Friday 19 January 2024




Who on earth dreamt-up the idea of sending the UK's illegal immigrants to Rwanda? What WERE they thinking?

I am always willing to give credit to any government, of whatever political colour, when they get things right, but when they are so obviously wrong I will always be a critic. This Rwanda policy is one such case.

As far as I understand, we have already handed-over £140 Million to the Rwandan Government, in order to accommodate something like 5000 future refugees at their 'Hope House' hostel.

In the deal, the illegals would stay at the above cosy hotel for up to three months whilst they are being 'processed', after which they will receive training or be given employment. Why can this not be done here in the UK? Anyone not meeting our immigration credentials would simply be flown home. Anyone trying to enter the UK with no papers (or faked papers) would also be instantly sent home.

What's so difficult about that? One simply has to be strict. At present we send a boat to pick them up mid-Channel, house them in hotels, provide them with money, and then possibly send them off to sunnier climes in Africa if we can't find anything else to do with them. All at the TAXPAYERS expense.

After being debated in parliament, the current plan seems to have been given the go-ahead. Are they all totally bonkers?


  1. Taxpayer money that could have been invested in compensating those lives destroyed by the Post Office scandal. As a taxpayer I don't begrudge them a penny, especially when i read of the sums sunk in projects like this Rwanda nonsense.

    1. There are plenty of causes in need of money, yet we waste it on these people. We are spending £Millions already on our own soil looking after them. They usually hate us, many are intent on crime, and they are no advantage to the country. I have always been a very liberal person concerning immigration, but my patience is being tested.

  2. And we have homeless veterans and pensioners who have to decide "heat or eat". These people have contributed to the government but now neglected by them, no wonder why they're so disillusioned and angry?

    1. I think people have had enough. The government's, and the opposition's, priorities are all wrong; they need to start looking after their own contributors first. It's good to be generous, but not at the cost of those who've paid taxes all their lives.

  3. I saw the thing which struck me was the comment that why are they sending refugees to a country where most of the youth are unemployed..and there are 100,000 refugees there already.
    Another point.
    Net migration to Britain is a bit under 100,000 last year...less than 10% of those are asylum seekers who cannot claim until they arrive.
    So 90% of immigrants have their papers.
    Why the uproar about the 10%? Most of whom will eventually be accepted and their skills used.
    Britain also accepts a far lower number than most other countries including far smaller ones.

    Just a few things I wonder about

    1. If they have genuine papers, passport, etc, why pay £thousands to come illegally? The truth is that most destroy their papers so they can adopt a new name, and possibly hide any criminal past. Those who come correctly, to work or study, are always welcomed.

  4. Sunak has urged The Lords not to thwart "the will of the people" but I have yet to speak to one other Briton who thinks the Rwanda "plan" has any merit whatsoever. Oh - and could I pick you up on the current expenditure - the bill so far is over £400 million - not £140 million. Apparently they are even constructing a departure air strip with suitable facilities for Rwanda-bound departees at Boscombe Down.

    1. I feel as if they've dug a huge hole for themselves, and can't find any way out.

      I've just checked the £140 Million figure. It does seem correct, but perhaps you are counting all monies spent everywhere. The cost can only go up!

  5. I have been called racist many time on my blog. I think people are beginning to realise that to discuss the influx of foreigners on our soil is not racist.
    The Rwanda plan is doomed to never work. For a start the agreement was to swap one migrant from here, with a person needing special care from their country. I don't know if that arrangement is still in place.
    Most of them coming now are economic migrants, they are looking for a better life.
    Thousands have disappeared into our countryside and towns, and will probably not be found.
    If they get the go ahead to bring this plan to fruition, can you imagine them trying to round people up and march them onto an aircraft. Very unlikely. Are they incompetent, or is it a cover up for something else.

    1. I really don't know what their thinking is. It all seems doomed to failure to me; why doesn't it to them?

      Wanting the right kind of immigration isn't racist at all, nor is trying to keep out the criminals and scroungers. There has to be a solid plan. Rishi says he wants to 'stop the boats', but sends Border Patrol boats to bring them here. Starmer wants to let everyone in, regardless of their status. It's a mess.

    2. My algorithms are working fine. They send me stuff connected to topics I have already read about. It's just chucked this one up. Please excuse the length of the link.

    3. Things go from bad to worse. That is crazy!

  6. Following Australia’s lead with this initiative is foolhardy an inhumane

    1. Australia claims it's working, but I haven't really followed what they're up to.

  7. The most recent published data from the Office of National Statistics estimated that the net migration in the year to June 2023 was at 672,000.

    1. I wonder what the exodus figure was? 672,000 is the size of a huge town.

  8. I have no idea why GZ thought net migration was 100,000 last year. Net migration for the UK for the year to June 2023 was 672,000 compared to 745,000 for the year to Dec 2022,

    1. I think she's been reading The Guardian.

    2. No, mis remembered numbers..saw it on TV and not BBC still holds that 90% have "papers"...

  9. How about sending all the MP's who thought up that little scheme, out to stay in the hostel/hotel in Rwanda? They could go for a year or two and then report back!
    No matter which migrant figure is correct, it's a large influx on an already over-crowded island.

    1. And sadly over-crowded with some very dodgy people, who mostly hate us.

  10. I agree, they are bonkers. Bone-headed strategies are happening in the US too

    1. I just cannot imagine how they came-up with such a crazy idea!

  11. I think the idea of removal to another country was first discussed secretly by the Blair government. But good grief! Forcibly put on a plane! Chained to the seat. Can you imagine it? It would be safer to drug them into insensibility. Imagine what the press would make of that, and how it would look to the wider world.

    1. The whole thing is madness from beginning to end.

  12. I am of the opinion there are a very few of us who aren't bonkers now.

    1. Certainly in parliament; it attracts them like bees to honey.

  13. For the life of me I cannot see why the esteemed members of the HoC do not understand that someone turning up on the South coast in a dinghy is by definition an illegal immigrant, and therefore should be immediately deported back to the country they have just left (France), with no right of appeal, because if they genuinely were asylum seekers then they should have applied for asylum there.

    1. I've been saying the same thing for years, and yet Rishi sends boats to pick them up, and bring them HERE.

  14. "Are they all totally bonkers?" Probably.

    1. It would appear that their actions are totally bonkers, but I would question that. The UK Government are not working independently from the rest of the western world, they are part of a cabal. There is method in their madness. They know what they are doing, however confusing that may be for the rest of us.
