Sunday 24 March 2024

One of life's mysteries!

Dog owners/walkers are usually very conscientious about picking-up their dog's-poo. We have our pockets full of poo-bags at all times, and in case of emergencies are always ready to give some to those who may have run out.

In fact I would say that most dog owners take great pride in their public-spirited cleanliness, and treat their 'filled bags' as some form of decency trophy. Walking to an allotted dustbin with your little black or green bag is a sign of being a worthy member of society. 

So, occasionally seeing sights such as the above really confuses me. Why on earth would anyone go to the lengths of picking up their dog's poo, then leave the bag on a wall, on a gravestone, or even under a bench. It makes no sense. 

I need to catch an offender actually leaving a bag somewhere, then ask them what on earth they think they're doing. I need to know the thinking behind the action. Similarly, I have always wondered why people leave litter on the ground right by the side of a dustbin.

I have to presume that these offenders have a slightly different type of brain to the rest of us, something must have gone wrong with that tiny part of the brain that says 'Put your rubbish/dog poo in the correct receptacle'. 

For the moment it remains a mystery.


  1. In our previous park people would leave the bags hanging from branches. Is it some kind of joke I don't get? In our new area the poo bins are painted pillar box red and look like modern post boxes. How many mistakes have been made, I wonder.

    1. Yes, I can see that causing problems for some people. I too have seen them hanging in trees; what ARE people thinking!!!

  2. Our short stretch of street down to the beach is a favourite of the after-dark dog walkers who don't bother picking up. A walk there each day is like stepping through a dog toffee minefield.

    1. That is disgusting; people here are very conscientious, even those who leave the filled poo-bags on a wall.

  3. What makes people pick up their dog's poo yet then leave the bag on a bench or wherever? Absentmindedness? It happens. Years ago I went through a strange phase where I'd go to an ATM, take the card and walk off minus the cash; people running after me waving the notes I'd left behind. This happened repeatedly. Ridiculous. However, I had a lot on my mind at the time plus I am a day dreamer even at the best of times. By the way, don't panic if it happens to you. If there is no one behind you, ie no queue, the ATM will suck the cash back and put it back into your account. How do I know this? Don't ask.

    Of far greater interest to me, not least considering people your age and older: How do some of the more elderly dog owners actually do the bending down to poop scoop? I once did myself an injury lifting something really heavy. My fault. I can still hear the cracking sound in my lower back. Yes, it healed but for about six weeks when I dropped something I had to ask passing strangers to please pick it up for me, say my housekeys. Interesting times were had.


    1. I have a bad back, bad hips, and a bad knee, yet I do manage to bend over to collect the offending items. I might even go as far as saying that if you are incapable of picking-up your dog's poo, that you shouldn't have a dog.

    2. Hold your horses, Cro. You can't just get rid of a dog because you can't pick up its faeces any longer. I know really really old people in the neighbourhood who do employ dog walkers because time has made them [physically] unable to do so themselves.


    3. As you well know, I meant don't get one in the first pace!

  4. A lot of people don't like carrying a bag of poo if they are coming back the same way, so leave it to collect on the way back. It happens a lot in the field I walk in, and of course people do forget to pick them up sometimes. I have a " dog handbag" that I put the used bags in and deposit them in the bin at home. ( there are no bins where I walk in the mornings)

    1. Strangely, I find here that people carry their little bags with some pride. They are demonstrating what socially-minded folk they are.

  5. Recently it's been made an fineable offence here to not pick up your dog's poo and you have to carry a bottle of water to wash away their pee. Yet I notice that there is still a large amount of both around. One part of the local popular daily dog walk is bordered by deep grass verges where it looks as though few ever clear up after their pooches.The local dog park has a dispenser of free bags and numerous bins, but you still have to watch where you put your feet!

    1. People are very conscientious here, it's very rare these days to see any dog poo around.

  6. Here we have some dog owners who are very lazy, our pavements are not good, there is alot of noise about sorting it out.

    1. So there should be if owners are not cleaning-up after their pets.

  7. As a non-dog owner, I have to say that not all dog owners are as conscientious as you about cleaning up. I regularly spot poo bags on my travels and then there's the disgusting unbagged doo-doo on or by public footpaths! Yuk!

    1. Brighton is rather 'Green, Snowflaky, and Woke', and the last thing most people would want is to be seen as uncaring. I'm actually quite impressed by how aware people are of 'dog fouling'.

  8. Poo bags end up in landfill and the plastic takes hundreds or thousands of years to break down. So it's not green at all. Biodegradable poo bags, composting and even flushing it down the toilet is far more ecological.

    1. The ones we have are biodegradable; I thought they all were.

  9. I see the bags on trails in wildlife preserves.

  10. Maybe a mistake. They didn't want to walk around with it and were going to pick it up on the way back through.
    I love your theory of the little part of the brain that tends to those type things isn't working. ;)

    1. I suspect it's more laziness than forgetfulness. These folk know what they're doing.

  11. Cro, that is something that irks me too... people not picking up their dog's mess or leaving the bag in front of our house... on the street, but Why?? We don't even have any pets - although we do feed the neighborhood ferals.

    1. Everyone knows they should tidy-up after their dogs, but some choose to ignore it.

  12. Whilst on the subject -- male dog's always feel the need to pee up the 'stalk' of the mail box opposite my bungalow. That 'stalk' sends every bitch into minor ecstasy as it passes. Woman never learn do they.

    1. Billy loves to sniff everywhere another dog has passed-by. He wants to know everything about them, and makes sure he does!

    2. I have heard that called pee-mail.

  13. This is a personal hate of mine, and I too am confused as to why they do it.

  14. I find there is always someone that thinks they are above picking-up and/or carrying dog poo. It is said, it takes all kinds.

  15. There are signs in every neighbourhood here reminding people to pick up after their dog, but if you should point them out to people suddenly half the neighbourhood doesn't understand English.
