Wednesday 8 November 2023

Last weekend.

Anyone who's seen the film 'Genevieve' will know all about last Sunday's annual London to Brighton 'old crocks' run, where vintage cars make the 50 mile journey south, hopefully without breaking down. Not an easy task. There were about 400 vehicles taking part, none of which, sadly, was driven by Kenneth More. So, well done to all car owners, it's a great spectacle.

I mentioned recently about pebbles being thrown-up by the stormy seas onto the Prom' in Hove; well this is what it looked like on Saturday. What a mess.

Both photos by Luisao Sanchez.



  1. Kenneth More, what a great actor he was. I don't know if I ever saw Genevieve. I shall look for it. It's just the sort of British film I'd love to watch.

    1. It's a great feel-good film, with plenty of ups and downs. I'm sure you'd love it.

  2. Was it someone's job to sweep all the stones back on to the beach?

    1. I did see pictures of 'locals' out with their brooms, doing their bit. But I expect they have machines and lots of workers to do the major work.

  3. I had forgotten all about the London to Brighton run. We used to enjoy spectating when we lived down there.

    1. It still attracts huge numbers, not only down here at the finish, but all along the route. It's a great day out.

  4. I remember seeing "Genevieve" at the cinema, many years ago, and it's been shown on TV several times since. Nice to know that the race still takes place and there are enough "old bangers" to make it worth while.

    1. I suspect that a lot of repairs are carried out en route.

  5. Thankfully it looks like they had a decent day for the run

    1. A bit cloudy, but at least they stayed dry.

  6. I love Genevieve, so much in fact that I bought the DVD a few years ago! X

    1. Now you'll be able to watch it and say "That's where Cro lives".

  7. If the citizens of Brighton and Hove had brought out their sweeping brushes, they could have soon cleared away the beach pebbles. Whatever happened to community spirit?

  8. The Larry Adler harmonica theme tune is unforgettable. Would you like me to pop round and sing it.

    1. No need to come round, you've now managed to fix that tune in my head for the rest of the day!

  9. I remember my father and I always walking down to the seafront to watch the 'old crocks' come in - much cheering went on from everyone. When I moved to the Cotswolds and had to travel down the London Road to get to my parents' house in the days before the M23 was built, it wasn't quite so much fun to be stuck behind them though! Also, Dad and I used to love walking along the beach after a heavy storm to collect cuttlefish for my budgie to sharpen his beak.

    1. There's nothing like beachcombing after rough weather. We even had a dead Dolphin on the beach a few days ago.

  10. Oh Cro,
    You never fail to bring back childhood memories for me ! I watched the film Genevieve so many times as a child and loved watching all of the vintage cars going down to Brighton every year. Slightly off piste but in a similar vein was watching the old black and white sped up film of the London to Brighton train journey ..... I loved that ! XXXX

    1. Yes, that was a great film. London to Brighton in 5 mins. It's still on YouTube.

  11. I'll look for the film. Antique cars kept in pristine condition is a serious hobby. Owners are very dedicated and some are even skilled restorers and mechanics. London to Brighton is a good run. I hope your beachfront returns to normal soon.

    1. I expect it's back to normal by now; just beer bottles, empty chip wrappers, and laughing gas canisters!

  12. A couple of car shows have featured cars on that run, it looks like great fun.

  13. Wow, that is a pebbly mess. I've never heard of the movie Genevieve. I do see plenty of old cars each year though, when we have our annual Bay to Birdwood run.

    1. It's a very old film, and something of a classic in the UK. Worth watching on a rainy night.
