Thursday 11 January 2024

That 90 day rule.


It now looks as if the 90 day rule has been relaxed by the French authorities, and that we British home owners will soon have the right to stay in our own homes for up to 180 days without a visa. The new 180 day rule should be rubber-stamped some time this Spring.

This will make a huge difference to our stays in the village that we've called 'home' for the past 50 years.

Three months was already relaxing, but up to six months will give us the opportunity to grow crops, gather autumnal mushrooms, and preserve the results for winter. We should in future be able to preserve plenty of Tomatoes, etc, all of which will return with us to Blighty in the Autumn. We also need to carry out some building work this Summer, so the extra time will help with that too.

Frankly I think it was a bloody cheek restricting our residency to just three months. We have to pay all our bills for the whole twelve months, but weren't allowed to live there. It almost amounts to legalised theft. We even have to pay for rubbish clearance, even though we don't produce any.

No firm details have yet been given as to exactly when the 180 day rule will begin, but I understand that IT WILL. I'm presuming that 2024 will find Cro in France for between 4 and 5 months at least; maybe even 6. We can now but wait!

Macron will let me know..... Yippee!


  1. Replies
    1. It certainly is. We'll be much more relaxed now about our coming and going.

  2. You are one of thousands of British people who own homes in France and all have been affected by the rulings that followed Brexit. Why can't 180 days be upped to 365 days?

    1. It probably will one day, and we might even return to join the Single Market; then the world would be fine again.

    2. You are right that they'll relax it further but don't see us rejoining the single market as EU declines in importance as a percentage of world trade...

  3. That's brilliant. I really don't understand the restrictions ..... is there a reason ? That is a beautiful photograph of your home in France ..... look at that blue sky and the sunflowers ...... I can feel the warmth, sitting here and looking at the frost covering our garden !! XXXX

    1. It's a lovely little house; very cosy! Yes, cold here too this morning.

  4. It will be more relaxing for you now. Not so much time pressure.

    1. Three months was nice, but up to six months will be far more relaxing; as you rightly say.

  5. Good news, Cro. Look forward to seeing the re-establishment of Haddocks and following you on your mushroom hunting.

    1. We just missed the mushroom (Cepes) season last year (which I believe was very good), so it'll be good to have some again.

  6. That's great news! I know you miss Haddock's.

    1. I miss all of it. The woods, Haddock's, the garden, the fruit trees, the pool, and of course the lovely little old house.

  7. At last they've come to their senses. It will make such a big difference to you.

    1. Yes, common sense at last. Thousands will be happy!

  8. You must be delighted to know the restrictions are being eliminated. 4-5-6 months of living in France and growing all the veg you want will be outstanding.

    1. And it's enough for us now. Winter in a centrally-heated house has its attractions.

  9. Oh, politics, I try not to comment on how silly Brexit was.

  10. Replies
    1. My fingers are crossed that it actually happens.

  11. Happy for you Cro. So good to have that to look forward to this year. From the base of the mini-mountain in Maine where we had lots of flooding post weather earlier this week.

    1. There's been plenty of flooding here in the UK too, but luckily not chez nous.

  12. Gosh so happy for you... I have missed many blogs as I have been ill but trying to catch up happy to read this !

    1. Sorry to hear that Parsnip. I hope you are fully recovered. Almost every other person here has been ill.
