Sunday 28 January 2024

27 January. UK Holocaust Memorial Day.

Yesterday was the UK's annual Holocaust Memorial Day. The reasons for which are obvious, with the event being even more pertinent this year. 

Along with many others I lit a candle at 8 pm, and placed it in our front window. 

On TV yesterday afternoon they showed the 1959 B & W version of 'The Diary of Anne Frank' (which I was unable to watch). The film reminded me of an amusing story. 

When the original Anne Frank play opened at The Cort Theatre on Broadway in 1955, they didn't imagine that it would see over 700 performances. Naturally, the part of Anne Frank was played by various young girls; some of whom were much better actors than others.

 One girl was a particularly poor actress, and when the German soldiers raided her home and shouted 'Where is she, where is she?', the audience apparently all shouted back 'SHE'S IN THE ATTIC'. 

It's a bitter-sweet story, but the idea still makes me laugh today. I hope it's a true account; I've never seen the incident corroborated anywhere.


  1. I remember reading Anne Frank's book when I was a teenager and recently bought a new copy to read again. And after all these years "we" seem to have learned nothing from that war, because "here we go again" withUkraine/Russia; Afghanistan; Israel and the Gaza nightmare and I am sure there are other skirmishes in other lands that could escalate.

    1. Sadly that is the case, and it's horrific to see how many people around the world are so antisemitic. I despair.

  2. Unfortunately, not much has changed. We are once again in existential danger here and in other places in the world, and once again people are shaping their opinions against us because of lies in the media. Back then, it was public opinion that was shaped by lies against Jews, and today it hasn't changed much, unfortunately there are quite a few of those in blogland as well.

    1. Yael, I simply do not understand all this focused hatred. What have the Jewish people, or the state of Israel, done to these people? Maybe your government needs a better information dep't, to explain all the good things you do, and help you have always given to the people of Gaza and elsewhere.

  3. We visited the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam twenty years ago. It was a very moving experience. She had such spirit, such intelligence, such a zest for life. To incarcerate her and effectively kill her purely on the basis of the religion she inherited was unbridled evil. It is wonderful that she is still remembered for she reminds us all of the inhumanity of fascists and of the perpetual sufferings of human beings who just happen to be Jewish.

    1. I haven't visited her home, but I agree 100% with what you say about her. I read a lot about her when I was still a schoolboy, and have never forgotten it.

  4. Not many comments on his post.
    Could be that the Nazis were socialist. Could be that the Dutch, French and Norwegian populace wanted a quiet life and didn't want to upset the Germans. Not to worry, it's all in the past. What is in the future is what matters. Muslims are what we should be concentrating on. We should be focussing on ways to pop them back in their box. Any doctrinal religion that manages to gain critical mass is both evil and bloody dangerous to normal folk. History will convince you of this. History repeats itself, a pound to a penny within three years of the next socialist government it will be normal to bonk children. Queer Starmer didn't think Saville worthy of prosecution. Maybe he did I could be doing him an injustice but Tony and our King said no.
    I carry on, I see that they are thinking of conscription, maybe a Home Guard, give us all our guns back. I doubt it as even they must realise a bullet is worse than an electoral defeat.

  5. Replies
    1. That's a novel response to the Holocaust.

    2. I share your concern about our Middle Eastern friends, as do most other European countries. Sadly, now that they are well installed, and controlling the streets, there is little we can do to halt their advance. C'est la vie!

    3. Travel's response wasn't to the holocaust, but to the theatrical event I mentioned.

  6. Replies
    1. Why can't people be contented with their lot, and try to make things better. Sadly they moan, and make things worse for themselves.

  7. With all the turmoil, could another holocaust be possible? It is a worrying question.

    1. They tried to start it on Oct 7th. Pure hatred for no apparent reason!

  8. Thirty or so years ago a newly met Russian friend told me something that may or may not be true but does serve to explain a lot.... that when you live in a society where it is impossible (or nearly so ) to improve your lot, the easiest way to feel you are better off is to make the other guy worse off. It's too simple to explain international politics and race hatred, but it how often do we see it at work on an interpersonal level?
