Sunday 11 February 2024

RIP My Mother.

Today is my mother's birthday; Feb 11th.

Apparently it was my mother's older sister (my Aunty Matt), who wrote to her saying that there was a highly eligible, and prosperous young bachelor in her Surrey village who she wanted her to meet 'at once'.

Mother came down from Shropshire, had a good look at this bachelor, and they eventually married.

We had a very pleasant childhood in our Surrey village. Nice homes, good education, and parents who lived by certain standards. There was always good food on the table, a fire in the grate, and warm comfortable beds. 

Mother took us off to (what was in those days) exotic locations for holidays. We had a wonderful circle of friends in the village, and both Mother and Father were respected citizens. Life was good.

On the domestic front, in the 1950's my mother discovered the cookery writer Elizabeth David which was a revelation to most English cooks and totally changed how the English thought about eating. When abroad Mother would always bring back strange delights that were unavailable at home, so we became used to eating interesting or unusual things, and I thank her for that.

I think Mother was born in 1914, which would have made her a theoretical 110 years old today. She was with me when I drew my very first breath, and I was with her when she drew her last. I miss her.

Happy Birthday (if that's possible)!



  1. I hope that you thanked Aunty Matt. It left me wondering how your Mother's sister knew your wife.

    1. She didn't. My mother's older sister introduced my mother to my father. A good move!

  2. A romantic tale to put us in the mood for Valentine's Day.

    1. Yes, I suppose it was. A bit of jiggery-pokery at the same time.

  3. How lucky you are to have had such a wonderful childhood and family.

    1. Yes, it's what I wish for everyone. I hate hearing of children being abused or mistreated.

  4. I had a very similar warm and secure childhood which makes my heart break for those who are not so fortunate. Your mother and my father were born in the same year.

    1. See my reply to Yael. It costs nothing to be kind and friendly.

  5. Kimbo bears a strong resemblance to his Grandmother! X

  6. Your Aunty was a matchmaker and you were gifted with lovely parents.

  7. You had a good upbringing. Lots of love there

  8. Elizabeth David - my favourite too. I still read my now tattered copy of 'An Omelette and a glass of wine' from time to time.

    1. I think I have all her books, and the one you mention is my most recent.

  9. I too had the happiest of childhoods. I do so wish everyone was as lucky.

    1. Those of us who were so lucky wish the same thing.

  10. My mother's birthday is also this month, dad's too, though they are both long gone now. We weren't a close family so I don't miss them at all.
