!

  12. If they don't know what they are just drop trou and take a gander it will be obvious to all.

    1. I don't think half these folk would know what they're looking for. They are so blinkered it's crazy.

  13. I think trans people should only be allowed to compete with other trans people. Mens teams, womens teams and trans teams.

    1. That would certainly solve the problem. Trans women and trans men could all enjoy games together.
