Wednesday 22 November 2023

Some trees.

Now that the leaves are mostly down, we can once again see the structure of the trees.

I do love trees, I see them as our companions, and have probably drawn more of them than I have humans. These particular ones are home to Squirrels, Pigeons, and a good variety of small birds, and are to be found in my nearby churchyard.

This one below gives shade to the grave of one of Brighton's great characters from the past. Martha Gunn. If you're interested you can read about her here: Martha Gunn - Wikipedia

And lastly a tree that Billy and his chums run around on a daily basis; often four of five of them together. It is the central point of the 'Rest Garden' where he goes four times a day.

Nice aren't they.



  1. To Brighton came he,
    Came George III's son.
    To be bathed in the sea,
    By famed Martha Gunn.
    And also came Cro
    From his mansion in France
    Martha said "Show
    What's concealed in your pants!"

  2. I love bare tree's our Magnolia looks as good in winter as it does in summer.

    1. It's so nice seeing the structure again. One forgets what's behind all those leaves.

  3. How bleak our world would be without trees. Ours usually remain green throughout the year, but because of the dry summer some have lost their leaves. It's strange to see a leafless tree.

    1. I love both stages. It's always good to see the new leaves arrive, as well as seeing them fall. For me they are the best seasonal pointers.

  4. Trees are lovely whatever the season. I do love them when they're covered in green leaves in the summer or covered in fruit as the citrus trees are now

    1. You are very fortunate to live in a climate where you have outdoor Lemons. I love all fruit trees, but regret that our climate doesn't allow Oranges and Lemons.

  5. It was wet here yesterday, nearly all of the leaves are off the trees.

  6. The churchyard trees are beautiful and Winter shows their structure very nicely. I also have a great fondness for trees. My property is largely a collection of trees. Beyond the cultivated inner garden, is the forest and stream where everything grows naturally.

    1. I've always wanted to own a property with it's own stream/river. I haven't had one yet!!!

  7. I could once recognize trees from their winter silhouettes, oak, ash, beech are quite distinctive, but living in built-up areas where the trees have been butchered by local authorities that's no longer the case.

    1. Having lived in France for the past 50 years I know Pines, Oaks and Chestnuts. I recognise a few UK trees, but my knowledge is sorely lacking.

  8. Trees are one of my favourite things too. Here in Australia we don't see too many bare trees and they aren't bare as long as yours are I think. Fruit trees go bare of course, same as everywhere else. I learned about Martha Gunn, I had no idea people were helped in and out of the baths like that.

    1. MG was quite a character. Times were very different then!
