Friday 11 August 2023

ULEZ with Frog's Legs. Be Warned!

Just a couple of days ago I heard that a French equivalent of ULEZ exists (ZFE-m), and that we are all (including all foreign cars) now required to show a small certificate in the car front window saying how much pollution we are causing (if any). Failure to show such a certificate (in certain towns/cities) will result in a hefty fine of £154. Rouen is one such town, through which we always travel, so best be prepared. The system will soon be France-wide, so no escaping it in the near future.

The little purple sticker (see below) will be read by machines (AI ?) and will show no mercy.

Filling-in the online application form was no big deal, and a paltry sum of €3.72 (about £3.50) was demanded.

I already knew that Debi (The Compact Royce Mk 2) was non-polluting, as I'd checked back in the UK for ULEZ, and as a result I shall be able to drive anywhere in France without being 'fined' a bloody fortune. 

So, if you're thinking of driving down to The Med', be prepared. Ignorance is no excuse; even if we like to think it is. I haven't yet received my actual sticker, but they did send me the above by Email which I can print-off, and which will be accepted in case of need.


  1. In a way that is a better that you realise how polluting your individual vehicle is.
    Perhaps it should be linked to the MoT test....that might show the reality not the theory!

    1. On my recent MOT test it did state what all the emissions were, but without any explanations.

  2. I just checked mine. It was OK and did not require me to pay the Congestion charge (if daft enough to drive in or through London).. But the web site was a bit ambiguous as it showed the charge that I would not have to pay.

    1. At least we won't have to pay these silly charges. I don't know what paying money to London's mayor has to do with saving the planet.

  3. So , if you have a non compliant car, would you be fined every time you pass a camera/go through a different town ,or would it be a daily charge? ( not that we are planning any trips to France)

    1. You'd be fined for not displaying the sticker, and charged for driving through the cities/towns if your car is non-compliant.

  4. I wonder if thats the same as the emission sticker we have to get once a year. It's a little round sticker like that which changes colour according to the yyear and it goes on the back by the number plate.

    1. Sounds like the same thing. On my last car I had a little green sticker which (apparently) allowed me to drive anywhere, but nothing was explained about it.

  5. On another Blog, I see that speed limits have been lowered and now allowed to be raised again, but some Departements have not done this. How French!

    1. You have to be so careful these days. Drive slowly and read every signpost. It's very easy to miss a new speed limit sign and receive a nasty fine. I was fined last winter for driving in a Bus Lane, but I had to because I was turning left, and the road turned off from the Bus Lane. What else was I supposed to do???

  6. I think our old jalopy would fail miserably.

    1. Do you have a ULEZ system on the IOM?

    2. Not yet, but if it is a good money spinner then I'm sure it won't be long.

  7. Most petrol cars are fine for ULEZ, and presumably France. My brother-in-law's in a 2008 model and he lives inside the zone, but so long as it passes the MoT tests there is no charge. However, the French sticker has not been well publicised.

    1. No, I only learned about the new sticker two days ago. I'm doing my bit to let people know about it.

  8. "The System" created the vehicles that we drive - polluting or not polluting and yet car owners are treated as culprits - not "The System" itself - including car manufacturers.

    1. The manufacturers go out of their way to create faster, more gas-guzzling, and (I imagine) polluting vehicles, where they should be making simpler, cleaner, and more efficient cars. Who really needs to do 180 mph?

  9. I haven't seen anything similar advertised here, but no doubt it will come. These days I'm not likely to drive through any major city, but it could be problematic if restrictions filter down to local level.

    1. 'Big Brother' is everywhere, and in all aspects of life. There is very little real freedom left.

  10. I am thinking about renting a car in the south next spring, I immagine all of this is handled by the rental company.

  11. Soon France will require zero emission cars. I wonder how much revenue will be collected in fines?

    1. They're only doing it for the fines, the same as in the UK and elsewhere. Where they'll spend all their extra money is anyone's guess!

  12. Bizarre. I can't imagine being fined for driving an old vehicle. Who will represent cows when legislators start up a fart fine?

    1. What Cows? Around here agriculture is dead. You hardly ever see a farm animal, and crops are very sparse. Well done the EU.

  13. I would like to see less government micromanaging and reaching into our private lives. In 10 or 20 years we may look back at freedoms we have given away. The fines are tougher on the poor, the rich can pay and go about as always.
