Friday 15 September 2023

The Green Lady (no picture)


I call her 'The Green Lady' because she dresses head to foot in old faded green.

I know nothing about her other than she's very pleasant, she loves Billy, and she sounds quite 'educated'.

She is totally covered, so I have never seen what she looks like. Not one speck of flesh is showing. She wears a long plastic coat with a peaked hood. Her face is swathed in 'I'm not sure what', and her hands are always gloved.

She has what looks like a protruding stomach, which I think is probably a bag underneath her coat. She also walks with a slight limp.

If I was to guess her age I would say she was around 60, but really I have no idea. 

We meet quite often as her time-keeping is similar to mine, and as dependable. I always stop to chat for a while, and wonder if I'm the only person who does so. I can imagine that many would cross the road when they see her approaching. She does look very strange.

I am fascinated by this woman. Is she disfigured maybe? Is she simply very eccentric? Is she hiding from the world around her?

She wears what looks like an identity tag. Maybe she sells 'The Big Issue' on street corners. I wonder if she actually has her own home?

To most people she would simply look like a 'Bag Lady', but without any bags. But to me she is a person of interest. There is no question that she is educated, very pleasant, and fond of animals, so she ticks all the boxes for the type of person I tend to like.

Of course, she could be an eccentric millionaire who owns half of Brighton, but I expect she's just someone who's had something tragic happen in her life.

I'd love to know more about her, and to see her face, but I'm not going to pry. We'll continue to meet occasionally and chat, and that will be the extent of our 'friendship'. I expect that's how she likes it too.


  1. The Green Lady is fascinating and it is nice you stop and chat with her. She may really look forward to seeing you, as you said, perhaps people avoid her. I wonder how she can stand being so covered on very hot days and what her story is.

    1. I'd love to know more about her, but somehow I doubt that I ever will. I genuinely look forward to meeting her in the early mornings.

  2. Are you sure she's of this realm? She could be a ghost/fairy/angel. :) It's nice that you chat. You might be the only human contact she has all day.

    1. I have a feeling that I am. I can't imagine many other people wanting to talk to her.

  3. An intriguing character. I suppose that if she is clean and not aromatic she is unlikely to be a 'bag lady sans bags'. I wonder what her story is.

    1. Yes, I would love to know too. She doesn't 'pong'.

  4. Ask a local. You meet a few doggy ones.

    1. Yes, she must be known by someone; I expect she lives nearby.

    2. If you speak to each other why have you never said "do you live nearby"?

    3. I suppose it's because I've tried to respect her privacy. I don't want her to think I'm prying. If it somehow cropped-up in conversation, I might ask her.

  5. Nice descriptiom Cro - the lady sounds intriguing.

    1. She IS intriguing. I wish I knew more about her. I shall make discreet enquiries.

  6. There's a story or a novel here...maybe you could write one?

  7. If you hadn't had Billy, you may never have had any contact with her. Billy would soon have alerted you to someone undesirable.

    1. I always said 'hello' to her, then one day she bent down to stroke Billy, and that's how our 'friendship' began.

  8. You could paint her portrait, as you have with words.

    1. I did try to draw her as an illustration, but it didn't look like her at all.

  9. She sounds quite exotic. I bet there is a sad story and some secrets held. Eventually, she might reveal more. I suspect any reveal will have to be on her terms. You are right not to question.

    1. Yes, I'm sure she'll let me know more about herself in time. We'll see.

  10. Kudos to you for communicating with this strange woman and taking an interest in her. I hope you will learn more about her as the weeks and months pass by - if indeed she feels like opening up to you.

    1. I always enjoy our little chats. I'm sure she has an interesting past.

  11. Good for you. Conversation is the first step. I'm always curious about people too.

    1. She's certainly 'curious', but in a nice way.

  12. She does sound interesting and I'm glad you talk to her. Perhaps she is covering scarring from some horrific accident, possibly burns? That would make me cover up too. Or she may be one of those rare people allergic to sunshine and needs to stay covered or indoors during daylight hours.
