Wednesday 6 December 2023

Covid again.


We had really been looking forward to having our daughter and the boys with us, and in fact we've already had a lot of fun.

Like after any long distance flight, passengers usually feel a bit off-colour for a few days, and we thought that they were no different.

But (just to be safe) my daughter, Tenpin, did a Covid test and they all tested POSITIVE; although they don't seem to be suffering too much.

So, seeing as I've been in close proximity to them over the past couple of days, I would not be surprised to learn that I too have picked-up the infection. We'll see.

For the moment I feel fine, but if you don't hear from me you'll know what's what. Watch this space!

N.B. Lady M is currently doing Jury Service, and very annoyingly refuses to tell me anything about it. I'm knitting a black square cap for her head; just in case she needs it.


  1. Here they started with the fifth vaccine and I am debating whether to take it this time. I hope for you that you are not infected.

    1. We've had no signs yet, so I think we'll be OK. We're staying away from them for a while as a security measure.

  2. Hope the virus hasn't found anyone else in the house

    1. Not as yet, I think we might be immune after all the jabs we've had; plus the illness itself.

  3. Oh, what a rotten thing to happen - just when they would want to feel at their best. Hope it doesn't spread and spoil your Christmas.

  4. Well thankfully it seems they don't feel too bad but I hope you escape it somehow.

    1. I blame the Chinese, but I don't suppose The Covid Enquiry have even mentioned them!

  5. I had covid in October for the first time...(.just like having a cold, )and my husband didn't catch it! Hope that you can stay well.
    Is Lady M " enjoying" her jury service? I did that for the first time 3 years ago and it was fascinating to see how court rooms work etc. She will be able to tell you all about it when the case finishes. She will have been sworn to secrecy. I hope that she doesn't have as many stairs to go up and down as we did every time the jury is sent out/recalled. We had to navigate 3 flights every time. I was the oldest juror and happened to be first in the line order so had to keep going up those wretched stairs!!

    1. Lady M can certainly keep a secret; she's saying nothing. I get the impression that she's not overjoyed with the whole process.

    2. The case I was on involved a 6 year old girl being abused by her Mum's boyfriend. It could have been very upsetting, but because you have to listen so carefully to every bit of evidence etc. you don't have time to get worried. When the man was found guilty, the grandparents threw kisses from the other side of the court, and that made me cry!

    3. That must have been very disturbing; sadly we can't choose the cases we're sent to. I don't know what the case is about that Lady M is there for; it'll be interesting to find out.

  6. Oh No ..... hope they all have got a mild dose of it. At least they have got it a good few weeks before Christmas so should be OK for the big day ...... lets hope you don't get it ! My Mum did Jury Service { years ago now } and her case was about a Triad ring involving murder, extortion, kidnapping etc !! I think it was quite gory. XXXX

    1. I once went to the Old Bailey. It was a case against a group of Polish people accused of murdering a friend. They were all laughing and saying that he was drunk and fell down the stairs. I never did hear the outcome, but I doubt if they were found guilty.

  7. My son Ian has also contracted COVID - testing positive just yesterday morning. Regarding jury service, Lady Magnon is to be congratulated for following the court officer's instructions and not succumbing to the persuasive tactics of her roguish spouse.

    1. Her roguish spouse was very good, and didn't probe. I didn't even offer her sweets.

  8. Oh dear and so the season begins. Imagine how you will talk about it in years to come. Hope all you all end up with is a mild version.

    1. I think that's what it is. They don't seem to be suffering as much as we did last year.

  9. Oh no! The timing ! I hope that you can side step it. I always feel as if I ought to be knocking wood every time that I say it out loud: Tim and I have never had covid.

    1. It couldn't have come at a worse time, but I don't see it lasting too long.

  10. Lots of covid around here. I hope to stay free of the darn thing, though it's usually a mild cold or maybe flu now.
    At least you should all be fine by Xmas.

    1. It's the fear of catching it more than anything.

  11. Well, it's all in the timing!
    My son is currently on Jury service too, five weeks into what is expected to be a ten week trial!
    I've not bothered asking him what the case is about, as I know he won't tell me! He's a solicitor, and would be risking too much if he told anyone anything!
    Years ago, Solicitors were exempt from Jury Service, but sadly, no longer!
    My family have done more than our fair share of Jury Service, my Father did it three times, (and was Foreman of the Jury each time), my Mother, my husband and I have all done it twice!

    1. I always wanted to do it, but I suppose that my being in France for the past 50 years probably was to blame. Now I'm beyond the maximum age, so that 's it!

  12. Why keep away from people when Lady M is potentially spreading it amongst hundreds? Shouldn't you both be self isolating Cro?

    1. We have discussed this, but came to the conclusion that if everyone self-isolated who been in contact with a carrier, there'd be no-one anywhere. I think you run more risk by going on a bus or train. I think we're both OK.

  13. Well, the timing for a Covid outbreak could not be worse landing on your family holiday gathering. Hopefully,, your celebrations and gatherings can continue and nobody gets anything more than mild Covid. Let's hope for the best!

    1. They all went for a long walk by the sea yesterday, so I don't think they're over suffering. When I had it last year I was bed-bound for over a week.

  14. Cro, I've heard recently of more people coming back from trips (flying) with Covid. This is one of the reasons I'm not ready to get on a plane yet. We still wear our masks when around a crowd and so far, so good. Seeing a few more wearing masks just lately. Guess no one wants to be sick for the holidays. Good luck! Hope everyone is well for Christmas!

    1. Almost everyone I know who flies leaves with some ailment or other. These days it's Covid.
