Monday 9 October 2023

Another knife crime.

As usual yesterday morning, at just after 8 am, I went the two hundred yards to buy my Sunday Times newspaper. I buy it from a small Sainsbury's just down the road. A little further up the road towards the Station I noticed the flowers.

A 17 year old boy was murdered there a few days ago. He was stabbed by a 16 your old boy, and died almost at once. The 16 year old is now in custody, and will no doubt spend the rest of his life in prison (some hope!).

Mustafa Momand was knifed in broad daylight at 4 pm on Thursday the 5th of October. A totally senseless killing that has shocked everyone; especially in our immediate area. RIP.



  1. I'm betting he WON'T spend the rest of his life in prison. Judges these days are too lenient.

    1. Actually, I thought the same thing when I wrote it. Wishful thinking maybe!

  2. "Life" will probably be 12 - 15 years with time off as remission and good behaviour. Unlike the victim who really got a life sentence. Wishful thinking indeed.

    1. They usually serve one third of the initial sentence.

  3. Wishful thinking indeed. Excuses will probably be trotted out and he won't be made to face up to the terrible crime he has committed.

    1. He will (of course) have had a traumatic family life.

  4. I guess it could have easily been the other way round with the perpetrator being the victim and poor Mustafa alive but under arrest. It is a continuing tragedy of our times.

    1. My wife has just told me of another knife attack quite nearby. I always thought these things happened elsewhere!

  5. I think the prisons are full to overflowing. No room for any more murderers, rapists and drug runners.

    1. We should either build more prisons, or revert to other solutions !!!

  6. What has happened in our society that has caused this dreadful insidious knife crime to creep in and suddenly explode amongst mainly the young. Feelings at that age can fluctuate - that is normal - but pusing a knife into someone is quite a horrific way to deal with it and I just can't imagine anyone being able to even contemplate such a thing. Maybe it is not contemplated but just an instantaneous act done without thinking at all. And so many lives ruined - including that of the perpetrator. I don't know the answer - my dealings with teenagers have long gone - it is 40 years since I retired from teaching teenagers. I despair.

    1. It really is a tragedy. Not just here but all over the country (and elsewhere). Kids seem to go out carrying knives, ready to kill.

  7. Go in any cut price supermarket and you can buy cheap kitchen knives. I think police walking on the beat and metal detectors in shopping centres like they have at airports would help a lot.

    1. They're also in everybody's kitchen, by the dozen. The woke brigade complain about 'Stop and Search' by Police, but I think it's the only way.

  8. Hopefully the perpetrator recognizes the tragedy of his actions and changes his life.

    1. Seeing what now awaits him, I'm sure he does. It's just a pity he didn't think of that a few days ago.

  9. Be thankful you don't have private gun ownership over there. Things could be worse, as you can see when you watch the news out of America. Although there's something particularly nasty about knifing someone to's so up-close and personal, you know? Horrendous. Children killing children.

    1. It is almost like something out a horror movie. You just don't know who now has a knife in their pocket; and will use it.

  10. Senseless life ending violent crime, one 16 year old against another. Horrifying.

    1. As Jennifer said above, it's children killing children. We're living in a crazy world.
