Monday 19 February 2024


It's strange to think that these four boys were recently all sitting together around the table where I'm currently typing.

Of course they are a bit bigger these days, in fact two of them are well over 6 ft tall, with the other two not far behind.

Here they are on the beach at Goldcoast in Oz, with the futuristic city behind them.

They are all of roughly the same age, so they have much in common, and get on well together. When they were here together over Christmas it was as if they'd never been apart. In fact two live in Oz and two in the UK; their two other younger cousins live in Thailand.

I'm not alone in thinking that England has become somewhat toxic. A combination of unchecked immigration and oddball woke thinking, has created a broken society, and like that of Sweden's is frankly un-mendable. So, I am suggesting to my two UK grandsons, and their parents, that they head for Oz. I'm sure in the long term life will be far better 'down under' than it is up here. 

Will they go? I doubt it.



  1. Bizarre post, Cro.

    Every country has pros and cons - other than those, currently and literally, in the line of fire.

    I am sure that your grandsons - wherever they are now or in the future - will find their way. Though not necessarily your approval.


  2. Are you making plans for here then?

  3. After Uni, your grandsons will each decide where they want to live and prosper. You are the perfect example deciding on France until just recently.

  4. In spite of everything, England remains a fantastic country to live in. Sometimes it is hard to see the wood because of the trees.

  5. You think England has become toxic? Take a look at America. That's toxic!

  6. It surprises me to read that you think England (or the whole of the UK?) is now toxic. You have always praised it in the past, even though you were living in France!
    Friends here, who return either occasionally or permanently, don't seem to have much good to say about it either.

  7. The world is now not the same as the world we grew up in. Older and wiser, we learn as we go.

  8. Just a reminder that the UK is still 80% white, not necessarily Christian/Anglo Saxon but more of us than them. Despite what the papers say!

  9. I am an Australian and have 5 grandchildren, 4 of them at University with their future looking good even though the world is different to when I grew up, but I will encourage them to travel and see the world. It is amazing to travel but to come back home is even better, wherever home is. Australia is similary to other countries with a multi cultural population as well as our indigenous people. We all benefit in many ways from the different cultures and the toxic groups are in the minority. I hope your grandchildren come here to Australia as it is a wonderful place to live and to visit, we just have to have respect for everyone and be kind and considerate of their past lives, some have gone through such a lot of pain and suffering.
