Monday 4 March 2024

Wind and rain.

The weather has been 'on and off' recently, and trying to dodge the downpours has become a popular sport.

Just two years ago we passed our Autumn/Winter/Spring sojourn in Blighty almost rain-less. Not so this year. I don't wish to over exaggerate the amount of rain we're having but there's been enough.

The problem with coastal rain is that it tends to be accompanied by very strong wind, so a Brolly, or even a large mushroom, is pretty useless.

Even Kellogg (above with the Cherub) would find no protection from her Parasol Mushroom (one of our favourites). The only method of staying dry is by wearing a head-to-toe thick PVC coat; something akin to those worn by North Sea Trawlermen. Strong PVC waders would complete the job. I have just returned from walking with Billy, and I saw THREE wrecked Brollies on the roadside; all turned inside out, and torn.

I'll leave you with my very favourite Brolly poem.

The rain it raineth on the just
and also on the unjust fella
but mostly on the just, because
the unjust stole the just's umbrella.


  1. Made me laugh. Never heard that before. Well its a nice sunny morning here.( at the moment) We shall be having a walk this morning. Husband has had one of those watches that count your footsteps.🙄

    1. It's a lovely morning here too; plenty of sunshine!

  2. Under a toadstool crept a wee elf
    Out of the rain to shelter himself.....
    My Mum's version of this goes on about ..'.and that's how the umberella was invented'
    But I forget.

    1. I don't know that one; I must make enquiries.

  3. That's a giant mushroom, feed a family for a week!

    1. They shrink down a bit, but enough for two with a fried breakfast. We don't eat the stems. One of the very best mushrooms.

  4. It's topsy-turvy at the moment. You have our rain and we have your sunshine.

    1. Very nice here at the moment, but rain forecast for the night.

  5. I am heartily fed up with all the rain. This is the wettest winter/spring that I can ever remember.

    1. I seem to be able to dodge it quite well by consulting my Meteo page. It hasn't been TOO bad here.

  6. Our garden is flooded ! A meteorologist said yesterday that we can get locked in to a weather pattern which can last for a prolonged period of time which is what is happening now. Every time we have this we are told it's climate change but it has happened for ever ! Also, they said that it's the rainiest February for 135 years therefore, it happened before and was worse !!! I know we have messed up on the pollution side of things but I do believe that the Earth has cycles of weather. { but, what do I know 🤣 } XXXX

    1. There are two sides to the story; the trendy one is 'Climate Change', and the non-trendy one is nature's natural cycle.

  7. There has been a lot of rain this winter but the sun is shining today and the sky is blue so I'm singing...
    Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay
    My, oh my, what a wonderful day
    Plenty of sunshine headin' my way
    Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay

  8. On Countryfile last evening I heard that some places (I think in the |Midlands) had 7c rainfall last Feb and 70c this Feb.

    1. Oh dear. And I believe it's also been one of the warmest winters on record.

  9. Great poem!

    I think the Cherub looks like you in this photo.

    1. He's a lot bigger now, and less Cherubic.

  10. Dad taught me that umbrella poem!
    You have had a lot of rain down there..we saw the rainfall map yesterday... Cardiff has has 250% of their normal rainfall..I think that you must be in the same percentage? We have had only (?) 120% of the usual despite being in the West of Scotland.

    1. Most of the Sussex rain falls on the north side of The Downs, we're a little protected on the coast; but even so....

  11. Loved your poem...I laughed out loud.

    1. I've always loved it. Short, sharp, and to the point.

  12. I liked that little ditty. Haven't heard it in a long time. We have finally had a bit of rain here. This has been a mainly dry winter.

    1. Lovely day here today. No rain for the next week or so. Hooray!

  13. Wind swept rain is harsh and only the best rain gear will keep you dry.

    1. That is certainly true here on the coast; not that we have a lot of it.
