Thursday 8 February 2024

The TWO subjects that should NEVER be broached?

We are often told that we should never discuss either Politics or Religion, our opinions should be kept to ourselves.

However, they are probably the two subjects I find the most fascinating, and the two subjects that are currently at the forefront of all the world's problems. Everyone seems to hate everyone else for reasons that involve either politics and religion; or both. They are the subjects that are somehow behind all the bad things we see happening daily.

The UK is probably amongst the last few really liberal countries in the world. Once we were proud of that liberalism, but sadly, along with so many other European countries, it has come back to bite us on the bum; yet we continue to cling to our freedom-loving ideology!

Our daily TV news broadcasts and newspapers are filled with endless tales of stabbings, crime, and sexual assaults from those to whom we gave refuge/asylum. Many older UK natives now hardly recognise their own country. The problems have become the daily fodder of both the right-leaning press, and the left-leaning TV broadcasters; so this is not biased reporting as some might cynically suggest, it is simply factual journalism.

The latest atrocity to shock Britain was a chemical attack on a young woman and her two small children. Abdul Shokoor Ezedi arrived in the UK hidden in the back of a lorry. He applied for asylum and was refused, he applied again and was refused again (why wasn't he sent home?). Then he committed some sexual assault and was sentenced to prison for a few weeks, which was suspended for two years. He had also been 'exposing himself' for which he was also made to stand on the naughty step for ten minutes. Then a miracle happened, and he managed to convince some idiot of a priest that he had become a Christian, as a result of which he was granted divine asylum. It was after this that he threw some corrosive alkaline solution over the woman and her children, causing life-altering injuries. Why are we so tolerant of these people? His example is not uncommon.

Liberal thinking has caused the problems, but liberal thinking will never solve them. We have to accept that things have now permanently changed (for the worse), and all we can do is try to educate and avoid confrontation. Sending them home (or even to Rwanda) has become impossible; the woke brigade simply won't allow it, and our prisons are full.

Personally I feel very depressed about the situation; not for myself, but for my grandsons who will inherit the mess. We have open religious and political battles on our streets. Certain religious groups preach nothing but hatred against the country that welcomed them. And even a senior staff member (Dawn Las Quevas-Allen) at BBC3 openly offers disgraceful insults towards white English natives in general, as well as posting the most vile antisemitic comments imaginable online. She has now been sacked from the BBC. What on earth has gone wrong?

I read today that the USA has a regular monthly influx of 'illegals' of around 300,000 (the population of Pittsburgh); so this isn't just a European problem.

So, what to do? I think it's time we took our gloves off, and discussed these two subjects openly, and try to find proper solutions to the problems they've caused. We can't go on like this by skirting around the subject, religion and politics have made the UK into a gangsters paradise, and it's getting worse by the day.

The woke brigade insist that everyone has 'human rights', but those who behave badly or wrongly must be prepared to surrender those rights.

We can only find a solution if we are prepared to analise and discuss!


  1. In my opinion this comes down to two disastrous pieces of legislation - Blair's Human Rights and Equalities - and the creation of an activist Supreme Court, together with membership of the EHCR. We have created a activist lawyers paradise at the expense of the majority population.

    1. The law is working against the wellbeing of Britain in almost every way imaginable. There is no move to halt its progress, and it simply goes from bad to worse. At some stage someone has to say enough is enough; hopefully this won't be some fanatic like they now have in Holland.

    2. I don't think that I helps having so many lawyers as MPs in parliament. Historically there was a broader range of people, from those who had come up through the trade union path to the grammar school products like Thatcher and Heath (although Heath was an disaster as PM, with his deceitful behaviour over joining the then Common Market).

    3. And don't forget that in 2020 Starmer was responsible for halting the repatriation of 40 criminals to Jamaica. Most of them went on to commit more crimes, and one to murder. Lawyers work for their pockets, not for what is right.

  2. Don't worry Cro, soon you will no longer hear of such dreadful acts and behaviour. The new online safety act ensures that such "disinformation" will be severely curtailed by law. The only news you will hear will be the news you're allowed to hear.
    Orwell is probably spinning in his grave.

    1. I was just reading of an Iranian girl who said that 'once the 'Morality Police' control what you wear, it won't be long before they control what you think'. Sounds familiar!

  3. Well said Cro! We're all doomed...

    1. We certainly will be if we do nothing about it.

  4. It is so very depressing. Excuse me, Cro.. I am off to dig a hole in the sand to bury my head.

  5. Thanks for having the courage to speak up, I will try to follow your example. If we say nothing we are complicit.

    1. I we all stay silent, things will only get worse. It's our politicians who need to speak up the most.

    2. There are only a handful of politicians who are prepared to speak up. They are afraid of losing their comfortable lifestyle in their posh houses. They forget that they should be serving the general public who voted for them, and not bringing in laws to reach targets made up by the Globalists.

    3. A classic example of people not understanding each other. Check out Andrew Bridgen, this is the person to whom meanqueen is refers

  6. I feel your despair. I am struggling to find a way out of it. I wish I could offer a solution, but for the moment we should all be talking about it. The whole of humanity is at stake as the Globalist cabal surges forward with their evil plan. The only hope I think is if the world goes bankrupt, but that seems unlikely at the moment because they keep printing more money, which is totally worthless because it is not backed up by anything.

    1. The constant search for world power by those with rigid political or religious aims will be the cause of the world's downfall. Just asking those regimes to behave themselves doesn't work; it will need considerable strength and determination; not a pleasant thought.

    2. “The whole of humanity is at stake as the globalist cabal surges forward with their evil plan”…I have no idea what that means. I have no idea how someone can think there is a global plan.

      I agree with you Cro, there are rough times ahead

  7. I watched a programme on Chimpanzees and the constant fight to be Head of the Herd - we haven't changed all that much apart from always standing upright.

    1. I believe that we are about 90% genetically similar to Chimps. I'm not surprised.

    2. Think it is closer to 99% Cro

  8. Cro the crusader. Repel the infidel (am I still allowed to say that?)

    1. Probably not, but repel all criminals is probably OK.

  9. What a terrible story. He's one person that should have been sent to Rwanda the first time he applied for asylum and was rejected.

    1. How do these people slip through, or con, the system? It is amazing, and look what comes of it.

  10. Hasn't it always been said that Religion and Politics have been the root of pretty much all of the major problems in the World ? I try to keep my head buried ..... nothing that I could do would make the slightest difference ..... I make sure that I know what is going on in the world but I don't dig too deep. XXXX

    1. I fear it's getting far worse by the day, and they are far more open about their aims.

  11. Hey up. You are pure evil, away to the correction camp. How dare you presume your grandchild's gender? In Brighton of all places.

    It's bad now but wait till next year when Kier is in charge. Politicians are the problem. Keir daren't say whether or not women have cocks. Understandable if he got a striker in for his wife's pregnancies. Does he have a wife? Can't say I've ever seen her but happen she is shy.
    If you feel strongly then act. Ignore the rubbish politician's spout. There is little point in voting as we're only allowed to choose between two cheeks of the same arse.
    Just have fun with the time you have left. If lefties annoy you just ignore them or if they won't go away then hit them. Few of them have done anything productive so are incapable of retaliation.

    1. Our problem here is that there are far too many gullible people about. People will be voting for 'change' at the next election. Not a better life, or more employment, or a better NHS; but just 'change'. When it all goes wrong, they'll be saying "Wasn't me Guv', I voted Tory".

    2. Voting Tory/Labour is the same as not voting at all. Politicians are for the most part idle and a bit thick, they rely on the civil servants who by default dictate policy. There must be a million folk doing fuck all on big money working for Quangos advising brain dead civil servants. We are a country run by the blind advising the blind.
      Politicians are not on anybody's side but their own. Its too well paid. They can keep their day job, turn up or not and there are 650 of the useless tossers.

    3. I worked with John Biffin who was not only 'Father of the House', but also regarded as a great intellectual. I don't see him at all in your description of MP's. He was a wonderful man.

  12. I do not believe it is exclusively immigrants that are causing violence/harm. This is not the case in the US. Many immigrants are seeking a better life and want to work. Integrating them is important which is not working everywhere. (Boston, MA recently opened a large recreation center in Roxbury, MA exclusively to house immigrants. Concord, MA took over a motel to house homeless.) Violence seems more home grown. Society has changed and our youth are discouraged. More opportunity to succeed needs to exist, education needs improvement and people need to be prepared to enter a profession and be productive. This leads to a strong economy which is key and beneficial to all.

    1. I totally agree, in fact the UK could hardly operate without its immigrants. No, here were talking of illegal immigrants who come often as criminal gangs. In many ways they are a new phenomenon from the past couple of decades, when freedom of movement throughout Europe meant that they came in unchecked. Genuine immigrants come in through the front door, these people definitely come in via the back.

    2. The back door definitely. Millions are being trafficked across the Southern Border. They spend weeks travelling over dangerous terrain, through the Darien Gap. The Chinese are escorted, base camps set up where they can get food and shelter. Poor people have been sold a dream, a new life, many of them die along the way. It's the sheer volume which is the problem.

  13. I'm sorry to have had to delete a few comments. Some people purposely pretend not to understand what we all know to be true. This is done for political purposes, which does their cause no good whatsoever. I don't like having to delete, but occasionally some people demand it of me!

  14. don't remember corrosive alkaline solutions being mentioned in The Bible. Abdul Shokoor Ezedi has abused our hospitality and should have been denied asylum. I am not sure what you mean by "the woke brigade" but I feel pretty much the same as you about the state of things.

  15. Bob, Becky, and Harry, all trolls.

  16. I agree with you, the UK and my USA are under attack, all the values we love under attack, and many of the 2 million people illegally entering are coming with very bad intentions. There are brave people working for the good and I support them.

    1. The one's above who, I presume, support these people, are probably part of the problem. It's all probably worse than I thought.

  17. I think I inadvertently allowed anyone to comment here. I shall change it back to 'sensible people only'.

    1. As it takes actual positive steps to enter settings and change them to accepting comments from Anonymous and URL/Name individuals I find it difficult to see how you could have done this "inadvertently".

    2. I reposted an old page recently and wished to delete all the previous comments. It looks as if I later opened up to all comers. I think I've now solved the problem. Thanks for pointing it out.
