Thursday 21 September 2023

Safe and Found.

It was actually my friend Eve who found the safe; she is the owner of 'Two Balls Bob'. It was tucked behind a gravestone in the graveyard.

I just happened to be passing by as she was looking through the innards in order to find some clue as to ownership.

We found some chequebooks which gave the owners name as a nearby Dental Co, so I popped down to their offices and explained where the safe could be found; it was too heavy to carry down; especially with Billy in tow.

The lady at the Dental Co didn't seem in a rush to retrieve it, but was quite happy to know where it was. I did ask when it had gone missing, and she simply said 'last night'.

You never know what you're going to find around Brighton. Amongst other things I've found a man's holdall with it's wallet missing, a woman's handbag complete with her passport wallet and credit cards, a single credit card, and now a safe. Each one (other than the safe) has been reunited with the owner, but not necessarily with all contents. 

I have no idea if anything was taken from the safe; I have to presume it was.

I noticed this morning that the safe is still in the churchyard. I would have to presume that they couldn't give a damn about its theft.


  1. Weird or what? I wonder what the rest of the story is

    1. Very odd. Maybe an Insurance claim is involved!

  2. I suppose they realise that anything valuable will be long gone now and may decide not to bother retrieving it.

    1. It was filled with papers. One would presume if papers were important enough to be put in a safe that they would be worth retrieving. It seems not.

  3. "Two Balls Bob" sounds like a gunslinger in The Wild West. How weird that the dental surgery did not immediately step out to retrieve the safe. Apart from anything else, it is now fly-tipped litter.

    1. Two Balls Bob is a bulldog who permanently has two tennis balls in his mouth. He's one of our local 'characters'.
      Yes, I'd imagined that they would have sent someone out immediately to be shown where it was. Nope!

  4. Oh dear, I do hope someone's new false teeth in weren't in there! Perhaps they stole the safe so that they didn't have to pay the extortionate amount they cost these days.

  5. Round here it tends to be expensive farming equipment like quad bikes that vanish in the night.

  6. Strange that they didn't retrieve it.

  7. How utterly bizarre. Our local Facebook page often contains posts with people trying to return things that have been lost.

    1. Usually people are only too keen to have stolen property returned; not this lot!

  8. The effort to retrieve the safe seems more than the office wants. There has to be some advantage to leaving the safe where it sits.

    1. Now it has gone, but to where I know not. I doubt if it has gone back to the Dental Co.

  9. How very strange! It seems like the police would have been involved as soon as it was discovered missing, wouldn't you think?

    1. Only if they'd informed them. I presume they didn't. It has now disappeared.
