Wednesday 20 March 2024

Life in 2024.


Gert: My bloomin' knee's playing up again Daisy, pass me that lotion would you.

Daisy: I don't think the lotion will help dear, you've probably caught PTSD or ADHD; they're both very fashionable at the moment.

Gert: If anything it's my Mental Health that's causing the pain; not PDTS, or whatever.

Daisy: OK, it could be your Mental Health, but that's probably been caused by the PTSD as well as some ADHD, and The Cost of Living Crisis.

Gert: Yes, I've probably got all of those. Hasn't everyone?

Daisy: Yes, of course they have dear, this is 2024. But at least you're not transitioning (are you?), not being racially abused, not visiting a food bank, not being twittered at, you're not autistic, you don't own slaves, you're not crossing the channel in a plastic paddling pool, or being sent rude photos by 12 year old schoolboys.

Gert: Gosh...... You make me sound almost 'normal'.  

Daisy: You are dear!


  1. Even in 2024 there are really still some things we should be thankful for.

    1. I was trying to think of all those things we now take for granted, that never existed a couple of decades ago.

  2. blimey Cro, we are only just old enough to remember this pair, ( from the wireless) I get what you're saying tho. My grandma's name was Gertrude but I only found out long after I'd grown up. Of course.🙂

    1. They lived quite near to us in Sussex when I was younger. Their brother was PC Dixon of Dock Green.

  3. I wonder what a similar conversation will encompass in another 50+ years!

    1. Fashions will come and go, but I expect there'll be plenty more to suffer from. They just haven't thought of them yet.

  4. If Gert's knee really is playing her up, it is probably because she had to kneel to rub down and then paint a communal handrail.

    1. I've just this minute given them a second coat. What a craftsman!!!

  5. Times change as they are meant to but not always for the better. Re your last post, we have similar steps opposite us. About 20 years ago I told the council that the railings were all rusty and needed painting. They came and painted them pretty quickly. About eight months ago, a man driving a 4x4 had a seizure and crashed into the wooden posts opposite our house, knocking many of them down. The police said they had told the council. Weeks went by and nothing was done ... posts and concrete in the road. I wrote and reported it and they emailed me back and said it wasn't a priority. They fixed them about 5 months later !!! Our railings are rusty again so, if you could pop round and paint them Cro, we would all be most grateful as I can't see the council painting them again, EVER !!!!! XXXX

    1. If you were nearer I'd pop round this afternoon. After a second coat ours are looking very good.

  6. Hahaha, it's very fashionable to have all these 'conditions'... they never seemed to exist when I was young, we just got on with things. ADHD was just 'being naughty' and suitable punishment was given, and that was only one person in the whole school. Everyone seems to be 'on the spectrum' somewhere, I feel like a sort of social minority not having any of these things! (And yes, I do realise that I am very lucky).

    1. This is exactly what I was thinking. So many of these popular 'ailments' didn't exist in my day; now everyone has them.

  7. Thank you Cro. I really needed this today.

  8. PTSD & ADHD are no joking matters.

    What is wrong is people making fun of them...and others claiming to have them when they don't

    1. Agree completely and to say that "they never existed a couple of decades ago" is ridiculous.

      PTSD - heard of WW1 shell shock? same thing.
      Visiting food banks - many years ago it was churches who would give out food parcels
      Twitter - will give you that one
      Autistic - now people recognize it, in the past people did not
      Racial abuse - are you joking (I didn't spot an exclamation mark which, apparently, is the universal symbol for joking). Racial abuse wasn't around a couple of decades ago? Hmmm, it certainly was.

    2. Of course they existed but the names didn't. Now they're bandied about like sweets. Like food allergies, everyone has to have them otherwise they feel like an outcast.

    3. I'm trying to imagine what it must be like not to have any sense of humour; sadly I can't.

    4. To lack a sense of humour or reality one has to be a lefty. They never develop when their mum dies and if she was a teacher or state employed then long before that. Most nutters are state employed.

    5. Being a leftie is bound to knock any humour out of you. You only have to look at the present Westminster bunch.

    6. "I was trying to think of all those things we now take for granted, that never existed a couple of decades ago."
      "Of course they existed but the names didn't."
      Slight disconnect there me thinks.

  9. Normal has taken on an entirely new definition. Some good, some bad and everything in between!

    1. It's amazing how many people these days suffer from 'Mental Health', or are 'Autistic', can't eat nuts, or have ADHD. It makes you wonder if anyone is 'normal' any more!

    2. What is 'normal' anyway?
      Coming from a family full of ADHD/Aspergers/dyslexics...
      What would we do without people who can think laterally or "outside the box", going around problems...who can focus entirely on a problem and exclude other many artists and scientists....

    3. My point is, not that they don't exist, but that they are all highlighted these days rather than previously simply being 'accepted'. When I was at school no-one had any of these 'ailments'; they were simply looked-after according to their needs. These days they are used as excuses.

  10. and all the 'ailments or conditions' that are 'abbreviated'... half the time I don't know what they're talking about. And yes, the conditions are real - and serious - just bantered about a lot.
