Thursday 30 November 2023

The Winter Ice Rink.

We seem to be in Winter already. Every Winter (in recent times) Brighton opens an Ice Rink at The Royal Pavilion. 

This year The Pavilion seems to be lit-up in pink. Those 'glass houses' surrounding the rink are home to bars, cafés, and bistros. A great place to enjoy an evening out whilst watching the skaters.

I have only attempted skating once in my life, and it didn't end well. I would certainly be in a café rather than on the ice.

I don't know who took this photo, but it's a belter! I believe it was taken from a 'plane as it came in to land at Gatwick. Anyway, here is an aerial photo of 'Brighton by Night'.



  1. morning Cro, that certainly is a good photo.We too have an ice rink set up in the market place.I see that this year they have skater's helpers in the shape of penguins that you can hold on to and push in front of you. Maybe you could be tempted onto the ice then.I used to go skating at Nottingham rink when I was a teenager. Loved watching the speed skaters. Very exciting. Our Christmas lights will be switched on, on Saturday , so will walk into town for that and the lantern parade. Its below zero here. The street is white over. brrr

    1. I have seen those Penguin things, they look great; but not for me. We have a 'Christmas tree' of sorts in our huge central shopping centre; I don't think it's ever seen woodland, more like direct from a plastics factory.

  2. Replies
    1. The pink and orange combo is quite something!!!

  3. That's a great photo! I tried ice skating once and managed to glide backwards on the ice, but couldn't get going forwards. I never tried again.

    1. I just fell over onto a piece of broken ice; it hurt. I've never bothered since.

  4. My goodness, that is certainly colourful. Not sure about that pink though.
    As a thirteen year old, I used to go to Richmond skating rink with my sister and cousin. I spent more time on my bottom than upright.

    1. The pink certainly wouldn't have been my choice of colour. Maybe it changes every few minutes.

  5. The picture suggests that you are living in some kind of fairyland. Have you spotted any fairies in Brighton?

  6. It's a nice idea to light up a building in pink.

  7. Nice picture. Love the colours. I used to work at the Ice Drome at Blackpool, in the cafeteria. I went on the ice at every opportunity. Loved the Disco Nights when they turned the lights down low. I was an ok skater. Wouldn't do it now, afraid of breaking a leg.

    1. I seem to remember that I fell over after a few seconds, and that was that; never again.

  8. Skating is fun to watch, from a warm seat in a cozy bar.

  9. So beautiful .... I have always loved The Royal Pavilion ..... as a young teenager, i used to go to Brighton a lot in the Summer holidays as my friends dad owned a coach company and, any seats on the coaches that were left , we would fill them. As we passed by The Royal Pavilion, I was always left open-mouthed in awe of the building. I still am the same now and the inside is just as beautiful. I'm with JayCee .... not keen on the pink. I never went ice skating as there wasn't a rink near us ..... we all used to go roller skating at Ally Pally ! I was pretty good at roller skating. XXXX

    1. I don't think we Brightonians appreciate The Pavilion enough, we are very lucky to have it here. It's a sort of spiritual centre of the town (city).

  10. Great photo. Ice skating and eateries sounds excellent to me. I love to skate.

    1. I'm afraid skating and me don't mix, I'm more of a blundering Rugby person.

  11. Wonderful. All those colours and lights are to put you in a festive mood.
    I tried skating once many years ago. I had trouble putting on the skates and didn't make it to the rink. Coffee for me

  12. Well you certainly wouldn't miss that, would you!
    I used to go ice skating regularly in my younger years, and started when I was about eight or nine because I wanted to be different to all my friends. They all either had ponies or were pony mad. Ice skating was considered more daring - always the risk you could break a leg!

    1. 'Safety last' was always my motto; until I tried skating.
