Wednesday 16 August 2023

What is Summer without Melons!

The markets are full of Melons at the moment. I'm not talking Water Melons, but the more commonly grown Cantaloupe Melon; beloved of all Frenchmen/women.

Choosing the perfect Melon is not unlike choosing the perfect Avocado; you place yourself in the uncertain lap of the gods. So here is a guide that looks as simple to follow as any I've yet seen.

The little stem (if there is one) should be dried and browning, go for a fruit with an orangey mark up by the stem, female Melons can be sweeter than the males and are usually rounder, and lastly it's back to that orangey mark again which should indicate sweetness.

I don't eat too many Cantaloupes, I find their flavour a tad overpowering. Personally I prefer a seedless Water Melon which should be simply cool and refreshing. And much easier to assess ripeness.

I have also heard that slices of Water Melons can be FRIED, making an almost Steak-like dish; or Tuna-like dish. I really must try that.



  1. I love canteloupes which we call rockmelon and have at least two each summer. We can buy them whole or cut in half and wrapped. I often buy just a half at a time and eat it as snacks or mix chunks into a green salad. Ditto watermelon.

    1. I think it's almost best in a salad. For me it takes away much of the overpowering flavour.

  2. On the market one just asks 'Good for tonight?' or when ever.
    As to fried water melon, that must defeat the whole object of the melon. They probably push it with some froth on the plate and tweezer placed micro leaf!

    1. As with Avocados, you ask for one 'ready to eat', and they assure you that it is; only to find that it's as hard as rock, or rotten.

  3. I normally prefer what we call Galia here, a perfectly round small melon with a yellow outer skin. I bought one some time ago and haven't yet got around to eating it.
    Ripe Avocados are another fruit difficult to gauge. Lately most of the ones I've bought have been rock hard and have gone rotten before they've ripened! The dry weather is probably to blame - they used to be perfect almost every time.

    1. I always buy the ones that state to be 'perfectly ripe', but they very rarely are!!!

  4. This year besides the huge 10 kilo watermelons we have smaller round ones about 3 or 4 kilos and niw mini watermelons and they really are mini. We have bought the middle sized ones, the perfect size for 2 people and they have surprisingly, to me, been full of flavour.
    Otherwise a nice round yellow melon is very refeshing and so far they have been full of flavour too.

    1. I haven't had a yellow one for ages. I still think I prefer the Water Melons.

  5. Our daughter-in-law almost always adds Watermelon to her BBQs.
    She cuts triangles about 3/4 inch thick, leaving the rind on, and grills them above a high heat for about 3-4 minutes. They're delicious, especially with the honey dressing she makes! X

    1. I shall try it. I've seen several recipes online; but the simpler the better.

  6. I've been enjoying honeydew melons this summer! They're my favorite.

    1. They're not so common here; everyone eats the Cantaloupes.

  7. I love all melons. Wish we could grow them here.

  8. Those with more "netting" are sweeter too

    1. That's what I meant by the 'orangey mark'; I just didn't have the right word.

  9. My dad put a small amount of salt on his cantalope before eating.

    1. I shall try that, in a salad the dressing goes well.

  10. Honeydew melon, cantalope and pineapple chunks are a staple at my home. I buy the whole fruit weekly and cut everything into chunks. It makes a nice snack or added to salads is good too.

    1. I think added to salads is what I prefer. I often put sweet things in my salads; strawberries, and melon are the favourites.

  11. Nothing more refreshing that a nice chilled bowl of melon. Fried? I'm trying to wrap my head around the idea.

    1. When I first heard about fried melon the person was really excited about it. I later looked online and saw that it is a well known thing to do. I really must try it.
