Thursday 28 March 2024

Petticoat 5, computer for women.

When people say that women don't invent things, they are wrong. Take this example of a computer specially designed for women by women. What a wonderful invention.

I shall try to find one for Lady Magnon. She's been looking for something similar for ages; she'll be over the moon!


  1. A place to put your rings, a nail file?? Someone is really taking the piss. I wouldn't mind a pink keyboard. Though our big computer is shared and K might have something to say about it.
    One thing though. I do wonder how women type with long nails. I've seen them do it. A talent which comes naturally to the younger generation of females

    1. Surely you women would like a pop-up mirror? Pure genius.

  2. Hahaha! Wherever do you get these things from Cro? Gave me a good laugh anyway. One of my favourite phrases is 'must have been designed by a man'...usually referring to various kitchen appliances which seem to have been designed to catch every falling crumb/dust, for instance, my fridge which has inset slots so that you can open the door, which really ought to be the other way up so that nothing gets trapped in them. Obviously designed by man....

    1. I know exactly what you mean about the fridge door; our does that and is always filled with crumbs, etc. I need a Hoover attachment to clear them out.

  3. One of my few shortcomings that I do NOT watch or listen to clips posted by bloggers. Who needs earworms - and stuff? So no comment on today's front. Other than - wait for it:

    Yesterday's photo of Billy looking baffled yet totally open to suggestions has given me pleasure beyond words. If I looked, over the day, at the photo a dozen times, more likely two dozens, I watched it x times. A laugh every time. I feel a kinship will Billy. Should he ever be in need of shelter and intelligent conversation he is more than welcome. On the house. I'd even scoop up his poo. Words I never thought I'd utter.


    1. It's a good thing you didn't watch the video, you might have been tempted to buy several.

  4. Tee hee..
    Is that presenter Olivia Colman pretending to be Judith Hann from Tomorrow's World?

  5. Are the screensavers puppies and kittens ? XXXX

  6. Oh, please tell me that thing isn't real!

  7. In the same realm as pink garden and building tools? ( Generally at a premium price)

    1. Lady M has a small floral printed hammer, as well as some secateurs. Both are pretty useless. They were given as Christmas presents (not by me).

  8. Why do women need computers? Surely they have got to undertake their domestic duties and so there shouldn't be any spare time for surfing the net.

    1. I'm glad you pointed that out, and not me. I'm in enough trouble as it is.

    2. Bite your tongue YP and then wash your mouth out with soap.

  9. A (male) colleague once told me that most women have smaller feet than men for one reason, it's so that we can stand closer to the sink!
    I wonder if he's out of hospital yet? X

    1. I like that. I shall repeat it at my peril.

  10. Gender-based tech sounds pretty woke to me. Are you a Brighton, UK newly arrived convert?

    1. No. Anything 'woke' gets my immediate thumbs-down.

  11. Well, that was pretty gosh-darned funny!

  12. Oh, hysterical! And so interesting and useful! I do love the dead pan delivery.
