Friday 1 September 2023

One final mow.

We have been instructed by our selling agent that the barn must be handed-over to the new owner with the gardens maintained, and the interior clean. I'm not sure if she though that we would have done anything less, but we did feel as if she was talking-down to a pair of dim-wit four year olds.

So, I have now completed my final mowing. I also swept-out the barn part which is now beautifully clean. Everything is ship-shape, sparkling, and ready to go. If the lawns need more mowing before 'completion date' then the gardener will pop up and give it a trim. As you can see by the sorry state of the grass, it's been very hot and dry. I was kicking-up dust clouds with the mower.

It's been quite an emotional few days. Not only are we returning to our Winter quarters in a couple of day's time (with all the work that that entails), but we are also saying goodbye to a home that I personally spent a couple of years creating; and many more maintaining. It's also hard saying goodbye to the orchard I planted, with all the children's birth-day trees. I cannot imagine how I will feel when we return next year to find a complete stranger living there.

I've been wandering around the now bare interior looking at all the details of my 'hard graft'. The spot where I hit my thumb with a hammer, where I hit my head on a beam and had red stuff gushing down my neck, and where we had a big fluffy black cat hiding under the kitchen cupboards for four days. Lots of memories.

Of course our best memories are of Boo Boo and The Cherub in their Elves suits at Christmas, building huge Lego towers in the garden, and of 'Grumsy' cooking Cheesy Pasta for them at lunch times (their favourite).

I'm not quite sure how I'm going to feel next June, when we return. Only time will tell.

This afternoon I close the pool.


  1. Don't they look sweet in their little elves suits! Happy memories.
    Did the agent tell you to also leave the light bulbs znd door handles?

    1. Almost, she was very 'strict'. Yes, we loved our elves.

    2. Just be thankful your new neighbour will be a music teacher and not a real estate agent.(loatnsome creatures)..after too many bad experiences with them selling property I will only sell privately...In a situation simlar to yours the last real estate agent left the front door unlocked!

  2. Bittersweet memories, Cro. It will seem very different when you return but, on the plus side, not so much work to catch up with when you return next year..

    1. We didn't own it before 2010, so it's back to square one. We'll get over it.

  3. I sense your pain. All that love and expectation that you put into the barn - only to find that your lad, his missus and the two boys chose a different path very far away. We are so lucky to have our little granddaughter living nine minutes walk away (I timed it).

    1. We have two Grandsons in the UK, two in Oz, and two in Thailand. I would liked to have watched the two above grow up.

  4. Replies
    1. Yes, that's all that's left. I do hope the new owner is nice.

  5. Its always sad to leave somewhere where you have been happy - do hope your new neighbours when you return are a nice surprise.

    1. I have a feeling that he will be. He's a musician and Piano Teacher; that can't be bad!

  6. You have your happy memories and the satisfaction of all the work you put into making such a fabulous place to live.
    Next year you will be able to relax and just enjoy your pool and the garden. No worries about that lawn needing a good cut.

    1. That's what we keep telling ourselves, but it'll feel very strange for a while.

  7. Very sad to hand that over. Hope the new owners love it and enjoy the house and surrounds as much as yo

    1. I'm sure he will. I'm looking forward to meeting him.

  8. Saying goodbye to your barn has to be hard. All those memories and hard work building a beautiful home only to transfer it to someone new. Life has many twists and turns, so I tell myself. All said and done, a musician and piano teacher sounds like a good neighbor.

    1. I'm sure he's a nice chap. Perhaps he could teach me to play Piano!

  9. Transitions are always hard. I understand the mixed feelings. I imagine that the hardest part of all is accepting that your own happy dreams of little boys growing up there will not be realized.

    1. The boys loved it here. They used to walk down to our house every day for lunch or whatever. It was like living in a tightknit family commune.

  10. Just give the new owner every benefit of the doubt. He will be your neighbor for a long time, and may even become a joy to you.

    1. I'm sure he will. We shall certainly do our best to befriend him.

  11. Cro, I agree with Joanne... the new owner may turn out to be a great friend and neighbor.
