Monday 20 November 2023


Why is it that when Muslims flee their own oppressive countries they always head for Christian countries, and not to fellow Muslim countries? 

Once installed in their newly adopted 'friendly, liberal, generous, and tolerant' Western countries, why do they then try to insist on establishing Sharia law, support all Muslim causes, and demonstrate their habitual antisemitism?

Well, the reason actually is quite simple. Muslims are told what to do, when to do it, and not to ask questions. Muslims cannot 'leave' their religion; 'Apostasy' is still punishable by death; in some cases of their whole families. You don't mess with Islam!

Surely the one rule of immigration must be to assimilate; to grasp the new opportunities offered with open arms.

Sweden must be the saddest example of what we were all warned could go wrong with excessive immigration, but even here in England we have areas, and whole towns, that are more like the Middle East than the West. 

We've recently had massive Muslim-led Nazi-style antisemitic demonstrations on the streets of London, and we have regular gigantic Friday prayers actually on our streets blocking the flow of traffic. And all this in our lovely England that so kindly welcomed them. Do the police move them on? No! You try doing the same!

We Brits have always been proud of our immigration policy (and still are), and have welcomed people from the world over who've made huge contributions to our lives. But this is not what the 'Refugees welcome' folk (above) promised us; the worst and most overt racism is coming from our recent 'refugees'. Something they forgot to mention on their banners.

The UK is probably one of the best countries to live in, in the whole world. We are kind to the oppressed, we are liberal with those who oppose, and we are openly democratic; even to the extent of our own detriment.

After recent events, I hope those two people with the banner are now ashamed of their puerile slogan!



  1. Alas, most of the recent arrivals cannot in any sense be called refugees. They are economic migrants aiming to fraudulently circumvent official channels.

    1. I was reading about a man yesterday who was claiming benefits for 8 children plus a second wife back in Africa. Why do we allow such obvious nonsense?

  2. I really appreciate your courage to write these things.

    1. One should never be afraid of the truth, and the truth has taken an awful battering recently.

  3. Look a little closer. Within Islam there is Sunni and Catholic and Protestant in Christianity (remember the Cathars, the Huguenots?) Both have their roots in Judaism, and there are disagreements there too...
    That is a simplification...but nothing is simple

    1. The majority of Muslims are perfectly decent people, sadly it's the recent influx of so-called refugees who are desperate to come here then do everything they can to go against everything we stand for. As I said above, Sweden has probably suffered the most.

  4. It is an often asked question, and if you read more truthful alternative media....not the BBC, then you'll know that it's the ultimate aim and goal for Islam is to spread it's ideology globally, particularly here in the U.K where Imams are openly and angrily calling for the Islamification of The United Kingdom.
    Seems that even our now inept softly softly Police Force has succumbed to them.

    And just recently it was announced that our Electoral Commission in Westminster (who have registered with them around 350 political Parties while also sanctioning new Parties) well apparently they recently turned down flat and rejected an application for The Islam Party of The United Kingdom.

    Recent figures also claim that 72% of Muslim women (many with 4 or 5 children ) are on Social Security Benefits. Where does The Treasury Department find the money? No wonder we can't get Hospital appointments. It's nothing to do with the covid backlogs.
    Tony Blair has a lot to answer for.

    1. I have said for years that there should be hidden cameras in all Mosques to keep a eye on the hate preachers. A lot of them should be expelled.

  5. The stop racism part has meaning - if applied to all including any racist proclivities of said refugees.

    1. Sadly that is where the racism is now coming from.

  6. A lot of people are afraid of the truth, Cro. Moving masses of people around the world is part of the plan to open borders in readiness for a global one world government. You can't get rid of racism by forcing people to live with each other. Deejohn has it right. We are being controlled by those who have vast amounts of wealth. Very sad to see.

    1. I don't wish to seem anti-immigrant, but in many areas it has gone very wrong. Even most EU countries are closing their borders, and ignoring the Schengen agreement. The main problem is that it's irreversible.

  7. I grew up in a corner of England that was populated by entirely white and Christian host communities. Families could trace their lineage right back for generations. We never saw people of colour and Islam was a faraway religion that had nothing to do with us though in many of our churches you could still see the medieval tombs of crusaders. Now I am forced to accept that the England I knew has gone forever. The entire world is in flux and it seems to me that we are storing up future conflicts and unhappiness...
    Imagine there's no countries
    It isn't hard to do
    Nothing to kill or die for
    And no religion, too

    1. My childhood was much the same. Leafy Surrey with all white faces. A very different place today. Here in Brighton I like the diversification; it's what makes our town so much fun. But there are towns, as you know, that have now been totally taken over by refugees; I don't know how they allowed this to happen. It's good for no-one.

  8. I suspect that those in that demo have diverse and conflicting motivations. Many of those in the picture are clearly not Muslin, and probably want to see an end to the terrible events in Gaza and elsewhere. I also want to say that the great majority of Muslins and those of other non-Western beliefs I encountered in higher education were aspirational and modern in outlook, and very likeable. Their parents were proud of their achievements and the jobs they went on to do, and the opportunities they themselves never had. What I do object to is religeous and political extremism, and those who would tell us or try to restrict how we live. I would not want to live in a monocultural Muslim street, or for that matter a Catholic one or a Jewish one such as there are in places like Gateshead.

    1. As I have observed before, religious extremists of all faiths have been responsible for more deaths and destruction than any of the political nutters like Stalin and Pol Pot.

    2. Will, Someone called Jon Stewart once said......"'s given people hope, in a world torn apart by Religion."

    3. The Muslims you speak of are not the ones who arrive by rafts. Most problems have been caused by the 'illegals'.

    4. Tasker,
      When have you ever faced down Gypos or Muzzies....I can safely say never.
      I have worked in the Middle East and the buggers tried to shoot me. I guess it was the colour of my skin.
      Romany imports thought us easy pickings. They went away and haven't been back. One hit himself with a hammer in remorse for being a thief. The police weren't best pleased nor a hundred percent convinced but how can I be blamed for pond life with suicidal proclivities.
      There are some reasonable Arabs and Pakistanis but it is safer to assume the opposite.

  9. I was interested in the photo of Muslims praying in the street, as I live in a town where over 20% ( and rising) of the population is Asian and I've never seen anything like it. The only time I see what some may construe as large numbers of Asian people is when I'm passing the local mosque when they're heading to Friday prayers, or if I'm out for a walk in the local vicinity on a Summer's evening, and the families on an adjacent road are outside chatting and playing cricket with their children ( once they've moved the Ferrari, the Porsche and the G wagon out of the way). I've lived here for 47 years, and my experience of living and working alongside them is that the vast majority of Asian people want the same things that we do...a peaceful life and happy healthy children. They're happy to pass the time of day, and they're kind and generous. I don't have the fear that some people, who always seem to live in a very white area and rarely encounter people of colour, do, so perhaps it is fear of the unknown.
    Having googled I see the photo of them praying in the street is from a Daily Mail article from 2012, and it mentions that there are city workers in their suits praying alongside the local community. I don't think recent arrivals can be blamed for that.

    1. I don't really mind who the people are in the photo, it's the fact that they simply take over the roads as if they own them. This should not be allowed. This was in London.

  10. Your photo shows protesters blocking the city and essentially closing roads and that should be illegal. US protesters whether in small or large numbers must secure a permit and follow laws of protesting. Boston (Massachusetts) Common (similar to Hyde Park) is often a place where larger protests occur. There is always a police presence and all are required to be peaceful. Throughout the US, there are enclaves where people of the same culture, nationality and/or religion choose to live (and worship). Personally, I have no problem with this.

    1. I don't think anyone has a problem with people of the same ethnicity living together, it's when they start to rebel against those who gave them refuge that it all goes wrong. In the UK we have no-go areas, we have groups who seem to be beyond the law, and as we've seen recently we have groups being overtly racist on our streets.

    2. As l recall, a previous Home Secretary by the name of T May went a long way towards allowing Sharia law to supplant British justice in many heavily Muslim areas of England, destroying the concept held for centuries of equality under the law.

  11. You are so right, Cro the truth has taken a battering recently.

    Not only is the photo you have posted of people praying from 2012, they are not "blocking the flow of traffic". The photo is of Brune Street and is basically parking for the surrounding flats.

    As to Muslims always headed to Christian countries and not their fellow Muslim countries. Please do some research into which countries have the most refugees.

    As for the worst and most overt racism coming from recent refugees - I have seen a lot coming from those who were born and bred in the UK. Have a look at the Met Feed on X to see the photos of those they are investigating for a hate crime.

    As you said the truth has taken a terrible battering.

    1. Have an upvote, Traveller, or several.


    2. Seeing that Ursula agrees with you proves that I am right. She will always take the opposite view of what is correct.

    3. Lazy response. Please look at what I wrote

    4. I was using the photo as illustration, you and I both know this is happening all over the UK.

    5. As I said in my response, it's not happening where I live, where over 20% of the population is Asian, nor are the streets overrun by Asian people, nor are there any no go areas. I have 47 years of lived experience in this town, from being primary school aged, to now being a grandmother, and it bears no resemblance to what the right wing media wants the masses to believe.

  12. Cro, please be aware that anything you say about the current situation will always be pulled apart by others. You won't get an easy ride.

    1. Funny you should say that, MQ. I note that as soon as I put a slightly different hue on whatever your opinion pieces (not that I visit your echo chamber any longer) you delete. Isn't suppressing differing voices the very definition of dictatorship?


    2. I am really just pointing out what is happening. We all know about it, but telling the truth is forbidden. Of course I always know when I'm right if Ursula comes along and tells me I'm not. Proof if ever it was needed.

    3. The biological human (1.0) is being replaced by a much more synthetic human (2.0) which will be procreated technologically without men and women (see synthetic mRNA in covid fake vaccines).

    4. Yes, and I'm glad I won't be here to see the full impact.

  13. I will supress anything I like on my blog, Ursula. Thank you for not visiting.

    1. She's banned almost everywhere, I allow her here for amusement purposes only.

  14. We are in the same boat down here in Australia. It seems they want to take over the world and never mind the rest of us peace loving folk. How can they believe such a hateful religion is a good thing? According to the Bible (which I have never read) God said "Love they neighbour" not "Hate thy neighbour".

    1. First they say "Love thy neighbour, let me in", then they say "Hate thy neighbour, we want to kill you".

  15. Check out Michael Yon. He's covering the illegal migration coming into the US through our southern border, thanks to the Biden. They are coming from all over the world, mostly young men. Sooner or later, there will be another 911 in the US and I worry it will be much worse. Our saving grace will be most Americans are armed.

    1. I've seen film of the various crossing points in southern USA, and it's a nightmare. I suppose they all want to come to liberal countries where they can do as they like. Soon those liberal countries won't be so liberal.
