Tuesday 1 August 2023

Thirty-nine dogs jump into a pool

If you run a day-care centre for Labradors (and some others), and you have a pool for their use, this is what happens.

With our own Lab' Monty (see sidebar), if we took him to a lake or river, he would desperately try to claw his way out of the car to get into the water. Then getting him out again and back into the car could take hours.

I can't remember but Monty must have been banned from around our pool, otherwise it would have been instantly shredded had he found a way in. He lived for just two things; eating and swimming. A bit like me!


  1. I noticed the two black and white dogs didn't go in at all. Labs do love the water.

    1. It's lovely to see them enjoying themselves so much. Our Monty just loved to swim.

  2. My dog occasionally paddles in the local river at the ford if he wants a drink, but generally will walk round puddles!

    1. Billy doesn't swim, but he does go into the sea up to his elbows.

  3. There are some very happy dogs in the video. All barking with joy. Nice

  4. Lovely to see the dogs enjoying the water.
    We have had five Labs over a number of years and not one of them ever went in the pool. Our first Lab. Sultan, fell in on the day we arrived here permanently, panicked, and we had to haul him out, getting thoroughly soaked in the process. It was late November and the water was probably about 10ยบ! Afterwards, when he went into the garden, he always gave it a very wide berth! None of the others ever shown any interest in having a swim.

    1. That's very odd. Most Lab's live to eat and swim (and carry huge ankle bashing branches around).

  5. Do you also cock your leg up at lamp posts and sniff crotches?

    1. Yes, but only on days with a 'y' in its spelling.

  6. Pure enjoyment - loved the way some jumped in with gay abandon- others hesitated and a few (white and black one particularly) just desperate but daren't take the plunge!

    1. Some of them show sheer enjoyment; just like our Monty did!

  7. I met a woman who had two pools, one for her and one for her dog.

    1. We do with ours, but his is just a plastic paddling pool.

  8. Strangely you never wrote of any problem with him and your pool or keeping him out. Is your memory going? As Coppa notes with all her dogs she remembers. Surely you must know if you took action with your beloved dog or not.

    1. It was a long time ago, I think he must have been banned from poolside otherwise he would have dived in instantly.

  9. My neighbors have labs. One neighbor has a pool and they swim with the labs. They had to install a second filtering system to keep the pool clean(er).

    1. Our pool has a liner which could become torn with dog claws. You'd need either a fibreglass or tiled pool to accommodate Labs; and, as you say, a hefty cleaning system.
