Tuesday 26 September 2023

Fire Brand.


A week ago, the Sunday papers had only one subject on their front pages; yes, it was him.  

This man (The self-declared 'Saviour of the Universe'; whose name I won't mention) seems to be finally getting his comeuppance, and possibly about time too.

We all know how easy it is to become 'famous' by shocking the public. One can also become famous by being outrageously foul-mouthed and radical. But once that fame has been achieved it shouldn't be 'used or abused'.

His appalling 2008 broadcast, along with sidekick Jonathan Ross, leaving obscene messages on the answerphone of actor Andrew Sachs about his granddaughter Georgina Baillie, should really have ended his career, but his junior snowflake lovie supporters somehow ensured his survival. He did resign from the BBC over the affair, but I presume others of his ilk must since have employed him. 

Now, many of the women and girls that he allegedly abused or exposed himself to in his heyday, have come forward, only this time he won't simply be allowed to 'resign', he'll more than likely end-up in court.

He, and people such as fellow self-obsessed weirdo Andrew Tate, should always expect their nastiness to catch-up with them; and it looks as if for both of them, it has.

I have written previously about this person, and regular readers might remember my feelings about him. I am not at all surprised about the current accusations.

I don't wish to be over judgemental prior to judicial findings, because I am well aware that some gullible young women do idolise 'celebs', and will often throw themselves at them, and regret later. We shall have to wait and see what happens, but if he is found guilty I hope they throw the book at him!

And, yes; this Sunday's Times newspaper continued its coverage of him and a few of his fellow nasties. They are describing them as 'A Leaderless Cult', which is exactly what they are. It's time it was dismantled.

This particular member of the cult has made a career out of being very nasty, sexually provocative, and politically naïve; if he does get his comeuppance, I shall shed no tears.


  1. Yes, he was awful in the past, but he has turned his life around. He is clean of drugs and is happily married with a family. The man hasn't even been charged with anything yet, but the government minster for Culture, media and sport committee has attempted to stop him from earning money from his platform. Doesn't that scare you, that an official body might have the power to destroy your income before you've even been charged with the crime?

    1. This is why I said we need to wait until he's either taken to court or not. We can't pre-judge, but we also can't ignore all the nastiness. I've just had to delete a comment from a supporter, she can always be counted on to support those who commit crimes, behave outrageously, or in this case sexually assault women and girls. After everything that women have fought for over the past few decades, there are always a few who condone this type of behaviour.

    2. A pity, as U's comment did have valid points.

    3. But Cro, you have just said he has sexually assaulted women and girls. It is not proven. U's comment did have valid points. He might have been a tearaway when he was younger, and intoxicated by fame. I don't like him much, he talks too fast, but a lot of sense comes out of his mouth nowadays.

    4. A lot of nonsense comes out of his mouth now. He is now shill for the alt right and has been raking in millions from those who have swallowed that rubbish.

      I guess that is why you think he has been set up.

    5. You really have to read all the stories of what he got up to at the BBC. Everyone seems to have known what he was doing, but as in so many cases, they did nothing.

    6. Sorry posted in the wrong place. Save your breath Cro, she is a David Icke follower!

    7. Traveller has an unhealthy obsession with me. Because they (he/she), are banned from my blog they go to great lengths to pull me down in other places. This person is unhinged.

    8. I am not going to get into name calling - as to 'pulling you down' you said 'a lot of sense comes out of his mouth nowadays' - it doesn't! He spouts right wing garbage that people fall for and makes him lots of money.

  2. I disliked him for the first time I heard his voice, and have always turned off if he's in anything.

    1. I cannot understand how people like him get such a following; especially from women.

  3. I have never quite understood his appeal to women. He always struck me as a little odd, but then most people probably think that about me.

    1. He is the antithesis of everything that women have been fighting for (and still are) for decades.

  4. Tigger's Mum is with Poppypatchwork on this one - word for word. I can be fairly liberal about lots of things but not that repulsive piece of muck.

    1. The more I read about his antics, the more I hope he gets his comeuppance.

  5. He is almost as repulsive as Boris Johnson and I have little sympathy for him. However, for the last seven years Brand has been living a very different life. He is married with two little daughters - Mabel and Peggy and a third child on the way. It seems he has changed his ways but the past can come back to bite any of us.

    1. Past opinions can be forgiven, but not past crimes. If he is eventually found guilty of having committed crimes, then perhaps some of his supporters will change their minds.

    2. "Past opinions can be forgiven, but not past crimes"...spot on, Cro. If he's found guilty he should pay. Lots of criminals have nice families, little children, etc.

      All those people in the "leaderless cult" are disgusting.

  6. I found him abrasive, but intelligent. With his latest spin into right wing ideology and conspiracy theories, I see him as a media whore, doing and saying whatever he needs to appeal to the people he wants to appeal to.

    As far as the rest of it, what disturbs me most is his interactions with the minor. He knew what he was doing. The 'grooming' behavior was appalling.

    1. There is so much more to this story. Reading this week's, and last week's Sunday Times, the revelations are horrific.

    2. I'm not following the story. I pretty much stopped it at the 16 year old's account. He preyed up on a child. In my eyes, there can be nothing worse than that. If he can do that, he is diabolical. He is capable of anything. That tells me all I need to know about him.

      So many times, when a story like this is told, there is a media frenzy. I tend to ignore the frenzy part, so as I said, I'm no longer following the story. It's going to play out in a court of law, and it should.

    3. But here IS something I don't understand. 4 women have come forward. Now they have opened an investigation and are looking for more victims. I'm curious why tax payer money is spent searching out more victims. These women know how to get hold of the police. Just put it out into the world that they want any other victims to come forward and give them contact information. Investigate thoroughly what they have right now. Don't run off looking for more things to investigate. Those accusations alone are enough to put him away for a good long while.

      I'm not trying to be argumentative, and I hope that I do not.

  7. What happened to Ursula's comment?

    1. I deleted it because she was defending him on misinformation. She really needs to read the full facts.

  8. Repulsive as he has been in the past, he does at least admit that his behaviour was not acceptable. I would add that many women, including very young ones (who saw themselves as mature) were keen to be in his company - playing in a world they didn't understand maybe. I feel that part of womens' rights is accepting responsibility for one's own past behaviour, which many, many women do seem to have done where it concerned Mr Brand.

    1. All that may be so, but in the eyes of the law, it looks as if he'll have to face charges.

  9. Is it a coincidence that after he criticised the MSM suddenly accusations as have come up came up? Has he been stitched up? I have never liked him but he is innocent until proven guilty. He was at one time a friend of Blair but Blair likes to go into denial about this.

    1. As with Saville, the BBC was aware of what he was doing; some of which was appalling.

  10. But Rachel, these accusations have not suddenly come up. If you had been following a little more closely you would know that the Times and Sunday Times have been working on this for many years. They had to given the libel laws in England and Wales.

    As for him being 'stitched up' try watching the Channel 4 programme. Can you imagine the amount of legal vetting that programme went through before it went to air.

    1. Yes, Traveller, various media have been "working on this for many years". Why?

      I could refer you back to my first comment - alas deleted by the man who claims how far women have come. HA! Shutting me up, not letting my voice stand is a type of violation too. Whatever.

      Brand took on main media. Exposed some of their practices; and we are not talking Murdoch here; just common garden gnome journalism practices. To exemplify: Why do people identify as Times Readers, Telegraph Readers, Daily Mail, whatever readers? It signifies a mindset. There they are in their self constructed pigeon holes regurgitating, unthinkingly, what's served up with breakfast.

      As the daughter of an investigative journalist (so I know a little about the shenanigans going on - not least who writes the daily Horror Scope) I read across the board - in several languages. I don't subscribe to one mindset. I like to look at life as a cube. Several sides. Be impartial. Take time.

      Brand riles people. Makes them think. Or not. Now, September 2023, those very same media take their revenge and seek out - actively - women who, at the time, were probably gagging for Brand's attention (Judas came cheaper); the media wishing to dish up the dirt. Well, Brand has encountered a lot of shit in his life so I do hope he'll weather this shitstorm too.

      Whether you agree with what he puts out on his podcasts or not doesn't matter. You have to admire a man who has passion - by which I mean his thoughts and words.


    2. The fact that Ursula 'admires' this person tells you more about him, and her, than anyone else could do. Why am I not amazed?

    3. Why were they working on it for years? let me think about that...perhaps they thought there was a story there and wanted to tie it down before going to print given the libel laws.

      I too read across the board - I even read a blogger who has sunk so far down the rabbit hole, just to see what ridiculous things people believe.

      'Admiring people just because they have passion...nope. Pol Pot certainly had passion - I cant say I admire him.

    4. Hitler was a passionate fellow as well.

    5. Funny Debby that was my first thought but decided to go with someone 'less controversial'

    6. tRUMP was my first thought, but I decided to go with someone 'less controversial'.

    7. Debby, I would hate to ask if she admires Hitler.

    8. But Cro...his passion! By that, I mean his thoughts and words....

    9. Did ANYONE view the DISPATCHES documentary?
      Regardless of conspiracy theory…the man is a pure misogynist and an Odious human being who disguises himself under flowery language and pseudo psycho babble ( who else does that remind you of ?)
      He certainly provokes people
      Listening to his stand up where he joked around about violent oral sex sickened me
      Ursula you are an idiot

  11. I've seen many people questioning why the alleged victims didn't come forward sooner. There are myriad reasons why women don't report at the time, or ever report . Sometimes they do report and are treated so badly that they decide not to proceed. I wonder how many of Savile's victims fit into one of these categories?

    1. Much was reported to the BBC bosses, who did nothing; or very little.

  12. I am obviously the only person on the planet who had no idea who Russel Brand was/is.

  13. I always found him repulsive. I thought it was a generational thing.

    Crude, rude and looked like he needed a good scrub.

    I understand the rationale abut some young women wanting the "star" but I would have been more worried about catching a disease from him.

    Old crimes should be prosecuted but how far back should you be able to go.

    He was a man slut

    1. He used to brag about giving people syphilis.

  14. Apparently he is now asking his "fans" to each send him 48 pounds to help pay his legal bills!!

  15. He's in the news here too but I haven't paid attention to the stories. I was never a fan.

  16. I think Ursula is right in some things...he has given some of the media some home truths...and they will get revenge for that.
    But, and it is a big but, he comes over as a thoroughly unpleasant person, and it looks like the news will be full of all sorts of details..
    Right from the the first time I saw him on TV, I had the same uneasy feeling about him as of others now notorious.
    I pity his family.

  17. I saw a fair comment from Deejohn here one morning but it disappeared maybe into Spam. I think what we were all saying is that it is for the courts to decide on Brand, guilty or not guilty of the charges.

  18. I certainly didn't see anyone say 'lock him up with out a trial'. I did, however see people saying they admired him, people questioning whether he had been set up because this has suddenly come out of the wood work, people thinking a lot of sense comes out of his mouth these days - as John said didn't anyone watch the dispatches documentary.

  19. There are always people (and we know who they are) who will defend the indefensible. I just read that the Polish have had an elderly Nazi concentration camp officer sent from Ireland back to Poland to face charges. No doubt certain people think this was wrong too. Not me!
