Friday 23 February 2024

My Mother's favourite recipe.

All families have a favourite recipe, and this was certainly one of ours. I don't know where the original recipe came from, but it was well-loved, and appeared on our table quite often. It was probably based on a Normandy version of Chicken Chasseur.

Ingredients (for 2): Two pieces of left-over roasted Chicken, half a tin of chopped Tomatoes, Calamata Olives, halved Mushrooms, and a good splash of dry Cider (I'm using white wine). Herbs, sweet Paprika, and some Olive Oil. S & P, garlic, and maybe some Chili flakes.

As with all the best recipes, it couldn't be simpler. All the ingredients are combined, and cooked for about 30 mins. It is later re-heated and served with either 'American' type Rice, or a creamy mash.

A very good stand-by recipe that would impress even your most fastidious of friends and family.

p.s. I really should have used Cider, as in my mother's recipe; the white wine gave it a very different flavour. But it was v good anyway!



  1. That does sound good. My mother had loads of favourite recipes which I remember and have carried on. I also have her recipe books with her notes. I've already handed some down to my children.
    Good memories

    1. I was thinking recently that I really must preserve my mother's cook book. It's in a terrible state with bits of scribbled recipes between most pages.

  2. The only olive oil in our house was a small bottle kept for earache in the medicine cabinet. Chicken and s+p are the only things on your list which would have been in our kitchen. If I wasn't vegan, I would certainly try your recipe.

    1. I love olive oil. I buy an unfiltered Italian oil which I use liberally. I love it as a condiment in soups, over pasta, even from a spoon for breakfast. It's a panacea.

  3. I think that even I could manage to make that one. I must give it a try. Thanks Cro.

    1. It's very easy, and very good. We had it with rice, but, frankly, it would be better with mash.

  4. I think it would be best with mash. I might try it next winter.

  5. It looks easy to make, and all the ingredients are readily available.

  6. It sounds easy and tasty. I am going to give it a try.

    1. It's a favourite here, and as you say, very easy.

  7. It sounds scrumptious but I doubt that it would impress any vegans or vegetarians who happened to come by for dinner.

    1. Your vegans could just have the rice, with a lettuce leaf on top for decoration.

  8. I do something similar to this, using left over chicken or turkey, but omitting the olives and chili flakes. I use white wine as cider is difficult to find here. I've eaten it with both brown rice and mash - equally delicious!

    1. Next time I'll buy a small bottle of cider, and I think I'll make mash.

  9. Sounds really good and quick as well. I like rice but often the meat/sauce that goes with it is hot and I'm not good with hot { something to do with the inner lining of my mouth I was told ! I can't even drink fizzy drinks quickly for the same reason { mind you, I don't drink fizzy drinks so that's ok !!! } Anyway, I will try your Mother's recipe so thanks. XXXX

    1. I have become a fan of diet Coke, and love that cold bite that it gives. I have one with my lunch.

    2. I very rarely drink fizzy soft drinks, but when I want a diet Coke, I REALLY want a diet Coke!
      I don't think it's ever taken me more than three minutes to down a small bottle or can, even though I always decant it into a glass! X

  10. Replies
    1. I don't really know what it's called. It's fatter than my usual Basmati, it says 'Easy Cook Long Grain Rice' on the pack, it's the same type of rice as 'Uncle Ben's'. But it doesn't seem to have a name.

  11. Sounds good. Sadly I no longer cook but I can imagine it!

    1. It cooks itself Weave. My favourite style of cooking.

  12. The chicken recipe sounds very good and all the ingredients and easily gathered. I'll definitely try this.
