Tuesday 28 November 2023

The Grand Hotel.

    Photo by Luisao Sanchez.

The Grand (above) is one of several large hotels on Brighton's seafront, overlooking The English Channel.

Sadly most people remember it as being the location of the IRA's 1984 attempt to assassinate our then Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher. A 'time bomb' was planted under the bath of a room previously rented by the IRA's Patrick Magee, which then exploded the day before The Conservative Party Conference.

He killed five people, and injured a further 34. Mrs Thatcher was unscathed, and her popularity rose even more sharply as a result.

The bomb was planted to the left (in picture) of the middle; where the flagpole is, and destroyed about five floors. Much of the replacement rooftop features are now made of Fiberglass. These days you wouldn't ever have known that anything had happened.

Magee was rightly sentenced to eight life sentences, with a minimum fixed duration of 35 years. He was released after just 14. I think he's still alive and probably enjoying life.



  1. If blogland existed then I'm sure there would be some "beautiful souls" who would write comments about "both sides" and even justify such a horrible act of terrorism. Luckily for us, they are so few today and certainly were few back then as well.

    1. Politically speaking there still will be Yael. They will eliminate the Irish and just say that they lament that Magee failed because Margaret Thatcher lived. There will be at least one comment like that on this blog later. And if he doesn't say it he will be thinking it.

    2. I do hope not. I don't think very many 'ordinary citizens' support terrorism; especially not of this cowardly sort.

  2. I had to drive past there on my way to work in Hove, the following day and couldn't believe the devastation.

    1. I was just about to move to Brighton when it happened. I remember being really shocked.

  3. He killed five people with his bomb and injured several others. Fourteen years for that seems like a very soft punishment.

    1. Especially when he was supposed to have served a minimum of 35 years. I remember too that the Birmingham 6 were all let out early, and received huge compensation payments.

  4. I remember it well Cro.
    Am not posting at present but shall continue to read posts.

    1. It was such a shock, that they should bring their problems over to the mainland.

  5. It looks very Grande again. I remember the bomb but didn't realise it had done so much damage.

    1. Yes, these days you'd never know it had taken place. It's a lovely building.

  6. Patrick Magee did receive eight life sentences but was released after only serving 14 years under the Good Friday Agreement. The Agreement ended most of the violence of the Troubles that had been on going for 30 odd years. People on both sides tried to put things aside in the name of peace.

    Wiki tells me that Magee has met with the daughter of someone who died in the bombing and a survivor of the bombing.

    As for the Birmingham Six being 'let out early' - They were falsely convicted for heavens sake. They should never have been there in the first place and certainly should not have served 16 years. and yes they were awarded compensation.

    Interestingly Magee grew up in Norwich.

    1. If only everyone was as convinced of the Birmingham six's innocence as you. I'm sure they enjoyed the money.

  7. We went to a Masonic ' do ' and we stayed at one of the big hotels along the front but I can't remember if it was The Grand. ...... it was a while ago but I remembering it being very old fashioned. I think we had a candlewick bedspread on the bed ! It's probably much more swanky now ! When I worked in London it was during the time of the IRA bombings. They bombed Scotts restaurant which was below where I worked because many MP's used to dine there.They bombed the Italian restaurant on the other side of the street first as they thought it was Scotts !!! They obviously didn't do their research ! XXXX

    1. Candlewick bedspreads sounds like The Metropole to me. Both hotels are beyond my pocket. I just look and admire.

  8. The Grand Hotel looks fabulous and the views must be spectacular. It would be a great place to stay for a special occasion. The amenities and restaurants must be equally fantastic. A nice splurge.

    1. You need deep pockets to stay there. I've never even been inside.

  9. Eight life sentences, minimum fixed duration of 35 years, but out in 14. Doesn't make sense to me. He should have stayed in at least for the 35. Criminals seem to always be treated better than those who merely forget to pay a fine.

    1. A lot of 'deals' were made behind closed doors in N Ireland. Strange things happened.
