Tuesday 17 October 2023

The subject that refuses to go away.

Attitudes to illegal immigration differ from country to country. We now even hear that the EU 'Schengen' countries are beginning to have disagreements, with certain countries refusing to comply.

In the UK we send 'Border Control' boats out into The English Channel to pick-up illegals by the thousands and bring them over to our shores. We feed, house, and fund them; other countries are not so generous.

Sweden was once the world's most generous country for giving asylum to refugees. They actively welcomed them with open arms. Sadly now that their country's crime rate has soared, and most of it being linked to those very same immigrants, their attitude has totally changed. Swedes have literally quit certain towns and cities en masse, in order to escape the lawless immigrants who have taken-over. Their lovely, peaceful, and welcoming country will now NEVER be the same again, thanks to their own generosity.

Poland (above) is trying to resist. They send their army to patrol their borders to keep people out. Poland continues to give sanctuary to citizens from neighbouring Ukraine, but this is probably temporary, and I expect they will wish to return home once the Russians have retreated. What they don't want are the economic migrants from elsewhere who often have criminal intentions. Their collective behaviour in the video does not suggest that they would make ideal citizens.

We have always needed immigration; it has been essential to the running of the UK. But there are certain aspects to immigration that we really don't need. Sadly countries such as Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Poland, Italy, and Spain are now reaping the rewards of their previous kindness and liberalism, and are not only saying 'NO MORE', but are also trying to expel them. 

Whether one is for unlimited immigration or for much stricter controls, both sides are riddled with insurmountable problems. Meanwhile the UK continues to send boats out into The channel to bring them in, whilst Rishi says he wants to keep them out. 

They also continue to threaten them with removal to Rwanda; ridiculous! It's about time they made their minds up! 

The UK has a record to be proud of, but we mustn't be complacent. Many of our immigrants come to further their careers, but many come for other purposes in the knowledge that our legal system is very lax. We do need to be able to sort one lot from the other, and deal with them as necessary.


  1. Should be easy for us to prevent undesirables arriving when our borders consist of salt water, but our leaders consider it more important to provide for them rather than our own struggling pensioners and veterans.

    1. Rishi says keep them out, Labour says let them all in. There seems no cohesive plan for immigration. It's about time they made their minds up. In the meantime, the floodgates are open and the illegals are taking advantage.

    2. Labour does not say "Let them all in!" That is a myth propagated by "The Daily Mail".

    3. Under Blair and Brown migrants entering the UK rose to 2 million. This has been damaging to the UK and also to the countries they came from leaving large gaps 30 + in their original country's workforce. They are also of child bearing age so our population grew rapidly in an overcrowded island. Blair admits that he got it wrong and it was a mistake. It was not the declared manifesto policy at the time. I don't know what the declared policy is from Labour now.

    4. Lisa Nandy said that they want totally open borders. I presume she was speaking on behalf of her party.

  2. My husband worked for a Swedish company years ago, and we lived there for a while. I was always amazed at how law abiding, peaceful and how safe the country was. In country areas nobody locked their doors or had high walls and gates around their properties. My Swedish friends tell me that it just isn't the same. It seems that lone males are the main offenders.
    Migrants landing in Spain are using it as a staging post to the UK, and the Spanish government is happy to send them on their way. They don't receive the charity or encouragement that they do in Britain.

    1. The French don't want them either, and are very happy to see them set sail for England (regardless of the hundreds of £millions we've given them).

  3. With regard to the movement of people, the world is very different for several reasons - including climate change. What was always a trickle has become a steady flow. Cunningly, some migrants don't arrive from France in inflatable boats but in Peugeot estate cars on ferries. Perhaps Little Sunak will adopt a new slogan, "Stop The Peugeots!"

    1. Some of those Peugeots are driven by pure bred Englishmen from leafy Surrey/Sussex.

  4. You sum that up really well. The open door policy will be what brings each country to it's knees.

    1. Poor Sweden is a perfect example. In many ways their country is ruined. Sweden was always a pearl in Europe's crown, and now they simply despair at what their generosity has produced.

  5. It's easy to point out the problem but not so easy to specify a solution. Repel the boats and let them drown in the Channel? Refuse to feed them and let them die of malnutrition? Shoot them? Bringing down regimes in other countries has made it worse.

    1. I agree with your solution......Excellent.

    2. There is no easy solution, someone needs to decide whether to send them home, or allow them all in. Not making that decision is only making things worse.

  6. There was no crime on the island when I first arrived. It was said that any crime happened in the summer when tourists fought with each other.
    The the northern borders opened. At first all was well. The first economic refugees were families who worked hard, and they still do. It's those lone males, so many of them that cause trouble. And they are still the majority of refugees arriving by sea or over the Turkish borders.
    Our island is still relatively safe because it is an island. The crime rate has sky rocketed elsewhere.
    And still they come. And stay. Hoping to move on to Italy and the rest of Europe. And Britain

    1. The crime rate in Sweden has soared, and most of it down to those single men who simply take advantage of their situation.

  7. What can we do to make countries around the world places where people want to stay, rather than flee?

    1. Invest in those countries that people are leaving, then pay their nationals to return. We've been saying this for years.

  8. Absorbing large numbers of illegal immigrants is hard on the infrastructure. Many immigrants are seeking a better life. Those that can work and sustain themselves should be welcomed.

    1. Absolutely, and they are needed. It's the others no-one wants; the one's who come with criminal intent. How to sort one lot from the other is another question.

  9. Australian government wants to bring in xxx thousand immigrants per year or something like that, yet we already have so many homeless here already because of the housing shortages, where does government expect the new people to live? And what jobs will they have when our own people can't find work?
