Sunday 5 November 2023

Breaking my fast.

I am not going to force myself to eat Muesli every day for breakfast. Every so often I just have to eat something 'forbidden'.

This morning was my 'forbidden' day. I had the urge and it had to be fulfilled.

Two slices of M & S Black Pudding, and a fried Organic M & S Egg. A few turns of freshly ground black pepper, and that was it.

I believe that Black Pudding was the very first type of Charcuterie. It is full of natural minerals and vitamins. We are also now told that eating eggs is OK too, so I'm not chastising myself overly.

I shall allow myself such a treat at least once a week; probably on Sundays.



  1. You truly do not have to eat muesli every day, there are other healthy options and eggs of course is one of them.

    1. I almost felt guilt this morning, but there was really no need to.

  2. That's my sort of breakfast. Lots of protein and bloody goodness to start the day. I bet it gives you lots of energy.
    Does the aroma drift through to the bedroom to wake Lady M?? You have such an early start, might be too much for some people almost before the sun is up

    1. She usually says something from below her duvet!!!

  3. It's strange how the more unhealthy foods often taste much better than more healthy alternatives. Which is why we succumb to temptation.
    And as much as I keep up with the Mediterranean diet throughout the Winter, the odd cold night will tempt me back to pies, pasties and chips.
    Haven't had Black Pudding in years. Don't they look like burnt crumpets in your picture.

    1. The Black Pudding was very black to start with, then even blacker having been fried. Not very photogenic.

  4. You need some bacon with that!!

  5. I thought the same... if it's a forbidden day (as such) go for the bacon too! And I truly believe it is OK (and good for your psyche) to have 'on occasion'.
