Tuesday 26 December 2023

Happy Boxing Day

Today's the day to take back that awful orange and brown Xmas jumper given to you by Aunty Doris, the Santa socks from Cousin Tarquin, and those silly Unicorn pyjamas from your Mother. M & S are expecting you, and will make as much fuss as possible about giving you a refund.

Christmas is over. It's cold Turkey sandwiches for the next week, and a vow that you will never drink any red wine ever again.

The presents are all put away at the back of cupboards, the best plates, glasses, and cutlery, are all washed and stored until next year. And that wretched tree that dropped most of its needles a week ago, is now put outside the back door.

That's it for another year. It'll soon be time for new year resolutions, Easter, and Summer holidays. Then before you know it, it'll be time to do it all over again next year. 



  1. We've both had Covid over Christmas, so we couldn't join the family in Cornwall. Our celebrations are postponed until the 29th. Our pressies are still wrapped and under the tree.

    1. Oh poor you; just when you REALLY don't want to be ill. You'll have to pretend that the 29th is in fact the 25th, so Happy Christmas for the 29th.

  2. Ours couldn't have been more different! Glad you enjoyed yours, Cro.

  3. No pressies to return and nothing to put away. The joy of eating out!

    1. I like the idea of being pampered in a Hotel, but I'm too stuck in my ways.

  4. I wonder who in particular "will never drink any red wine ever again" after over-indulging on Christmas Day Sir Crozier Magnon?

    1. Not me, No, never. But I expect there are droves of people who had far too much. Very few people out this morning; I wonder why?

  5. Cro, we had a very nice Christmas... and the tree and decorations will stay until at least the day after New Year's. We like the look of 'Christmas' in the house. It's all a lot of trouble - but worth it for the family/friends get-together. Makes memories.

    1. Yes, I agree. It's the memories that count. We had a lovely day, I'm sure the grandsons will remember it.

  6. You said it all, except.... January has a whole load of feast and celebrations, then comes carnival, Clean Monday and then Easter. I wish I could take down the tree and hibernate till April.

    1. You have a feast day for every day of the year, I don't know how you cope!

  7. Hopefully, you do not have many gifts to exchange/return. The stores will be just fine without me.

    1. I was lucky, I had nice whiskey, a new pepper mill, and a few other useful things. No tasteless clothes, thank goodness.

  8. Many happy returns as they say.

    1. On Boxing Day we usually see children wearing brand new oversized coats and brand new scarves, but I didn't see any today. Everyone seemed to have stayed indoors. Perhaps they were already queueing at M & S.

  9. Christmas is over and now it's time for me to start shopping for the two dozen birthday cards I'll need for next year.
