Monday 11 March 2024

Admission of Guilt.

Oh dear. The Moaning Minnies have been complaining about Kate's Mother's Day picture of her with her three children. The Minnies say it's been doctored, or taken previously, or they used doubles. Whatever was wrong with it, they wish to complain with the strongest possible voice, and have it instantly removed from public view. How dare this family show a photo of themselves that has hidden some outbreak of acne, or removed an annoying Wasp.

Well, before the world's paparazzi starts to complain about MY photos, I would like to make a public admission.

Yes, I have in the past altered my own photos. I have altered their format, their brightness, and even occasionally changed them from colour to black-n-white. And I wish to now apologise before the press splashes a 'World Exclusive' across their front pages; and haul me off to Wormwood Scrubs. 

I have not yet received any complaints about my alterations, so for the moment my pictures haven't been 'killed'. The Minnies have restrained themselves, and the Blog Standards Agency have not yet threatened to take away my camera.

However, if you don't hear from me in the next few days, it could be that I'm rotting in the same cell as royal photographer Prince William.



  1. I couldn't believe all the comments and nit picking. It's all over Greek tv too. It's a lovely photo, especially for Mothers Day. Leave them alone!

    1. Some people have nothing to complain about, so they pick on totally trivial matters.

  2. One would really think that there were more important things in the world.

    1. I could hardly believe what I was reading this morning. As if it matters!

  3. Almost everyone alters photo's, I often crop mine, showing just what I want you to see....... please don't judge me.

    1. I shall send the photo-police round to see you.

  4. In reality, has Prince William buried Katherine under the patio? Perhaps they had a row about where to go on holiday - Scarborough or Brighton. Of course they picked Scarborough in the end - staying at the Thoresby Guest House on Marine Road... and that is when Prince William got mad, really mad.

    1. Maybe Kate had a black eye that needed to be 'shopped'.

  5. I'm getting a bit fed up of all of the conspiracy theories about Catherine Princess of Wales. She's had an operation, she is recuperating and will be back when better ..... and, it's just a photograph ! XXXX

    1. It's all totally pathetic; it even took pride of place on the BBC1 1 o-clock news. Bonkers.

  6. You should see what YP has done with photos.

    1. I hear he tries to make himself look handsome!

  7. If they didn't want comment they should have issued an unaltered current photo..or nothing.

    1. I thought the one above was perfectly acceptable.

    2. Look even slightly closely and it is a mess..and Kate herself has admitted editing a family snap.
      Family "snaps" should stay within the family, something released by Clarence House should be far better quality and a straight unedited photo..after all they complain enough about other people editing photos of them!

    3. Kate seems to have grown a mans left hand.

  8. Such a tempest in a teapot. A famous woman feels obliged to release a family photo to the public that has been tweaked in some manner!
    Maybe next year she'll get some peace and quiet by not allowing any publication at all.

    1. I do hope so, and then they'll all complain even more.

  9. I only just saw this, the only thing I noticed were all the leaves on the tree and the kids with rather peculiar expressions on their faces.
    It's up to them what they post, makes not a jot of difference to me.
    I suspect it isn't photoshop but AI. Several of the hands in the image look rather odd, AI does struggle with hands. Having said that they are a rather odd lot.

    1. I see a very bog-standard family photo.

    2. It's far from it. Have you got trees in leaf?
      She certainly looks well which is good. It is a big con. It's not done well but why they would bother I don't know.
      That image doesn't look like a family snap.

    3. It's a Forsythia...they are in flower right now.

  10. They should have asked you to touch it up Cro rather than Kate doing it in such a cack-handed way.

    1. It would have been nice to see a ninth hand somewhere; she missed a trick.

    2. Tasker I can't remember posting an image straight out of camera, I don't even post video straight out of camera.
      The masking work is okay, colour balance is middling. The money they have why didn't they get it done properly or do the job and re snap it with a bit of blur on? I can hazard a guess. They are so arrogant that they assume whatever shite they post will be accepted and are too tight fisted to pay a photographer. They are a weird family, I half tolerated Queeny but that was through hope and nostalgia.
      PS. Thanks Cro, I've got a couple of video intros to do, neither of which are going well so looking at the image you posted made me feel better about myself.

    3. Don't believe it. Most of my daughter's contemporaries, all graduates, two with engineering degrees from Cambridge, have found it extremely difficult. You can't even get a job in a supermarket unless you are disabled.

    4. That should have gone on Cro's previous post.

  11. Replies
    1. And is hiding far more important and inconvenient news...

    2. Always a squirrel with the MSM. I heard she is locked up for cavorting with the England Ladies Eleven. Dirty little minx.
      If true she's gone up in my estimation.

  12. I saw the photo in our newspaper and thought "Oh look, it's Kate and the kids" and didn't notice anything wrong with it. Some people just live to be picky.

  13. My reaction to the photo was the same as River's. It seems there are a great many people out there who have nothing better to do than look for an excuse to nit-pick.

    1. I suspect that most are lefty anti-monarchists.
