Friday 22 March 2024

Kimbo's snaps.

My son Kimbo and his wife Suzie and now back from Egypt; they had a wonderful time.

They stayed in some sensational hotels, ate sensational food, and spent a few sensational hours ballooning.

I have been up in a hot air balloon myself in France, so I know what it's all about. However, flying over ancient Egyptian sites is something else.

Anyway, here are a couple of photos from his trip. They landed safely, but apparently there was no Champagne awaiting them. For those who haven't flown, Champagne is traditionally offered after landing. Maybe their religion doesn't allow alcohol.

So, welcome home. He brought me a newspaper, a pack of Dates, as well as a few other delights..... There wasn't a lot in the paper!


  1. What an experience drifting over the pyramids. You'd be intoxicated without the champagne.
    A newspaper. In Egyptian?

    1. It was in English. It was mostly about Hamas/Israel, but with two full pages of English Language education.

  2. We did a balloon flight a few years ago from a field near Stevenage, just north of here. One of the most interesting things was watching the " wave effect" of the busy early morning traffic on the A1 below us. I was the oldest person there and was mortified that I couldn't climb into the basket and they had to lay it down for me to lie on as it was tilted upright.

    1. There wasn't a lot going on beneath us when we took our flight, but we were amazed to see how wooded everywhere was.

  3. What a wonderful experience for Kimbo and Susie.I have always been nervous about visiting Egypt which is a shame because I would have loved to see some of the ancient sites.

    1. Trust your gut, YP.

      Cairo. Don't ask. Particularly if you are out there, leaving the sound of the mosques calling for prayer behind - in the desert, on a camel, wearing contact lenses, slight breeze, sand. So far so bearable.

      Up the pyramid, bum to nose.The "stairway" so tight, by comparison, negotiating the birth canal is nothing. I don't consider myself claustrophobic yet couldn't stand it any longer half way up. Sod reaching the top - some empty chamber. I turned round - as indeed did a lot of people. Bum to nose again - reverse. On exit? Oh to breathe, YP. Stretch, space. I was ecstatic. That I didn't throw up in the aftermath is only due to my cast iron constitution.

      On the other hand ... there is always Luxur. Cruise on the Nile. Think Agatha Christie.


    2. They had a wonderful time, flying from place to place, staying in wonderful hotels, and all topped-off with the balloon flight. Perfect.

  4. I had a balloon flight some years ago as a gift for a "significant" birthday. Quite an experience but the typically British winter weather was true to form and it was grey and over cast. It was still fascinating to fly over villages and the countryside. We made a safe landing and enjoyed a champagne breakfast in the field where we landed.

    1. We loved our flight in France, and the 'pilot' managed to land in exactly the spot from where we took off. Amazing.

  5. I don't think I could do a balloon flight, I'd be scared stiff, I really don't like heights.

    1. Strangely it didn't seem dangerous at all.

  6. A balloon flight is on my bucket list.

  7. Lovely holiday. Several friends have toured Egypt and never spoke about a balloon flight option. It looks like good fun.

  8. The photo of the balloons floating up in the air was beautiful. It "almost" made me want to go on an air balloon ride.

  9. No real estate to peruse in the paper?

  10. We did a balloon flight from Chateau Milandes one year and ended up landing in someone's garden just before nightfall. How did you manage to get back to where you took off?

    1. I have no idea how he did it, but we landed just a short walk from our car. More by luck than skill I imagine.

  11. I used to want to try hot air ballooning too but not anymore.

    1. Oh you should, if you have the chance. It's a wonderful experience.

  12. We had a wonderful balloon flight over the Masai Mara, followed by a champagne breakfast cooked, in the bush, by hotel chefs. We even had a visit from a huge male elephant so had to keep our eyes on it unless we neded to make a quick retreat. Wonderful experience.
