Friday 20 October 2023


I don't know what ailments I envisaged for myself as I became older, but they certainly weren't legs/feet related.

Up until about two years ago I had no legs/feet problems at all. Now my walking range is limited to about one mile.

I have a bad back that sends shooting pains down my legs, I have slightly arthritic hips, and a circulation problem that makes my feet tingly and almost unresponsive after a short while. Usually after that mile of walking I sometimes struggle to move.

I have been self-medicating with Olive Oil, Green Tea, and Chocolate, but to no avail. I think I may have to revert to proper medicine (if there is one).

Mobility is fundamental to existence; I equate it to sight and hearing. Lose any one of these three, and life would become extremely tiresome.

Luckily I can drive, so I'm not totally limited to a small area, but I can no longer go for long walks along the seafront or in the woods. There are things I would love to do; but can't.

I suppose I'll have to ask my Doc' if there's anything I can take for it. I would love to reduce the effects, and walk again as I did just a few years ago. I have recently bought myself some 'Compression Socks' which are said to help. I started wearing them yesterday; they made no difference.



  1. Good idea to see the Doc. The shooting pains sounds like sciatica which comes from the lumbar region somewhere a nerve is being pressed? I guess the thing to do is just keep walking daily as much as you can.

    1. Yes, it is Sciatica. It's not painful every day, but when it it; it's quite nasty.

  2. Have you tried physiotherapy / massage? I visited a sports physio after being incapacitated and in agony following a slipped disc. A couple of visits and it was like magic.

  3. I'm sorry to hear that this is what is happening to you these days. Maybe a doctor can really find the right solution for you.

    1. My Doc' is asking to see me, so maybe I'll mention it to him/her.

  4. It might be helpful to see a physiotherapist for some exercises. You would need to go private as NHS could take months to get an appointment! The cost in this area ( Herts) is around £50 per session, but it was well worth it when I had sciatica some time ago!

    1. I'll see what my Doc' suggests. Some physio could be useful, although I'm not keen.

    2. I think that Frances's suggestion is a good one. Experienced physios know all about mobility in older age and will have seen people with complaints just like yours. For a wealthy man like you, £50 is peanuts but it could arrest your decline. Try Klaas at Hove Park Physio. You could speak to him first. Website:

    3. I go past Hove Park Physio every Saturday. Not sure if I'll pop-in though.

  5. Sadly I think you can blame advancing years Cro. Do you have the same problem in Franc, when you swim daily?
    You may have to resort to Physio, or at least seek professional advice.
    Now it's cooler, I'm looking forwards to longer dog walks to keep mobile. Having once had to learn to walk again after a back problem, I'm keen to keep going as long as I can!

    1. Swimming 300 yards every day for three months did me a lot of good. But I still take a lot of exercise here with Billy.

  6. Oh Cro, I'm so sorry to hear this .... you love your walking. It could be all sorts of things so maybe now is the time to bite the bullet and see the doc !!!! I know you are not keen but sometimes we need their help ! Wishing you well Cro, XXXX

    1. Thank you Jacqueline. I suppose I'll have to do something about it before it gets worse.

  7. Is there some place in England you can go to swim during the winter? Swimming is the ideal exercise for your issues, and you mention a lot of swimming in the summer.

    1. Swimming certainly kept me fit during the summer months. It's a thought.

  8. You definitely need to see a doctor. He will give you some idea of the cause of the problem. Hopefully. What you do after that is up to you

  9. I am not doing a "John" here - the nurse who knows everything by long distance diagnosis. However, you may like to look at

    It may account for the tingling in your feet and, possibly, the shooting pain down your legs.

    As so often speed is of the essence. If caught early - with the help of an eagle eyed doctor can often be rectified or, at least, slow the damage.

    As to your scepticism re physiotherapists. Oh dear. Once upon a time, and I'll spare you the detail, a physio (a bit like a professional gym instructor or football/rugby coach) saved me. I am as good as new. And, in my case, we are talking broken bones!

    Don't resist; jump out of your comfort zone; take both the doctor and the physio by their respective horns! Make use of their expertise. You have little to lose, a lot to gain.

    All the best,

    1. I had a look at your link, and it looks about right, especially with the Diabetes side.

  10. I wear Compression stockings Co, they make me feel like an old lady (almost counteracts Elizabeth Arden 5th Avenue) but I leave them off at my peril - the swollen legs soon return. I rely totally on my doctors - they have been veery good to me and I would be floundering without them.

    1. Mine (v expensive) didn't seem to make any difference. Maybe I should persevere.

  11. I was going to suggest Peripheral Neuropathy like Ursula but , not being a doctor, I didn't like to. My sister has had peripheral neuropathy for quite a few years now. She still walks, gardens etc. There are varying degrees of it but, it probably isn't that and we mustn't speculate. I'm sure the doc will sort you out Cro. XXXX

    1. Lady M has insisted that I visit the Quack.

    2. Lady M has insisted that I visit the Quack. What further advice do you need?

  12. i wonder if you are experiencing some reaction to the Covid vaccine? Venous issues/Inflammation seems to come up fairly regularly. There was no time to fully test the vaccines and new reactions are being seen.

    1. I've had four jabs, plus Covid itself. Goodness knows what I have flowing through my veins. HELP!!!

  13. Covid vaccines had more testing and wider trials than the popular blue pill aka Viagra.
