Thursday 7 March 2024



I was very moved yesterday morning to find this small tribute to Alexei Navalny in our churchyard.

Some kind and caring person had left his photo with a couple of bunches of flowers, another bunch joined them before I passed by again in the afternoon. Somehow I expect that before my tomorrow's early walk with Billy, more flowers will have joined them.

Navalny, as we all know, was a great opponent of Putin. He spoke-up against his corruption and mis-management. A sin that eventually cost him his life under a repressive regime that knows no bounds.

Locking-up opposition politicians is not something we do in the democratic West, although I can think of a few who probably merited being put out of harm's way. 

We will probably never know the full facts of Navalny's death, but it is certainly suspicious. The authorities even arrested more than 130 people for simply attending his funeral.

We should be forever grateful that we were born in a democratic liberal country, and not in some repressive Marxist state, where those infamous Mind-Police are hiding around every corner.

RIP Alexei Navalny.


  1. Unfortunately he was just one of many removed for daring to oppose Putin. Nice that he is remembered in your churchyard too

    1. Yes, I was quite moved to see that some anonymous person had left a tribute.

  2. Cup and cherish the flickering candle of hope. Alexei Navalny's light must never die.

    1. Those poor people. When my Father-in-Law was at the Embassy in Moscow, their nannies or maids would suddenly disappear. It was impossible to discover what had happened to them.

  3. A btave man indeed. He knew what his fate would be but he felt the need to fight on in such a fearless way. RIP Navalny

    1. I think he should have stayed away and fought from abroad. He would still be alive today (possibly).

  4. That was lovely to see that someone in Brighton was thinking of him. I really do get fed up when people slag off the UK ...... every day I thank my lucky stars that I was born and live here. XXXX

    1. I am on your team Jacqueline. We have much to be grateful for and proud about.

    2. I've just passed by the tribute and there were a few more flowers there; some, I imagine, picked from within the graveyard itself.

  5. As much as I loath a former President, locking him up for his crimes would make us no different than Putin. I will VOTE,

    1. We've had a few maniacs here in recent times, but they're all still spouting their nonsense in liberty.

  6. Putin tolerates no opposition. Over time, AN is just one of many that faced the same outcome. Lovely tribute to AN.

    1. Sadly it's been going on in Russia for ever.

  7. It's Thursday so rest assured I'll be out banging my pots and pans.

  8. It is amazing to me that one person can create so much misery to so many people and is left to do it another day.

    1. The perfect summary of his reign, and no doubt he'll make sure he's re-elected.

  9. It was encouraging to see the crowds queueing up for several days afterwards to visit his grave and put more tributes on it. I think Yulia Navalnaya is a very brave woman too, carrying on his legacy, albeit from overseas. Even then, she'll be got at eventually I'm sure. I wonder how many people will spoil their ballot papers this time round?
