Saturday 13 January 2024

So, who are the Houthis?


I suppose the obvious answer to this question must be that they're a rag-bag bunch of AK47 toting unruly Islamist tribal rebels, who are funded by Iran to go around causing trouble!

Yes, it's almost inevitable to say that the Houthis are a group of Shia Islamist Militants, who hate everyone except themselves and their Iranian paymasters. They openly promote 'Death to all Americans' and 'Death to all Jews'. Not folk you'd want as neighbours!

Their recent exploits of controlling, and attacking shipping through The Red Sea has had a hugely negative effect on world trade, and they were warned by the USA and the UK that their actions would not be tolerated.... Allow shipping to pass; or else. They chose 'else'.

Houthi strongholds throughout Western Yemen have now been bombed, and serious warnings of more bombings have been given. No doubt the pro-Iran, pro-Hamas, and pro-Hezbollah apologists will be up in arms against The West for having made such reprisals.

Islam is giving itself a very bad reputation through all the bizarre causes it champions, but they really don't care. As long as their word is spread throughout the world, they are happy. And if they have a few high-profile supporters (useful idiots) in The West, such as Corbyn, they are even happier.

It surprises no-one that their major funding comes direct from Tehran, where the fatwah-issuing Mullahs seem to enjoy paying others do their dirty work.


  1. And, of course, all in the name of the "religion of peace"!

    1. Of course, but mostly in the name of plain old 'hatred', that they're taught every Friday.

  2. The Houthi rebel army have been fighting in the Yemen civil war since 2015 and are responsible for the death of at least 10,000 children. This is a Unicef figure. There will be a march in London today against attacks on Houthis.

    1. No doubt they will have their supporters. I think Corbyn is already there. Sadly certain people are TOLD who to support, and THEY DO!

  3. They have long-range missiles that they send here.

    1. Like Hamas, they prefer to spend their funds on weapons rather than on their starving citizens.

  4. A bit of history since the 1990s..

    1. I think they got that just about right. They even have problems with the Yemeni Sunnis.
      We knew a young man from Yemen back in the mid-80's. He was the most aggressively anti-Western person I've ever met. He came to England to learn English, then just before leaving for home took out a large loan from Barclays giving my name and address as guarantor. They pestered me for ages! The bast*rd.

    2. Learning a bit more..the Houthis started in the 1980s, against Saudi interference in their country. The more you find out, the more interesting it gets looking at who is supporting who now

  5. These fellows would be better off supporting their families, farming, mending roads etc. and doing their best to make Yemen a more stable, self-sufficient country. Mind you, Saudi-Arabian involvement in the chaotic in-fighting does not appear to have heralded an era of peace. Far from it. It's such a mess.

    1. The men support themselves first of all, with AK47's, and expensive djambias under their belts. The black clad wives, and skeletal children, survive on what's left over; if anything. Then they ask foreigners (Brits) for aid.

    2. Biden is the mess Neil.
      No wars under Trump.

  6. I had two spells working in Yemen. I did connect with the employees of the Aden Bunkerage Company, spent six months learning their lingo before I went. They were independent by then and it was a waste of time. Some wanted to learn and did but they were gone the second time I went, replaced by gun wielding morons. I knew I was on a loser and went in tooled up with a few like minded compatriots the second time. I wonder if Yemen has any future. They all come here as they haven't the IQ to build on what we left.
    It doesn't worry me as I'm old but were I young I'd be frightened that we are about to be consumed by fuzzy wuzzies imported by the people elected to protect us.
    Our leaders led by a foreign dwarf who thinks wearing trousers three inches shy of his shoes makes him look tall and the incumbent that doesn't know what a woman is, nor as DPP knew what a Paedo is does not fill me with confidence for the future of Great Britain.
    It is a shit show. Hopefully one I'll miss.

    1. You paint a delightful picture, but there's a lot of truth in there. I had a cousin who set-up a huge beef/milk farm in Saudi. He spent a year getting it all up and running, and trained a few locals to take over after his time was up. None of the locals would do any work, and he left Saudi feeling very frustrated. The farm folded not long after.

    2. No bother. The leftards have won.


    3. Don't be pessimistic too soon!

  7. The UK and US Navel vessels are in the Red Sea working together to protect the shipping routes. They will not want to take on a strong UK/US force. Force is sometimes the only alternative.

    1. They were given the options, but sadly they prefer terrorism. Terrorism brings them £Billions; peace brings them nothing.

  8. Cro - off topic I know, but have just come across this on Brighton council behaviour -

    1. That's what we have to put-up with here. Our rates are sky high, they hate cars, and the adopt every crazy woke policy you could imagine. It's worse than living in Hackney or Islington.

  9. If the entire world got together and bombed them non stop from all sides for a week would it do any good? No? Too bad.
    I notice many of your followers just have an initial now instead of an avatar.

    1. I do think that as a last resort, punishment is the only answer.

      Yes the initials thing started a couple of weeks ago; I have no idea why, but it looks quite nice.
