Saturday 17 February 2024

R I P 'Two Balls Bob'.

One of the real characters of our dog-walking community has always been 'Two Balls Bob'.

Bob never went anywhere without his two Tennis Balls. His owner told me he'd had a rough life in London before she rescued him, but he settled into a really lovely boy. 

So, Bob left us yesterday. He's gone to that great kennel in the sky. I wouldn't normally write about the passing of just any local dog, but Bob was special.

I'll really miss him, as I'm sure will all those who knew him. xx



  1. I am sure it was better to be "Two Balls Bob" than "One Ball Bob" or even "No Balls Bob". How kind of the woman who owned him to give him a happy life beyond the rough time he had in London.

  2. That's very sad. I hope he took his tennis balls with him.

  3. Aw, look at his old gray whiskers! What a sweet old guy.

  4. RIP TBBob! You look like a Very Good Boy.

  5. How sad, but so glad he had a good life after such a rough start. RIP Bob.
    My first Labrador, Sultan always liked to carry two tennis balls with him, often ones he'd found in a hedgrow somewhere.

  6. Run Free, Bob! Sounds like he had a great life. We know all of our dog's friends and she notices when one leaves the pack.
