Saturday 30 December 2023

Covid then and now.

This photo of me was taken when we all feared for our lives during the initial Covid scare. We hardly dared breathe near another human, we washed our hands relentlessly, and masks were de rigueur. 

I was snapped whilst queueing for my first UK booster jab on the outskirts of town, where we just turned-up without prior bookings. It was all very efficient, and the process took just a few minutes.

With Covid now spreading again, no-one really seems to bother. The symptoms seem to be quite mild, and in my own family we've had cases where the illness lasted for no more than a few days. We all take it in our stride. No-one self isolates any more.

Lady M has been unwell recently with a bad cough; luckily not Covid related. Now I think I may be coming down with the same thing. I dread getting Flu more than Covid, but I've had my jab.

I'm feeling OK this morning. Thank goodness.


  1. Yes, we were all terrified as covid spread that first time. You did well to cover up then, can't even tell that it's you lol. And we all carried bottles of hand sanitiser and shunned anyone that dared to cough.
    This winter there's another wave of it apparently. Some people wear masks in shops. We have had 4 shots. Enough. We both had a ordinary flu shot in November.
    Most who have flu symptoms don't bother to test anymore. It's the flu. We will live with it.

    1. I too have had 4 shots, and am not having any more. I've had my flu jab, so I'm hoping that I'm pretty safe. I think people are fed-up with Covid, and now simply accept that it's a part of life.

  2. My daughter came back with the Covid from London, it was really very easy, also here I was around people who were sick and I didn't know, I received all four vaccines and I don't intend to take the fifth. It's all a matter of proportions in life, I'm ready to stay only with the fear of the corona, as we call it here. Unfortunately, life invites other things.

    1. Yes, I imagine that Covid is the least of your worries at the moment.

  3. Why did you have a bag on your head?

    1. It was a bit drizzly, and I didn't have my brolly with me.

  4. We managed to completely avoid it up till 3 months ago and thought we were doing so well. We'd only had the booster vaccine 3 weeks before, so I suppose that's why it was so mild for us, it was certainly not like the flu we had 10 years ago which knocked us both out for a fortnight. Hope you both feel better soon.

    1. I'm fine thanks. I've had pukka Flu just once and it was horrendous. I was really ill for about 3 weeks.

  5. We had our booster in November but I don't think we'll have any more. I shall take my chances.

    1. There comes a time when one has to say 'no more'.

  6. I'm still testing positive after 11 days. Although it completely ruined our Christmas plans, I have to say I've had worse colds and flu. (I only had the first two jabs. They worsened symptoms of an illness I already have so I refused any more.) What have you got on your head?

    1. I think it must have been a store's own shopping bag. I'm not sure. I seem to know several people who've either had, or currently have, Covid, and none of them has complained overly.

  7. I must say that that picture of you demonstrates what a dashingly handsome fellow you are! With your classical good looks you could easily be a model for an upmarket men's fragrance.

    1. I'm at an age when I no longer try to look like an Adonis; the bag-man look is perfectly acceptable.

    2. The fragrance I am thinking of is "Hercules" by Steptoe & Son.

  8. I love that photograph of you , you daft 'apeth !
    We also didn't have the latest Covid booster { although I might regret it ! } Nearly everyone I know didn't have it but had the flu jab. XXXX

    1. That's the same as me Jacqueline. I've had enough of Covid jabs, but didn't want to catch Flu. Glad you like my photo!!!

  9. I love the multi-purpose hat. I had the latest covid booster and this year's flu vax in the same sitting.

    1. My wife did the same, but I opted out of the Covid jab. I felt as if I'd had enough.

  10. My son and I had Covid at the beginning of December. Mine was milder because I had the latest booster. My son's was worse as he had not had the latest booster yet. He is still dealing with the fatigue of long Covid that comes and goes. I will continue to get boosters and now so will he.

    1. I might have one next year as my resistance might be weakening by then. For the moment I'm quite happy to take the risk.

  11. I'm smiling at your head attire Cro, it reminds me of my grandma who fittingly wore newspaper coronets on her head at the seaside.
    I've just recovered from my third round of COVID despite the jabs, I hardly go out of the house !

    1. We've only had it once (so far) and it wasn't too bad. The problem now is that there are new variants that are side-stepping our previous jabs.

  12. Cro, I would have recognised you anywhere!
    I haven't bothered to go for either my flu jab or the latest Covid shot this winter. I'll take my chances, as I've only ever had one flu shot and felt awful afterwards.

    1. The Flu jabs don't seem to affect me too much, but Lady M usually suffers a bit. She must be a more sensitive soul.

  13. Cro, we've had all the Covid jabs as well as the flu one... so far so good. And we do still wear our masks when in 'public' places... and noticed during the holidays that many have re-donned their masks. We figure it can't hurt to be cautious... and really hate to be sick.

    1. I haven't worn a mask for ages, but do still see people wearing them. I have presumed they are contagious.

  14. Covid and the flu are on the increase in the US as well. Massachusetts hospitals have instituted the mask requirement. Public Health experts are recommending large buildings, where people gather, need to improve air ventilation. I've also decided not to have the latest booster. Many side effects are being reported. Treatment is iffy.

    1. The depressing news is that it'll probably now be with us for ever; as well as new variants as they appear.

  15. Great use for the plastic shopping bag.

    1. I'm sure I thought so too. I no longer care if I look stupid!

  16. sorry to tell you this but you are sick because you took the jabs. they greatly weaken your immune system and you are then open to catch anything that is going around. has nothing to do with c-vid
