Friday 24 November 2023

Sparks will fly.

As I'm sure you already know, this is Geert Wilders, he will become the new Prime Minister of The Netherlands (Holland), as long as he can find some coalition partners.

Not only has he promised to hold a referendum on EU membership, but is also threating to ban the wearing of certain religious head coverings in all government buildings, and probably elsewhere. He has apparently ditched the idea of banning the Koran, but has promised to stop the 'tsunami' of asylum seekers. He's just about as far to the right as is possible.

Back in 2009 Wilders was banned from entering the UK on account of his extreme political views; He was described by the immigration folk as an 'undesirable person'. He defied the ban and flew to Britain with a film crew; he was instantly arrested and sent home. He later called Gordon Brown (then the UK's Socialist Prime Minister) a coward.

The EU bigwigs must be shaking in their boots. Just imagine if Marine Le Pen became the next President of France too!

Wilders is known as 'Captain Peroxide', on account of his penchant for dyed hair.

Holland was always one of our fellow most liberal European countries, along with Sweden etc, but it looks as if their policies have gone too far, and they too have had enough of liberalism (and what it has delivered).

As for Holland's Schengen agreement, it looks like it might soon be Schen-gone!



  1. Next to Sue-Ellen Braverman he looks like Che Guevara. Actually, no - Che never did his hair quite like that!

    1. Interesting times ahead for Holland. I wonder if he'll get his way?

  2. Replies
    1. It probably accounts for his current popularity.

  3. He is dangerous (and the hair colour is not natural).

    1. This is what happens when 'middle-of-the-road' politicians do nothing. Along comes some firebrand and promises the earth!

  4. It will be interesting to watch. Looking like the EU is on the way out, but, some say he is a WEF puppet. Time will tell.

    1. The EU is having problems everywhere. Maybe they should return to being a 'Common Market', and ditch all the politics.

    2. Indeed one of those who reckons he is an EU puppet posted this on twitter today:

      '..there is no virus and never has been. A fake PCR test gives then cases.'

      and my personal favourite
      'How the royal parasite king and Dracula relate is vamping money from the dead. Why do we go on taking crap from these human-reptilian hybrids that call themselves royalty.'

      I bet you had no idea that the late Queen was a reptilian hybrid. You couldn't make it up....I take that back, it is made up.

  5. We will all be watching, those in the EU with apprehension

    1. He'll certainly try to close their borders, stop the wearing of headscarves, and most importantly hold a referendum. That'll be enough to give Brussels a headache.

  6. Look like a complete b-------. What's he going to do? Build a wall?

    1. Probably; they call him the Dutch Trump.

    2. Tasker. You a lookist. You are far far right if you go on appearances. Either that or a useless tosser. Take your pick.

  7. Exactly all right wingers exaggerates to gain votes as well

    1. I don't think he's exaggerating their problems, it's his 'so called' solutions that are worrying.

    2. You assume voting matters.
      It never has and never will.

  8. Extreme right or left policy attempts usually fail. That said, maybe they are an attempt to bring things back to the center.

    1. That I think it the long term result. It also teaches the more middle-of-the-road parties to get on with the job.

  9. I doubt there is a center anymore. Remember Hitler was a socialist. Nearer to home Corbyn was an islamist and IRA supporter and Stammer like NikNak will do whatever the WEF tell him to do and your offspring are mere canon fodder.

    1. I almost became a Christian when Corbyn was defeated, just so I could have thanked god.

  10. I don't recall any of the MSM reporting how the Dutch farmers movement did in these elections, they have a significant presence in the upper house I believe. It will be interesting to see if Wilders does anything to water down or cancel any of the measures that were set to destroy much of Holland's agriculture.

    1. Very interesting times ahead. Of course we may hear no more about them; and that wouldn't surprise me.

  11. I don't keep up with politics way across the other side of the world, but at least he has better hair and a nicer face than Trump or B Johnson.
