Friday 13 October 2023

It had to happen.

It has now rained. Last night (Wed/Thur) we had an hour or so of light rain. I had just planted out some Lavender cuttings, so it saved me the task of watering them.

As usual, at 7.30 am I took Billy for his morning walk, and did actually need my wet-weather gear. Wellies, Barbour, and silly hat, all saw service for the first time in many months; albeit very little.

I know that many parts of Britain have been over-rained-upon, and have even experienced flooding; but not down here, nor for our few months spent in France this Summer.

It does look as if we'll have more rain today (Fri), then back to dry again.

I don't mind a bit of rain, as long as I can get out with Billy; it's more for him than for me. I suppose the worst bit is wearing my Barbour which is heavy and hot. OK in cold weather, but not whilst still warm. I would also prefer proper rain to drizzle.

It's really rather nice to have that bit of variety.



  1. I remember reports in August that Brighton Pride was almost called off due to heavy rain. It went ahead in spite of the weather. August was a bad weather month everywhere. I assume you were not in the UK at the time.

    1. No, we were sweltering with 40 C temperatures.

    2. Your post is therefore inaccurate about rainfall while you were away.

    3. We did have some rain that gave me some expectation for Mushrooms, but it can't have been enough.

    4. Brighton, along with everybody else, had above average rainfall in July and August. Britain only retuned to summer when the schools went back in September and became dry again. May and June were dry months. Summer - lousy.

  2. I can't imagine no rain and no gales.

    1. Shorts and T shirt again this morning; 19 C with a light breeze. Lovely. Rain later I believe.

  3. After last week's high temperatures during our little holiday I am relieved to be back home to a more comfortable 10C and light drizzle.

    1. Yes, but as soon as that initial pleasure has hung around for several hours, you start wanting the hot sunshine again.

  4. When walking the dog, it's always important to make a fashion statement - what ever the weather.

    1. A couple of years ago someone asked my wife if I was 'that trendy looking person'. I don't think so!

    2. You could easily make the front cover of GQ magazine.

  5. It's been raining non stop here since about 8 last night, and is forecast to carry on until tomorrow morning. I shan't be venturing too far from home today! X

    1. Windy here now, but still no rain. I expect it'll arrive soon; probably when I have to take Billy out after lunch.

  6. Your outfit is very smart but where's the silly hat?

  7. Rain is promised here next Thursday and Friday, but we doubt it will happen. It was a pleasant 18ºC just after 8 a.m. when I took the dog for a walk. It's now 25º and strong gusty winds are forecast to begin at 14:00!

  8. Some people walk in the rain, some just get wet. You sound like the type that has a nice walk in the rain.

    1. As long as I'm correctly dressed for it, I don't mind too much.

  9. Your rain gear must work well keeping you dry in all kinds of rain. I also like Barbour; like you say the weight is not ideal. It is sunny and cool in Massachusetts.

    1. It's still 19 C here and the breeze has dropped. A very nice end to the day.

  10. Oh, dispense with all that heavy/silly gear. Get yourself an umbrella and you can dance through the rain, singing and dancing.

    Well. Maybe don't dance. You could become entangled in Billy's leash.

    1. I have a really lovely brolly in France which I use when required. Unfortunately when it rains in Brighton it's usually accompanied by strong wind. It's not unusual to see broken brollies abandoned where they died.

  11. Love the scarecrow scare cro ( geddit) in the hall xxx

  12. You need a lighter weight raincoat for when it is warm but drizzly, so you can walk Billy in comfort.
